Sigrun 1,064 Posted September 24, 2010 The heartless finally dissapeared from the duo's joint attack Quenyin looked around, He and Leslie were on an elevated platform on the hospital which had completly colapsed. The ice Joe had created over the lava has disapeared, and even more apeared, not to mention the tornado's started back up. "Where's Joe when you need him?" Quentin asked.Leslie nodded Quentin focused with the keyblade in hand and pointed it towards the rushing lava. A large heap of ice apeared, but then quickly melted away from the fiery lava. It was rising at an alarming rate. "Oh boy, another situation where we're all gonna die, just great." Quentin said. 'HOLY SHIT' leslie thought "... Well I'm not dying here." Quentin said standing up. "C'mon Leslie." Quentin and Leslie walked over to the rubble and started climbing it to avoid the rising lava, they finally climbed into one of the rooms that was still together through the window. It was an old patient's room that was in good shape that even didn't have a colapsed door, but it was locked."Leslie... I have an idea, could you point you're keyblade at the door, I think it might actually work as a key?" Quentin asked." "sure." leslie said. she pointed her strange weapon at the door, then a light came from it, then the lock made a locking sound. "ok, quentin what IS thing and what were those Creatures and are you the boy with the key my uncle mentioned? i want a full explination" leslie made a serious expression on her face. quentin stared at her left shoulder were it was ripped. 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted September 24, 2010 "Alright since we have time on our hands, I'll tell you my story, then you tell me your's." Quentin said sitting on one of the patient beds, while Leslie did the same. Quentin turned on the radio, but put it on low. "it first started out when... Then I found this pilot and I escaped Nebraska and made my way to Ireland to track Joe down before it was too late. then these monsters appeared and this, 'the keyblade' appeared, then I found Joe, he also has a keyblade and he stabilized things for a while, I had this weird dream about getting help from well... you. And that if we don't find all the key-bearers within four weeks we're screwed. Then you came and crashed into the lake with you're helicopter, Joe swam out to help you while I was being attacked by some nut in a coat, Xaldin I think his name was, some friend huh. Then he said that this thing is a keyblade, those monsters are heartless, and that you are the third weilder.Then he almost killed me but let me go, then I helped Joe get you someplace safe. Then that monster attacked and well you know what happens next. Quentin took a deap breath "as for what you're uncle told you... I don't know, the keyblade just chose me and I needed to find you guys, I'm not even sure myself what we're doing, and I'm freaked out of my mind. Sorry if I seem rather... weak, you probably expected better." Quentin paused for a moment. (If leslie says anything possibly now would be an empty spot, for a conversation.) Now I'm stuck in this dilemma, telling you my life story." Quentin finished. Quentin then stood up and looked out the intact window. "Well lava hasn't risen too much, Its gonna take a while for it to catch up." Quentin then turned to face Leslie "Now how 'bout you, Leslie. Where'd you get that tatoo, Scar, any friends, family... you're uncle?" Suddenly the radio spoke up. "I repeat wild fires, eruptions, and earthquakes in the California, Oregan, And Washington states, help us, help uuuuuuuuuuuuuus!" the voice said while slowly dying Quentin then noticed Leslie with frustration in her eyes. "You all right?" Quentin asked sincerely. 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted September 24, 2010 the duo heard the radio loud and clear. "I repeat wild fires, eruptions, and earthquakes in the California, Oregan, And Washington states, help us, help uuuuuuuuuuuuuus!" the voice said while slowly dying Quentin then noticed Leslie with frustration in her eyes. "You all right?" Quentin asked sincerely. leslie nodded "well i was with my uncle in california up in the mountains because he...well this is gonna sound stupid but..." quentin folded his arms with a look on his face that said "try me." leslie siged "my uncle belived that the world was gonna end with a zombie apacolypse, so we went to a 'doomsday supply store' then those heartless appeared and i only managed to escape and got into the helicopter." leslie felt her face get all hot, she felt a huge lump on her throat. seeing a loved one die before her very eyes was unbearable. 'who ever is responsible for all of gonna pay. i swear it' she thought. leslie noticed that she was staring into space. "uh-oh, sorry i blanked out on you" quentin nodded. leslie composed herself trying to swallow the lump in her throat, it was impossible. "as for the tattoo, i had it ever since i can remember." once again the radio piped up again with people screaming in fear then there was a horrible, horrible screech. then there was silence the duo had their eyes wide open, bewilderd. "we need to get the hell-..." then a man in a black coat appeared he came out of black hole. "hear that? that's the last aching breath of this pathetic world" the hooded figure said in a emotionless tone. "but... it would help to know how useful you new keyblade weilders would be to us." then the hooded man took out a giant claymore,it was blue and white. it was that man from before she saw when she was in the darkness. 