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Hero of Light XIV

Which new core Disney cast (Mickey and pals) would you like to see in Disney Castle/Town in KH3/future games?

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Like it says, which Mickey and pals toons would you like to see added to the cast we see in Disney Town, Disney Castle, and other worlds where they just seem to be there like Traverse Town and Radiant Garden?


Personally I would love to see Max Goof show up in one some time. He's always been one of my favorite characters and it would be really cool and funny to see him interacting with Sora and Goofy...and maybe even Donald since I have no idea what could happen there. X)"


Some other minor choices of mine would be the more modern versions of Clara Cluck and Clarabell Cow, seeing as how we've already seen them in Timeless River and Horace is the only one we've seen still around so far.


And I have to admit, it would be really interesting to see what would happen if they had PJ in there too. I mean, what if his dear old dad is dragging him into the henchman business and he's got no choice but to fumble around and do whatever Pete tells him too. It's not entirely necessary, but I'll be honest, I just really want to hear Rob Paulson's voice more often. X)""""


What about you guys? Any Mickey gang type characters you'd like to see slowly be added to the more Mickey based worlds a little over time?

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I like Max, but I would only want him if they can avoid making it awkward. After journeying with him for a couple of adventures, Sora souldn't just be "finding out" that Goofy is a dad. Too weird!


Not exactly what you were asking, but I'd like:-Oswald the Lucky Rabbit: I wouldn't want the same story as Epic Micky 1 or 2, but his inclusion would be nice.-Roger Rabbit: I don't know. Maybe he's a jester at Disney Castle, and you have defend him for a crime he didn't commit (something like the Wonderland storyline from the original Kingdom Hearts). I'm not sure how his rights work, but I'm sure they could make it work.

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I'd personally love that. I see everyone all wanting new films included into the games, branching out at Marvel and Star Wars. But I personally want old classic Disney characters and worlds like these.

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Oswald the Lucky Rabbit would be brilliant, but to be honest I'd be happy with any of the older cast of characters. I love that they get at least recognised in worlds like Timeless River and Disney Town.

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Well since Oswald came before Mickey making him sort of an older brother I thought of an idea where Oswald was originally supposed to be king, but certain circumstances made it so that Mickey took the role of of king instead so Oswald could be holding a grudge against Mickey for taking the throne, but later forgiving him.


Also if Oswald is included I think Ortensia should be included along with him


Now again with family I would like Donalds uncle Ludwig Von Drake working at the castle or in one of the non Disney worlds as a scientist.


Max training as a knight like a few have mentioned


Those from timeless river updated to their current selves


The phantom blot not from epic mickey, but the one that is a criminal. 


Beagle Boys; I know they already appeared in the three musketeers world, but I would like to see Pete take more advantage of them


The mad doctor(I'm not sure what I would want to do with him though)

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I think it'd be really interesting to see Mortimer the Mouse and Oswald. Mortimer could be a minor antagonist or even a boss battle at Disney Town. Not really sure how they'd implement Oswald, but I'm sure they could get creative with it.

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Max and Oswald would be my top picks. I like KHSoraKeyblade's idea that Oswald holds a grudge against Mickey because he was supposed to be king.


Also, if Max does exist and about Sora not knowing about him, they could say that Goofy didn't want a lot of people to know because he doesn't want Max involved in this mess or put in danger. Does Sora know that Huey, Dewey, and Louie are Donald's nephews?

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Max and Oswald would be my top picks. I like KHSoraKeyblade's idea that Oswald holds a grudge against Mickey because he was supposed to be king.


Also, if Max does exist and about Sora not knowing about him, they could say that Goofy didn't want a lot of people to know because he doesn't want Max involved in this mess or put in danger. Does Sora know that Huey, Dewey, and Louie are Donald's nephews?

Is it not just enough that Goofy honestly never had the time to mention Max to Sora or he was off doing other things whenever they visited at Disney Castle? Honestly that would be enough of an excuse for me, I'm not sure if we need that dramatic of a reason, even for Kingdom Hearts. And yeah, seeing as how you can get them to refer to Donald as "Unca' Donald" when you visit their shop in Traverse Town, I'm pretty sure he's picked up on them being his nephews by now. X)"



Well since Oswald came before Mickey making him sort of an older brother I thought of an idea where Oswald was originally supposed to be king, but certain circumstances made it so that Mickey took the role of of king instead so Oswald could be holding a grudge against Mickey for taking the throne, but later forgiving him.


Also if Oswald is included I think Ortensia should be included along with him


Now again with family I would like Donalds uncle Ludwig Von Drake working at the castle or in one of the non Disney worlds as a scientist.


Max training as a knight like a few have mentioned


Those from timeless river updated to their current selves


The phantom blot not from epic mickey, but the one that is a criminal. 


Beagle Boys; I know they already appeared in the three musketeers world, but I would like to see Pete take more advantage of them


The mad doctor(I'm not sure what I would want to do with him though)

Wait, I don't recall Ludwig Von Drake being Donald's uncle. Scrooge is Donald's uncle, but I'm pretty sure Von Drake was just another duck scientist who Donald happened to know.

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I think if the world's expanded upon, they can incorporate them and I would LOVE that! I agree that Oswald should appear as an antagonist... I've seen some crazy theories about making Oswald the nobody of Mickey.

Edited by Hallowseve

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