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Weekly Union rankings - April 11-17

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I'm EXTREMELY disappointed in this. I put in a long week's worth of effort to get my top 6th Vulpes ranking on Sunday, only to be usurped by painfully blatant hackers. Now I have nothing to show for it, and a week's worth of wasted time. I don't want Vulpes winning (even though it's my home faction) if it means we have to cheat. I'd rather we lose.It's so disheartening and disappointing that I'm seriously considering leaving Vulpes. I want no part in a faction that has to hack to win.

Edited by Takuya

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I'm glad I chose leopardos then Vulpes. :) not that I hate it or anything, it's just that it doesn't feel right hang around with cheaters. (no offense) I rather work hard then just cheat, and Takuya, I hope you find a better union for you. :)


Hopefully it doesn't sound too mean. :(

Edited by Yessie Maltese

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This is 2016 and companies still can't find a way around leaderboard hackers? : Ah, well. Like any other game, I don't play it for the leaderboard scores, anyway.


Also, are the lux scores cumulative? if it is, that stinks, because players just desert to Vulp and Uni for the high scores and now the other three will never catch up ffff. but again, it doesn't really matter at the end of the day, so meh.

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I'm personally outraged at the hackers in this game, mostly because I know how many are in Unicornis.

For context, the level cap right now is 200 so anyone over that is 100% hacking.



Posted Image


I'd like to vaguely encourage people to be upset in the general direction of the NA Twitter for Unchained: https://twitter.com/kh_ux_na (But I'm not sure if this is okay.) We all deserve compensation for this. This is not unique to my Union. The screenshot above is literally for this week that just began.


What was the level cap before the hackers?

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What was the level cap before the hackers?

200 is the current max level. Hackers are somehow at like 250? So there's that.


I'm glad I chose leopardos then Vulpes. :) not that I hate it or anything, it's just that it doesn't feel right hang around with cheaters. (no offense) I rather work hard then just cheat, and Takuya, I hope you find a better union for you. :)Hopefully it doesn't sound too mean. :(

You're not being mean, you're being truthful. The Vulpes faction is tarnished after this, and it's just going to blemish any and all wins after this. I wash my hands of it.

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200 is the current max level. Hackers are somehow at like 250? So there's that.


You're not being mean, you're being truthful. The Vulpes faction is tarnished after this, and it's just going to blemish any and all wins after this. I wash my hands of it.


200? Ok. I just find it in a way, it's impossible but yet possible. It's either "dedication at its finest" or "fraud dedication".


So, Square Enix has the power to change the current max level up if they wanted to? 

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Obviously, Vulpes has a lot more members so that could be a reason why they are first. Otherwise, good for them. I still will remain with Leopardos. My heart remains there.

Yeh obviously KH13 has also choosen for Vulpes.

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Well, I have no problem with being in second place!  At the end of the day, I'm playing this game just for the fun of it, ya know?  But I find it badass that Unicornis is ranked second!  One of these days, we'll rank up to first place! And if not, then hey, let's just have fun! :D


But wow, the Vulpes members are hacking their way through the leaderboards?  That's messed up! :O

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I was outraged by the results just take a look when i was in the top 5 before everything happened.



I spent hours upon hours grinding to be apart of the parade. I got to #4, and my buddy Laxus who is in my guild was #1. Well, after the hackers flooded in, i dropped to 13, and Laxus went to 9.


Possibly the saddest parade.

Edited by Brandon Roberts

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There's one factor that makes Union rankings unbalanced: member count. Chances are, the reason why Vulpes is the top Union is because it has the most members, thereby increasing the amount of possible luc collected, while Ursus has the least amount of members, limiting the amount of total lux the Union can collect. Unless Square/Disney does something to balance the amount of members in each Union, this will most likely stay the same. :angry:

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