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted September 24, 2010 "Great this is not my day" rupert said to him self, he was enjoying things with his friends suddenly he felt very tired and quickly fell asleep next thing he knew he was on a tall pillar which had a picture of him on "what how did this happen and what is this place" he said to him self "this place is called a station where every one who has 'the KEY' comes" said a man in a black cloak "what do u mean by 'the key'" "ignorant child, you will find out soon enough but i have a lot to tell you" he said coldly. rupert replied "look don't get technical, ok, just tell me whats going on" after 2 hours of the man talking he finally stops "do you understand what i said" "yep every word" "good now go" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted September 24, 2010 "friend of yours?" Quentin asked summoning his keyblade, Leslie did the same. "I am Lexaus, of organization XIII, are you ready to meet you're fate?" He rushed towards Quentin with the claymore. At first during the fight Quentn and Leslie were even against this man, but he suddenlt got a burst of strength, and started making his attacks more and more percise, he foccused all his attacks at Quentin who could barely keep up, magic didn't seem to effect him either. At one point he threw his claymore towards Quentin who ducked, but it created a door sized hole in the wall that led outside, where the lava was steadily rising. He was just about to use an ending attack on Quentin who could not prepare, when he was about to use it Leslie attacked on his side and so instead of blocking lexeaus actually turned his attack into a side sweep towards Leslie, the impact was rather large, and it literally pushed her into a pile of rubble, Quentin could see a bit of blood. "Leslie!" Quentin yelled. Then the man focused on Quentin, making him back up and back up until he was at the door sized hole, lexeaus then finally got a hit on Quentin who was just about to fall out until he caught onto the ledge of the hole, he looked down, Lava was literally a couple inches away from his feet. Lexeaus then slowly walked towards the hole and focused the claymore over head for the ending blow, where Quentin would either die right there, or die when he fell into the lava. "Looks like this is the end, keybearer, I'll be sure to collect you're nobody for the organization!" He yelled about to slice down. Then suddenly a blade sliced into his chest, mass quantities of blood was spewing out, then someone gave a large push, and lexeaus, fell out through the hole into the lava, Quentin looked down and saw how his flesh burned away, and it turned to darkness. Quentin looked up and saw who his savior was, Leslie. "Thank you." was all he could say, she oferred him a hand and pulled him up. "Jesus that was insane, I thought for a moment there that... you was dead. I didn't think anyone could survive a blow lke that." Quentin then noticed that her keyblade absorbed most of the attack, and she got scarred on her side, from the claymore, and falling into the rubble. "I hope thats the last we see at him." Quentin said, walking towards where he dropped his keyblade and unsummoned it. Leslie nodded. They then walked into the doorway Leslie unlocked and kept moving, Quentin decided to continue they're conversation. "Your Uncle, he died didn't he?" Quentin asked. 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted September 24, 2010 one minute joe was in the hospital with quentin and leslie then the next second there was a bright flashh and he didnt know were he was he was sorronded by them strange creature again and he could not summon his keyblade owe man when you want something weird why doesnt it happen then joe heard that weird voice again so he said okay i've had enough show yourself our i'll let these things get me the voice replied know need to go mad joe or should i say Zack which do you go by now joe raised his head in shock who told you my true name the voice spoke your not really from this world are you boy you were sent here to protect it and so far your not doing so good a figure appeared behind joe joe spun around to face the figure then all of a sudden he could summon his keyblade tell me who are you joe asked the man replied my name is Axel okay Axel what do you want with me axel replied to help you help me with what finding your true power the organizaton wants you gone but i made a promise to a friend i would help steer you in the right path okay then whats my path owe i dont want to spoil you with that just yet axel snaped his figures then there was a bright flash then joe found himself back right beside quentin and yanlely then said was i gone long Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted September 25, 2010 "great what did that man in the black cloak mean by 'the KEY' well all i have is this strange symbol on a chain" than a quake hit "whoa not again how many more are there better try to get home" Rupert got home but something was different there was an odd piece of paper on the floor and a note but the note was torn, on the map there were some blinking dots " i wonder what they mean" rupert said confused but decided to get some food from the cupboard than look at the map Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted September 25, 2010 "Leslie!" Quentin yelled. leslie felt a power swell up inside her heart even though she was wounded near death. the power stared to grow faster and faster. 'i am not gonna die. not today' leslie thought. leslie pushed the rubble aside then attacked lexaeus with a mighty blow. she could hear the keyblade ripping through his flesh, then blood spewed out on most of the floor then evaporated into a dark-gas like substance. then quentin was on the floor she walk over to him. "thank you" he said exasperated leslie offered quentin her hand. "Jesus that was insane, I thought for a moment there I was dead. I didn't think anyone could survive a blow lke that." Quentin said then he noticed that leslie's keyblade absorbed most of the attack, and she got scarred on her side, from the claymore and falling into the rubble. "I hope thats the last we see at him." Quentin said, walking towards where he dropped his keyblade and unsummoned it. Leslie nodded. They then walked into the doorway Leslie unlocked and the kept duo moving, Quentin spoke in a low sincere voice "Your Uncle, he died didn't he?" Quentin asked. leslie bit her lip and looked away at the wall she pursed her lips with her nostrills flared, and an angry scowl. she she looked at the wall in such a way that she wished that she could burn it down with her mind. after a long moment of silence after they walked down the pitch black hallway, she said "yeah...he did...die" she said. her tone of voice was plain and empty. like she died inside. leslie looked back at quentin. " who ever did this...took a piece of my heart away then they burn it until there was nothing left." her tone was still dead, lifeless. she could feel quentin looking at leslie like he's gonna say something. then... 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted September 25, 2010 "I'm... I'm sorry ... Leslie." Leslie was silent, stricken with grief. Quentin then noticed how dark Leslie's eyes became, so lifeless. Quentin truly felt sorry for her, and wanted to help in any way possible. Before he could continue he looked towards the end of the hall way, and saw a large shiny key sticking out of rubble. they hurried over and started digging and found Joe... luckily undamaged, but still passed out. "Jeez Joe, you can live through anything, I guess that might be why it chose you." "Judgeing from a bump on his head, he'll wake up in maybe six hours. Until then we need to get him someplace safe. " Quentin said while picking Joe up and carrying him on his back. They walked towards the door and found it was also uncolapsed. The Duo continued through the partly intact hospital, Quentin was in the front, and Leslie in the back, being rather quiet, and somewhat depressed. "It hurts to see her like this, I wonder if there is anything I could do?" Quentin asked himself. "You wanna talk about it?" Quentin asked. Leslie slowly nodded. 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted September 25, 2010 Hinote walked outside. Suddenly, a huge pillar came out of the ground and there were a bunch of earthquakes. (Woah! I've never seen any earthquakes this strong before!) thought Hinote. Hinote ran really fast to the TV and heard the TV Announcer say this. "In the United States, Ireland, and Spain are being destroyed. Please evacuate immediately!" excalimed the TV Announcer. Hinote suddenly fell due to a fissure that suddenly came out of the ground. (Woah! Is this... the end?) thought Hinote. Suddenly, Hinote summoned something that looked like a blade, yet a key at the same time. (Wh- what is this thing) thought Hinote. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted September 25, 2010 joe looked around again and saw quentin was carring him a quentin how about letting me down joe said man that was tiring joe looks at quentin and leslie for a minute then says dam what happened to you two and how long was i out for Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted September 25, 2010 On the map rupert saw that some area's of the world had disappeared when another earthquake hit "not again how many more" he looked at the map and saw that there were some glowing dots and noticed that three were in Ireland but was not able to see the others as he was hit by something in the back, he got up suddenly and saw some small dark creatures with yellow eyes looking at him "wha what are you" than he felt a heavy weight in his right hand it was a strange shape sword which looked like a key than he heard a voice whispering "keyblade" it said it many times, the monsters leapt at him but the strange sword made rupert block the creature which turned in to black dust. "i need to get out of here and it looks like i had better get to the three dots in Ireland there might be more survivors" rupert said quietly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted September 26, 2010 "you were out for a while" leslie said. quentin nodded in agreement. joe rubbed his temple, and his face, it was dirty and sweaty. he was bleeding a little bit but not enough to cause a worry and some of his clothes were ripped. leslie held her hand to joe as soon as he got up a small hemp of his shirt fell. "whoa what the hell happened to you?" leslie said surpised. joe just smiled. a smell was burning her nose it was volcanic gas. "we need to get out of here before the lava gets any higher." the two boys nodded they could smell it too, it was getting stronger. leslie's head was starting to hurt. so they walked down the dark hallway then a flikering light was off ahead in the pitch black. the three ran towards it the light gotten bigger and bigger as they ran towards it. it gotten so bright that the couldn't see. then the trio could see the big blue sky. they were clearly somewhere safe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted September 26, 2010 Leslie was just about to answer when suddenly Joe woke up, He asked "Do you mind putting me down?" Quentin obliged and crouched down far Joe to get off his back. "Damn what happenned to you two?" Joe asked. "Not much. I'll tell you later." Quentin answerred. "How long was I out?" Joe asked. "You were out for a while." Leslie answerred back. Quentin nodded in agreement. Leslie gave Joe her hand so she could pull him up. "Whoa what the hell happenned to you?" Leslie asked, Joe just smiled. "You know I think we can talk about this later guys." Quentin said, smelling volcanic ash. Leslie nodded, "We need to get out of here before the lava gets any higher." Quentin and Joe nodded in agreement. "Oh shit." Quentin said noticing the entrance, lava was starting to pass through the hallway. The trio were running through the ruined hallway, lava about three yards away from them. They could see a bright light ahead of them at the end of the hall way, and they ran towards it, anyplace was better than this. They finally reached the end of the hallway and saw how bright the sky was, with the sun up high. Quentin checked his cellphone, It was three in the morning. they could tell they were'nt in Ireland no more. Quentin looked at the ground, it was sandy and he could see the ocean. not to mention the ground wasn't shaking. "What is this place?" Quentin asked out loud. He turned around and noticed that the hallway with the lava had dissapeared. Quentin checked the GPS app on his cellphone, they didn't appear on it. "... is this, another world?" Quentin didnt notice either Joe, nor Leslie at the moment, Quentin decided not to deal with what was going on right now, he sat down on the beach and rested his eyes. He could hear voices in the distance. "Probably just Joe and Leslie." Quentin yawned, then fell asleep. 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted September 26, 2010 "... is this, another world?" Quentin said outloud didnt notice either Joe, nor Leslie at the moment, Quentin decided not to deal with what was going on right now, he sat down on the beach and rested his eyes. "well gee arent you calm?" leslie said "Probably just Joe and Leslie." Quentin yawned, then fell asleep. 'oh great we somehow teleported to an island and quentin is taking a nap' leslie thought. joe was looking at the horizon where the ocean met the sky. leslie looked around. 'Hmmm it looks like people might live here' leslie observed. there were standing in between a bridge that led to a tree with some sort of star shaped fruit and a pier with boats floating next to it. "hey joe im gonna go explore ok?" joe nodded. so leslie went under the bridge then a few feet away led a wooden door. yanley went throught the door then it looked like she made it to the other side of the island. it looked like more of a playground now. "hi there." leslie jumped back she guessed that she was lost in thought again... "oh im sorry i didnt meant to startle you." yanley looked at the person it was a little girl. she had long red hair, big blue eyes and wearing a pink dress with zippers with pink shoes. she looked about 5. "uhm it ok i was in my own little world for a while." leslie said awkwardly. the girl smiled. " anyways,Im leslie by the way. who are you?" "im kairi hey... did you come from another world?" kairi asked. "since you put it that way...yup. pretty much" leslie folded her hands behind her back. "wait..arent ther more of you?" she said "yeah follow me" so leslie and kairi made it back where joe and quentin were. quentin was still sleeping. leslie made a gesture to kairi to be quiet. she nodded. leslie was standing over quentin, then he woke up started. "hey wake up you Lazy bum." leslie said. kairi and lauged. "what is it kairi?" leslie asked. "oh nothing." kairi said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted September 26, 2010 "Hey mister!" Quentin heard suddenly, it was a little boy with brown hair. "who are you?" the kid asked. "... Quentin" Quentin answerred, still on the ground. "I'm Sora, are you from another world?" The kid asked. "What is this, twenty questions, I guess yeah." "Whats it called?" The child asked. "Corn land" Quentin joked. (since corn is important in Nebraska) "That reminds me of my friend Kairi, me and Riku thnk she's from a difrent place, but she doesn't remember." "Is that so, maybe you should do something to jog her memory, do something for her or whatever." "Like what?" The little boy asked. Quentin sat up at the beach. "Something to show you care for her, you do care for her, right?" Quentin asked turned around. There was a brief pause then the boy answerred. "Yeah, I think so." "Well then good, ask you're heart what you should do, to show how you care for her." "Did you ever do that?" Sora asked. "I haven't yet, maybe I should start." Quentin answerred, thinking of someone. "I'll try Quentin, Thanks." Sora answerred. "Good and I'll just get back to sleep then." Quentin said as he closed shut his eyes and dozed off again, 'Hmm, since when was I ever that deep?' Quentin asked himself. Quentin was sleeping, minding his own buisness when out of nowhere he heard a "Wake up you LAZY BUM." Quentin looked up, Leslie was standing there over him, it sorta freaked him out. "Jeez Yanley, give me a break. first that short brunette kid and now you, does it ever end?" Yanelly started laughing with what seemed to be a new friend. Quentin got onto his knees and stood up, he the dusted the sand of his shorts. It was a little girl with red hair. They were laughing, Quentin joined in to. "Lets see, Sora mentioned you, you're Kairi right?" The little girl nodded. Quentin looked towards the see and saw Joe standing there, with a silver haired boy next to him. "Kairi, Is that Riku?" Quentin asked. "Yes, he's one my friends." The little girl said. "And what is this place anyways. The little girl answerred "This place is called Destiny Islands." Do you guys know how long I dozed off, Leslie told him about three hours. "Guess I'm gonna take a look around." Quentin said. Quentin walked away from Leslie and Kairi, who he could tell were now talking about him. He walked around the island, he saw a boy with a beach ball wailing a kid with a pole. The keybearer then wanderred around for a few hours not thinking about anything. He then found himself wandering into a cave, he looked and noticed a large door with no knob standing there, for a moment there he thought he saw a large keyhole. "What the heck?" Suddenly Quentin heard screaming. 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted September 26, 2010 As rupert walked along the road more of the dark creatures were appearing so he decided to run, as he ran he saw a bright light and the dark creatures were stopping so rupert thought it might be best if i head in to there. as rupert emerged from the light he was standing to an odd shaped tree "how did i get here" he said out loud Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted September 26, 2010 Suddenly, he recieved the word in his mind. "Keyblade.." "What am I supposed to do with them" asked Hinote. Suddenly, he saw a bunch of creatures who looked like dark ants. 'Shadows. These are heartless. They plan to destroy the worlds. You must fight them' said the voice within Hinote's mind. Hinote summoned his keyblade which looked like Eraqus' keyblade. Hinote sliced through the heartless with his keyblade. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted September 26, 2010 "Jeez Yanley, give me a break. first that short brunette kid and now you, does it ever end?" Yanelly started laughing with what seemed to be a new friend. Quentin got onto his knees and stood up, he the dusted the sand of his shorts. It was a little girl with red hair. They were laughing, Quentin joined in to. "Lets see, Sora mentioned you, you're Kairi right?" The little girl nodded. Quentin and leslie looked towards the see and saw Joe standing there, with a silver haired boy next to him. "Kairi, Is that Riku?" Quentin asked. "Yes, he's one my friends." The little girl said. "And what is this place anyways. The little girl answerred "This place is called Destiny Islands." "Do you guys know how long I dozed off"? quentin asked."about three hours." leslie said "Guess I'm gonna take a look around." Quentin said. Quentin walked away from Leslie and Kairi. kairi was still gigiling. "so from what world did you come from?" the little asked curiously "well i am from california." "really? whats it like?" kairi said wide eyed. "well its sorta like this place. but if you go far enough you could go see the snow and the dry mountains." "Wow. you really ARE Magical!" kairi said with full of child-like wonder in her eyes 'well i dont know about that...' leslie thought. "Uhm....Can i ask you something" kairi said blushing. "what is it?" leslie said. "well...its about this boy i like....and i dont know if he likes me back. what do i do?" "well i cant answer that for you... ask you're heart what you should do, to show how you care for him and maybe youll find out soon enough." leslie said. "have you ever done that?" the girl asked "well....maybe someday" leslie said hopefully. then some sort of black portal appeared, a tall,thin man in a black coat came out of the portal. "Kairi get behind me,you're one of THEM" leslie said summoning her keyblade. kairi was behind leslie, scared. "well looks like a catastrophe of a experiment turned into an unforeseen success." the man said plain but snooty. "what are you talking about?" leslie said in her attack stance she could feel that she was powering up. (ok from this point on some of you are gonna need a dictionary ) "well since you are the keyblade master i should give you an explaination: we had an experiment called no.i, a puppet we created to help us accomplish our goal...then the puppet went hay-wire and thus, we needed to dispose of it. so we planted 4 devices and ordered a member who was one of us to destroy it. it was not very successful...the devices went haywire and caused a large black hole, which in turn created a time paradox leading to a hole in our fabric of reality, then affected kingdom hearts...then a new world was created and that world was yours and the other keyblade bearers... so we noticed but it didnt affect us because we were close to the realm of darkness... so, time itself went backwards in 10 years but time was moving noticeably fast in your world. one second it was a speck of dust in space the it gained its own heart...then just days later a world emerged with people on it we went there only a few times and time progressed significantly.. untill time started to slow for you world...but not only that it created new worlds too but eventually they synchronized with our time...then here you are standing right before me. an experiment that shows great potential in our endeavors. none of you was supposed to even be a thought in our reality or even wield that keyblade to be a master." leslie's eyes were widened. 'that would mean everything that happened would mean absolutely nothing....if we werent meant to even BE....' leslie felt a strong sensation in her heart. she thought of her uncle, quentin, joe and the whole world she used to call home "we almost destroyed your world to complete most of kingdom hearts...and now whats left of your kind must join it! or join us...since you are like one of us." the man said. "NO NEVER!!...." leslie cried and lept to an attack but the man used an ice attack and froze leslie in her tracks. kairi was standing there shocked and confused. "kairi go get joe and quentin.... RUN!" leslie managed to say. kairi ran as fast and hard as she could she finally caught up with everyone else on the island and ran to the two boys. "joe!quentin! leslie needs your help!" ' this only leads to more questions than answers' leslie thought then she sees a figure coming. ------------------------------------------------------------ yeah.... no one saw this coming.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted September 26, 2010 "Quentin!" Quentin heard Kairi screaming for, she was crying,. "What kairi?" "Its.. its Leslie, she's in twouble, a man with a coat is saying weird things and she said to get you and Joe. I found you, but whose Joe?" the little girl asked. "The guy, you're friend Riku's hanging out with, hurry." Kairi nodded and ran out the cave. "Oh god, Leslie!" Quentin ran out of the cave and looked towards the beach, Leslie was struggling to move her feet which were frozen to the ground, while another cloaked man was talking. Quentin ran towards the beach. "ahha, and you, the one who binds this all together." The man said while lowerring his hood towards Quentin, he had long blond hair and green eyes. "What are you Talking about?" Quentin demanded forming his Keyblade. "Hmm, we've watched you, you were the first recorded keybearer of you're world. we studied you're world for a great deal of time, it was rather unatural. It was one of the largest, it had many hearts of light and dark. excellant for our harvest. Kingdom Hearts will soon be complete as you're world dies. And nobody, not even Zack can stop us." "Zack?" Quentin asked puzzled. "Not you're problem. Quentin, you and Yanelly have special traits we consider unique, the keyblade, and since there are so little of you're kind, we would like to invite you to join us, you obviously have nothing left in you're world. Quentin paused for a moment, 'this guys actualy inviting us to join them, after his group sent a guy to kill us... but then again, its not like we can beat them all, I... I don't know.' Quentin said to himself. Yanelly looked towards Quentin for a moment and whisperred something, Quentin nodded. "Not happening, I would never betray my friends like that, you freak!" Quentin said running towards the man with his keyblade, suddenly the maan dissapeared the moment he tried to hit him, then reapeared behind him. "Who's the real freak here, the man in the coat or the boy with the key, who probably shouldn't of existed to begin with. The offer still stands, I'll give you time to think about it." the man then openned a strange dark portal and dissapeared. Quentin was extremely confused, with what the man said, about how his world just apeared, and questioned his existence. Quentin noticed Yanelly was still frozen to the ground, so Quentin then used a fire spell towards the ice, it melted. "What was he talking about, I wasn't supposed to exist?" Quentin asked looking at the ground confused. 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted September 26, 2010 Quentin noticed Yanelly was still frozen to the ground, so Quentin then used a fire spell towards the ice, it then melted. "What was he talking about, I wasn't supposed to exist?" Quentin asked looking at the ground confused. "it means neither you, me and anybody from our world was never meant to even BE in this reality....our world in the course of thousands of years means just days outside of our world beause in our world was trapped in some sort of time paradox in the out side it looked like time was moving quickly and on the was slow or 'normal' to us and our cause of our existince we bended time,space, and reality itself,which lead time on the outside of our world to the other worlds back 10 years." leslie said emotionless. quentin had a dead yet shocked expression on his face. a tear ran down leslie's face, but her expression was dead-blank. there was a long moment of silence time felt like it was standing still like they were. then over the horizon there was a blue-hover craft object in the sky, and the person controlling it was wearing blue armor. the armored figure jumped out of it. then there was a glowing on the craft it turned into a blue keyblade. the amored figure's build of of a young woman,she touched her shoulder. the armor started glowing then dissapeared. it was a girl with blue short hair and wearing blue clothes that were dress-like. "you two...must come with me.we must round up the other keyblade bearers." "who are you and why do you have a keyblade?" leslie asked summoning hers. "im aqua. you dont remember me do you? well time in the inside of your world does move so very fast." aqua said walking towards the surf. then takes a deep breath, then faces the duo. "all of us are soon going to fight in a war." aqua said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted September 27, 2010 Quentin was shocked from what his friend just told him, he couldn't describe how insane it sounded but it didn't matter. He had so many mixed thoughts. 'Wait in this reality, were we in a different reality? wait that means, my family, everyone I knew... is dead right now, no more earth, in a blink of an eye. I didn't even tell them good bye. And all I have left is Joe and Yanelly, where is Joe anyways? He's always late.' Quentin looked at Yanelly who had a tear fall down her face. 'all that we did to survive, was for nothing, and now we're homeless, we should consider ourselve's lucky, but what for.' Quentin looked up and he saw a blue hover craft vehicle in the sky, it dissapeared as someone in armor fell from the sky, holding a blue keyblade. she touched her shoulder and the armor disapeared, to form a girl about two years older then Quentin and Yanelly, and also had blue hair. "you two...must come with me.we must round up the other keyblade bearers." "who are you and why do you have a keyblade?" leslie asked summoning hers. "Im Aqua. you dont remember me do you? well time in the inside of your world does move so very fast." aqua said walking towards the surf. then takes a deep breath, then faces the duo. "all of us are soon going to fight in a war." Aqua said. "War... what for?" Quentin asked in a low tone. "Umm, well to stop organization XIII of course." Aqua answerred. "Why, we just lost everything, and you want us to fight in some conflict?" Quentin asked. "Well, I um." Aqua said losing momentum. Quentin slowly breathed. "I need some time alone to myself." Quentin answerred, walking away. Quentin was somewhat depressed after Leslie explained everything, he stopped carring. he walked towards the cave and sat near one of the walls. A man in a black cloak with Spikey red hair. apeared and leaned against the wall. "Are you here, to kill me and take my heart, cause go right ahead. I don't care anymore." Quentin said tossing his keyblade on the ground. "No, I think you got me all wrong. Im one of Aqua's friends, her contact in the organization. Name's Axel, get it memorized." Axel said. "I'm Quentin, how long was my world around until it fell apart?" "Lets see here, about ten years, give or take." "Have we met before?" Quentin asked vaugely remembering him. "Awwe you don't remember me, I was there when Xaldin almost killed you. "No I think I've seen you before somewhere else. Quentin suggested. "Maybe." "Why are you here." "Aqua and Yanelly told me to see you, you seem kinda depressed." "Yeah, well I guess learning you're existence means nothing is an important factor." "What about you're friends?" Axel asked. "Yanilly, is a reaally good friend, but I've never had a real coversation with Joe, he just answers questions, then he go's of to kill monsters. But I doubt they really need my help, I've probably been more of a problem then friend." Quentin answerred depressed. "You were there for both of them, when they were feeling down, and they care about you, you guys are inseperable, and you're like the mushy sticky stuff, that keeps you're group together, if you go the triangle colapses on itself." Axel answerred. "Looks like someones been watchin ice age 2." Quentin joked. "I really like kid's movies OKAY... Look, you should be there for you're friends, they need you, and someone needs to step up, or else this is all gonna fall apart." Axel answerred. "I'll pass." Quentin said looking down. "alright, you're choice, but just think about it. see you around." Axel said sadly while dissapearing. Quentin sat there deap in his thoughts about all that happenned. 'Do they really need me, I thought they were fine by themselves... I really do care about Yanelly and Joe, what about revenge, I would really want to get back at the organization for all they did to me. I exist for a reason, and the point is I and my friends exist. I'll try to... No I will make them pay, I can't let them take away all I have left!' Quentin said to himself confidently. he looked to his right and picked up his keyblade, then ran out the cave. "Thats my boy, go get em!" Axel said hiding in the shadows. Quentin ran out of the cave and saw little Sora and Kairi walking into the cave and holding hands. "Cute." was all Quentin could say. It was darker out and there was some sort of eerie feel to the darkness, he looked out towards the beach and saw to figures fighting something, and to Quentin it looked like they were losing to it. Quentin sprinted towards the beach and saw that Aqua and Yanelly were fighting Xaldin, someone Quentin met right when he and Joe found Yanelly. "Seriously, where is Joe?" Quentin said to himself. "I would of expected better from a keyblade master, and a child playing with a toy!" Xaldin yelled about to finish Aqua and Leslie off. Quentin felt that time slowed down as he ran down the beach with keyblade in hand. he made it there and blocked. "Not happening, while I'm here." Quentin said while disengaging the block. "Of course, its you again. Learned how to fight yet?" Xaldin said twirling around his lances. "Wanna see what I learned." Quentin said with a scowl on his face. (woah, I just never notice how much I write.) 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted September 27, 2010 "I would of expected better from a keyblade master, and a child playing with a toy!" Xaldin yelled about to finish Aqua and Leslie off. Quentin felt that time slowed down as he ran down the beach with keyblade in hand. he made it there and blocked. "Not happening, while I'm here." Quentin said while disengaging the block. "Of course, its you again. Learned how to fight yet?" Xaldin said twirling around his lances. "Wanna see what I learned." Quentin said with a scowl on his face. aqua quickly whispered an incantation which made a green aura around the trio, everyone was healed. everyone started to fight the man in the dreadlocks named xaldin. leslie charged at him with her keyblade but she missed, then it was xaldin's opportunity to strike but then aqua blocked it. aqua grabbed leslie a threw her into the air and came down like a shooting star at xaldin. there was a huge explosion, then after the smoke cleared. xaldin disappeared then something appeared in the sky it was coming down fast. it was xaldin in a dragon surrounded by a thousand lances and went passed the trio leaving some damage. leslie was bleeding, aqua was in pain, and quentin was on the floor, aqua healed everyone. the tree stood up xaldin was gonna come at them again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted September 27, 2010 "ugggh again?" Quentin complained. Xaldin came down with the dragon again. "when he comes down again, we barrel rolll and attack at once, wait for it.... NOW!" Quentin yelled. The trio did so and caught xaldin off the dragon, "You brats!" He yelled. Aqua and leslie attacked on both sides and were pushed away. Quentin then felt as time slowed down and he ran straight at Xaldin. He fired one of his lances at Quentin who jumped over it, another one was fired, Quentin deflected it, another one and it sliced the side of his shoulder, Quentin screeched in pain. Quentin then attacked Xaldin on the right, Leslie attacked the left, then Aqua on the back, Xaldin blocked all and shot Quentin in the air, then fired four lances at Quentin, time slowed down and Quentin caught all four and then launched them back using aero. Aqua then launched her keyblade towards Quentin who caught it in his right hand. Quentin then fell down at tremendous speed towards Xaldin with two keyblades.Xaldin looked up. "Oh son of a bitch." Xaldin said. Quentin then uppercutted xaldin in a cross slash at an incredible impact. Quentin then found strength to stand and saw Xaldin backed away, holding one lance, he was limping. "I guess you did learn something... Keybearer, I wonder how Vexen would feel about his little experiment." Xaldin then tripped backwards and fell on the ground, he then opened up a dark portal and fell in. "Experiment?" Quentin was then limping and put his arm on the side that got scarred. He handed Aqua her keyblade, and she used a healling spell on him. "So guys... What did I miss?" Quentin asked. "You finished with you're 'thinking"? Aqua asked. "Yeah, I figured it be a trainwreck without me." Quentin answerd, Yannely smiled. "So what do we need to do?" 1 XIV reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted September 27, 2010 "I guess you did learn something... Keybearer, I wonder how Vexen would feel about his little experiment." Xaldin then tripped backwards and fell on the ground, he then opened up a dark portal and fell in. "well, we must go to your world an find the reamaining keyblade brearers but we must get in and get out fast. even a day inside time may pass by on the out side to a month. but first you must get suitable garments." aqua said looking at their clothes. quentin and leslie's clothes were ripped, dirty and had some blood on it. "pick two colors" aqua said to leslie "black and gold." aqua raised her keyblade and whisper a magical incantation then leslie was dressed in armor similar to aqua's but it gave leslie a more leaner appearance. it was mostly black with gold it matched with her keyblade very well. then leslie morphed back but she had new clothes that matched and the armor covered her whole arm, her shoes were also covered in armor but in black. aqua finally asked quentin "pick two colors" she said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites