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Are you serious? BBS and DDD have been developed under limited hardware power. These issues you mentioned will never be in a console game, especially in the current gen. It's not because of the Osaka team, so I don't understand the problem. ^^

Uhhh no? What does balancing issues and bad boss design have to do with hardware power? I mean if you can explain to me how exactly that works, I might take your word for it, but I'm pretty sure that having an attack being OP as **** isn't related to the fact that the game was on a PSP.

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While Osaka has disappointed me in the past, I have faith that with some of the Tokyo Team joining the project, we'll proceed to see big improvements. I think Osaka will do a good job if they listen to our feedback and try to improve. I don't like to be negative, so I'll just try to put my hopes in them.


Are you serious? BBS and DDD have been developed under limited hardware power. These issues you mentioned will never be in a console game, especially in the current gen. It's not because of the Osaka team, so I don't understand the problem. ^^


Err...I'm fairly certain bad boss design, lack of staggering, and unbalanced commands has nothing to do with hardware power. But what do I know? I'm just a programmer enthusiast, after all.

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Is it really that wrong to like a different combat system?

it is not, i just dont understand it. for me its like i would show someone chocolate and liquorice and he would choose liquorice. 

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The Osaka team will do a fine job with KH3. I believe they can and seeing the E3 trailer from last year and Jump Festa is proof of that. So BbS and KH3D were not everyone's cup of tea, okay fine, their problem. KH3 will be just fine and there is no need to feel like we should support because they aren't getting enough of it or worry over it or anything like that. Let Osaka do their thing and have faith they will do it correctly and to the best of their ability. Why are people obsessing over them and what they do with KH3? It's absolutely a waste of time! Why can't we all just have faith in their abilities to provide and stop thinking we need to support them by emotion or whatever or even worry about them? We support them by buying the game and loving it. That's how you support them. Worrying is a waste of time so don't even bother.

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The Osaka team will do a fine job with KH3. I believe they can and seeing the E3 trailer from last year and Jump Festa is proof of that. So BbS and KH3D were not everyone's cup of tea, okay fine, their problem. KH3 will be just fine and there is no need to feel like we should support because they aren't getting enough of it or worry over it or anything like that. Let Osaka do their thing and have faith they will do it correctly and to the best of their ability. Why are people obsessing over them and what they do with KH3? It's absolutely a waste of time! Why can't we all just have faith in their abilities to provide and stop thinking we need to support them by emotion or whatever or even worry about them? We support them by buying the game and loving it. That's how you support them. Worrying is a waste of time so don't even bother.

There's some truth in this; worrying is a waste of time and we really can't do much by worrying. At the same time though, we can't exactly help them by "supporting and loving them" so they are completely oblivious to the obvious issues that are present.


Do not forget that Osaka team created the HD ReMixes, which were disappointments to say the least, especially for those who have played through the original games and are comparing the two. We don't want problems like this in KH3; glitches, freezes, and just overall small but vital points that were overlooked. That's why people worry.

it is not, i just dont understand it. for me its like i would show someone chocolate and liquorice and he would choose liquorice. 

nothing wrong with enjoying BBS/DDD combat system, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However on a technical design scale, the fact is that BBS/DDD battle system is badly designed. Now you can enjoy a badly designed system nonetheless, but the point still stands that it was badly designed, and that I'd imagine most people wouldn't want a badly made system for KH3.

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Here's the thing, I am worried about the fact that the Osaka team is making this game because they certainly do have their flaws. I want to believe in them, and I sincerely hope that they prove me wrong but I have not seen anything thus far that gives me too much hope. Of the games they have done Bbs was certainly better than DDD (I have a huge list of issues with this game in particular both gameplay and story wise), but until they can show me that they are learning by not making the same mistakes they have made before, I'm not going to pretend that I fully support them.

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Say what? Which speedrunner is this? Why would he laugh just because what others like is different to what he likes?

Bl00dyBizkitz. He apparently joked that he was "so triggered" by this thread on his twitter. Not like that surprises me at all considering he pretty much hates the Osaka team and every game that came after KH2 and has little to no faith in KH3's development that he thinks it would be a miracle if the game was even good. But I should stop talking about him. Don't wanna relapse into how I acted when I first started here.

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Bl00dyBizkitz. He apparently joked that he was "so triggered" by this thread on his twitter. Not like that surprises me at all considering he pretty much hates the Osaka team and every game that came after KH2 and has little to no faith in KH3's development that he thinks it would be a miracle if the game was even good. But I should stop talking about him. Don't wanna relapse into how I acted when I first started here.

I wouldn't worry too much about him then. He's going to be one of those people that will be like this when he plays KH3 (assuming he even does):


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So, jokes on him.

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Bl00dyBizkitz. He apparently joked that he was "so triggered" by this thread on his twitter. Not like that surprises me at all considering he pretty much hates the Osaka team and every game that came after KH2 and has little to no faith in KH3's development that he thinks it would be a miracle if the game was even good. But I should stop talking about him. Don't wanna relapse into how I acted when I first started here.

Firstly, he did not "joke" that he was triggered; he was actually legitimately annoyed that people seem so optimistic. I've been in his streams, and I know his opinions on BBS/DDD, and how he has no faith that KH3 will be good; but all of it with good reason too.


Point is, y'all are saying that he's being a "prick" by laughing at one's opinion and judging it, and here you are, not accepting his opinion. A bit hypocritical if you ask me.

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Oh yeah, Birth By Sleep is amazing!  It, along with Dream Drop Distance and Kingdom Hearts II, are my favorite entries in the series!  Yes, the command deck combat style for BBS was a great idea, and I loved forging powerful commands!  And I happen to like 3D's gameplay too, ya know, especially when it comes to attacking with Dream Eaters! :D  Yeah, well, when Kingdom Hearts III comes out, I'm sure the fruits of their labors will bear quite the impressive game for us to play!  But yeah, they're cool! :3  Awesomeness! :D  Indeed!  The battle mechanics for both games were quite fun!  I loved the Command Styles of Birth By Sleep and the Dream Eater attacks and interactivity with them in Dream Drop Distance! :D  Gahhh, don't say E3, cuz it'll remind me that we still have to wait a bit for this year's E3, and I really want to see a new trailer for KHIII! xD  Yeah, I agree with you, the most important aspect for me in the Kingdom Hearts series is its story, and I'm more than confident that Nomura will deliver on that front, with quite a few surprises in store! :3  But yeah, I'm sure that with all the years the game has been in development, Osaka has been honing their skills in refining the gameplay aspect of the game, ya know? :3  Omg, I know!!! I love that attack Sora performed on all those aerial Heartless! (It was like kinda a Shotlock type of attack, right? :O)  Yeah, I can see what you mean here.  After all, something that is crucial to good gameplay is balancing, and a great way to bring balance is to have equal parts melee and equal parts magic, ya know?  But yeah, I'm sure Osaka team will find a way to balance out all the gameplay issues and deliver us a great combat system!   But yeah, I agree, enemies should stagger more, and some attacks shouldn't be insanely overpowered! (Although Megaflare was quite awesome to dish out in Birth By Sleep, I must confess. X3)  Glad to see you have such a positive outlook on the game as I do!  I'm sure KHIII will be a very awesome game! :3  Indeed.  The best thing about the KH games is that each of them doesn't exactly play the same as the one before, ya know?  There's always a mix-up of gameplay elements, either it be cards, command decks, flowmotion, shotlocks, medals, you name it!  I think that's one of the reasons why the series has been so successful, aside from the story, of course!  The fact that the gameplay is always being changed up provides for a fresh experience gameplay wise with each new entry! :3  Well, I'm sure that with the added guidance of the FFXV KH crew that'll soon be joining the Osaka team, the gameplay's gonna be polished even more, ya know? :D  Well, who knows?  Osaka could surprise the doubtful!  We'll have to wait and see for what happens! :3  Yeah, I see what you mean.  As a person whose played all the games numerous times before, I can see why people can be doubtful of the Osaka team because of their work in BBS and KH3D.  Enemies not staggering when they're supposed to is annoying, the floaty combos can slow the pace of combat a bit, and certain abilities can be overpowered, ya know?  But even so, I enjoyed BBS and KH3D greatly, as they are two of my favorite entries in the KH series, along with KHII!  I'm looking forward to seeing what Osaka will have in store for us with Kingdom Hearts III! :D  Well, let's see how Osaka fares on the PS4, eh? :)  Indeed!  What we've seen isn't even the final product yet!  We're just viewing snippets of work in progress!  The final product will no doubt be something of splendor! Gahhh, I can't wait to see how the final product will look like! X_X  Haha, awesome!  I love KH3D as well, as I do BBS! Like I've mentioned previously, they are two of my favorite entries in the KH series, alongside KHII! :D  That's the attitude to have!  The Osaka team will surely deliver a great KH game for us in KHIII! :D  Indeed!  With the original team coming to assist Osaka, their combined efforts will form something out of this world for when Kingdom Hearts III finally comes out! :D  Lol, okay? xD  Yep, we haven't worked on games before, so we don't know how hard it is to develop a game from the ground up!  We can only speculate how things go behind the scenes, ya know?  But yeah, I'm sure that at the end of the day, the Osaka team will deliver a great and amazing game for us in Kingdom Hearts III! :D  Gahhh, the hype is real!!!  I want 2.8 so badly!!! D:  Yep, I agree!  This is like a proving ground for Osaka, so they can show to the world that putting Kingdom Hearts III in their hands was no mistake!  I'm sure they're working hard and diligently to make this game, and the end product will be something truly marvelous!  With all the years this game has been in development, I've got no doubt in my mind that Osaka's been honing their skills and bettering themselves every day! :D  Well, I understand what you mean, because heck, KHII's gameplay is godly!  But hey, people like different kinds of gameplay, ya know?  In my case, at least, I've been fine with all the combat mechanics we've been witness to throughout the KH series! :3  Well, we'll see what happens in the long run!  I can't wait for some new trailers at this year's E3! :D  Amen to your words, brother!  I'm happy you think this way regarding this topic!  I agree with you fullheartedly, and I know Osaka will make Kingdom Hearts III an amazing game! Until we get the game, all we can do is hype up, ya know? :D  Indeed, the game does look promising so far, especially given all the different combat styles we'll be experimenting with in the game, such as Flowmotion, Free Run, Attraction Flow, plus the traditional style of combat! :D Also, KH3D is great, you'll love the game! :D  I'm pretty sure KHIII will surpass KHII, or at the very least, come very close to doing so! :3  Well, that may be the case, but as you stated, you could be proven wrong, and Osaka could surprise you in the end!  We'll just have to wait until we get the game in our hands to judge for ourselves, ya know?  Osaka may have their flaws, but at least they are trying their best, ya know? Whew, I never expected this topic to have so many replies! xD  I think this is the biggest set of quotes I've ever compiled!  Also, when my quota is free again, I'll like the rest of your posts!!!  But yeah, here's to Osaka making KHIII an unforgettable game! :D

Use that word "hype" carefully. I have seen it taken out of context and over the top amount of it. You see and hear from people who had it for weeks.

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Omg, I know!!! I love that attack Sora performed on all those aerial Heartless! (It was like kinda a Shotlock type of attack, right? :O)

I've kept my eye on that Focus gauge that had been sitting there since the game's initial reveal and I got super hyped seeing the Shotlock happen in the more recent trailers. I'm not the biggest fan of BBS, but it was the only game I felt was solid with its command system and the shotlocks were wonderful. I can't wait to see all the ones Sora will have in KH3. His combat is supposed to be a mix of previous gameplay mechanics after all, so I'm pretty stoked for it either way.

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Let me preface this post by first stating that I do not laugh at anyone that enjoys BBS or DDD. I hate both of these games, and for very good reason, but if anyone ever asked me if they should play BBS/DDD, I would say yes. I always want people to form opinions for themselves on the game rather than blindly follow my point of view.


That being said, I think the thing that amazes me to this day about Osaka Team games (more specifically BBS/DDD) is that their fans rarely look at their games in a critical light. In fact, fans of Osaka Teams are VERY quick to be apologetic of Osaka Team even when they do recognize they aren't perfect, and this thread is a perfect example of this. Time and time again, I see fans saying these exact things, that we should love and support they Osaka Team and give them credit for working their butts off and we shouldn't judge them too harshly for the mistakes they CONSISTENTLY make in each of their games (and this includes the ports 1.5 and 2.5 by the way).


The only thing I have to say in response to this is... really? Look I want KH3 to be good as much as everybody else, but just being wide-eyed and saying "KH3 will be good" when clearly Osaka Team has not done a great job is in fact the worst thing you can do as a fan. Yeah, acknowledging that BBS/DDD has flaws is great, but then to go back and say "it's no biggie, I'm sure KH3 will be great." Like there is no evidence to back up that Osaka Team will do a good job besides blind faith in them, and do you honestly think blind faith will do that? If you just sit on your hands and say nothing, Osaka Team will just go back to making KH3 with proven flawed gameplay mechanics, and nobody wants that in KH3. I'll never understand fans who think that blindly supporting a game developer whom has made games with incredibly obvious flaws is going to actually make KH3 into a good game.


Also, to the person who labeled me a "speedrunner" as if it's some kind of insult. Speedrunners do not just "hate" video games and love using game breaking glitches and "cheating" the game. We're just like you, we're fans of video games and want to see them do well. The only difference between you and me is that we get really in depth with video games and we see these game mechanics up close and personal. I love KH1 and KH2, I hate BBS/DDD, but I do NOT want KH3 to just be a clone of KH1/KH2, I want it to try new things and incorporate new ideas. Heck I like Re:Coded's system a lot and would like to see something like that implemented. I even like DDD's idea of flow motion, even if it was implemented poorly in 3D. The point here is, your conception of how a speedrunner thinks and what he/she feels I feel is very skewed and I hope you think about that differently from now on.

Edited by bbizkitz

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Thought this might be some interesting content, since it was made by what many of you may refer to as an "official" and "accurate" Kingdom Hearts youtuber.



I'd say Dean brought up some pretty good points in this video, especially as to why some aren't as optimistic about KH3 as others are.


Yeah, I agree, the video was pretty enlightening!  He was just stating his honest worries about the game, and that's cool! :3


Use that word "hype" carefully. I have seen it taken out of context and over the top amount of it. You see and hear from people who had it for weeks.


Haha, don't worry, when I mean hype, I mean excitement for more news about the game and new trailers and info and such, not hype as in over-expecting something, ya know? :3


I've kept my eye on that Focus gauge that had been sitting there since the game's initial reveal and I got super hyped seeing the Shotlock happen in the more recent trailers. I'm not the biggest fan of BBS, but it was the only game I felt was solid with its command system and the shotlocks were wonderful. I can't wait to see all the ones Sora will have in KH3. His combat is supposed to be a mix of previous gameplay mechanics after all, so I'm pretty stoked for it either way.


Gahhh, I know!!!  Imagine if that attack we saw in the trailer is just one of many different Shotlock-esque attacks!?  That's no doubt gonna be badass!  But yeah, it's gonna be interesting to see how Sora fights this time around with all the different combat options available to him! ^_^


Let me preface this post by first stating that I do not laugh at anyone that enjoys BBS or DDD. I hate both of these games, and for very good reason, but if anyone ever asked me if they should play BBS/DDD, I would say yes. I always want people to form opinions for themselves on the game rather than blindly follow my point of view.


That being said, I think the thing that amazes me to this day about Osaka Team games (more specifically BBS/DDD) is that their fans rarely look at their games in a critical light. In fact, fans of Osaka Teams are VERY quick to be apologetic of Osaka Team even when they do recognize they aren't perfect, and this thread is a perfect example of this. Time and time again, I see fans saying these exact things, that we should love and support they Osaka Team and give them credit for working their butts off and we shouldn't judge them too harshly for the mistakes they CONSISTENTLY make in each of their games (and this includes the ports 1.5 and 2.5 by the way).


The only thing I have to say in response to this is... really? Look I want KH3 to be good as much as everybody else, but just being wide-eyed and saying "KH3 will be good" when clearly Osaka Team has not done a great job is in fact the worst thing you can do as a fan. Yeah, acknowledging that BBS/DDD has flaws is great, but then to go back and say "it's no biggie, I'm sure KH3 will be great." Like there is no evidence to back up that Osaka Team will do a good job besides blind faith in them, and do you honestly think blind faith will do that? If you just sit on your hands and say nothing, Osaka Team will just go back to making KH3 with proven flawed gameplay mechanics, and nobody wants that in KH3. I'll never understand fans who think that blindly supporting a game developer whom has made games with incredibly obvious flaws is going to actually make KH3 into a good game.


Also, to the person who labeled me a "speedrunner" as if it's some kind of insult. Speedrunners do not just "hate" video games and love using game breaking glitches and "cheating" the game. We're just like you, we're fans of video games and want to see them do well. The only difference between you and me is that we get really in depth with video games and we see these game mechanics up close and personal. I love KH1 and KH2, I hate BBS/DDD, but I do NOT want KH3 to just be a clone of KH1/KH2, I want it to try new things and incorporate new ideas. Heck I like Re:Coded's system a lot and would like to see something like that implemented. I even like DDD's idea of flow motion, even if it was implemented poorly in 3D. The point here is, your conception of how a speedrunner thinks and what he/she feels I feel is very skewed and I hope you think about that differently from now on.


Yeah, I get what you're saying here, and you have a good point!  Osaka definitely has flaws, and it's apparent in the gameplay of both BBS and KH3D, but I personally believe that with all the time they've had making Kingdom Hearts III, they've been honing their talents to make sure the game is polished, ya know?  And given that the Tokyo team is coming to aid Osaka soon, then that's all the better, since the gameplay will probably be even more polished!


It's not that we recognize flaws but just ignore them.  No, not at all.  I know the problems BBS and KH3D have, but even so, I deeply enjoy these games! Do I want KHIII to have the same type of combat flow as in BBS and KH3D?  No, I do not.  I know I can't just blindly say that Osaka will make KHIII into a masterpiece in terms of gameplay, but I truly believe that after working on BBS, KH3D and the HD ReMixes, Osaka should definitely be more polished in terms of gameplay, ya know?  Only time will tell if this is the case, but honestly, I'm gonna think positively about the game's development, and when we get more substantial trailers of how the final product will look like, you can bet I'll be more hyped! And 0.2: A Fragmentary Passage will be a testing ground for KHIII, so there's that too, so playing that will give us a feel for KHIII's gameplay pacing, ya know?


But yeah, I see your point, man.  If you dislike the way BBS and KH3D are made gameplay-wise, then that's perfectly fine, and I can understand your gripes with the Osaka team.  All I aimed to do with this topic is show my support for the Osaka team! ^_^

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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Thought this might be some interesting content, since it was made by what many of you may refer to as an "official" and "accurate" Kingdom Hearts youtuber.



I'd say Dean brought up some pretty good points in this video, especially as to why some aren't as optimistic about KH3 as others are.



Let me preface this post by first stating that I do not laugh at anyone that enjoys BBS or DDD. I hate both of these games, and for very good reason, but if anyone ever asked me if they should play BBS/DDD, I would say yes. I always want people to form opinions for themselves on the game rather than blindly follow my point of view.


That being said, I think the thing that amazes me to this day about Osaka Team games (more specifically BBS/DDD) is that their fans rarely look at their games in a critical light. In fact, fans of Osaka Teams are VERY quick to be apologetic of Osaka Team even when they do recognize they aren't perfect, and this thread is a perfect example of this. Time and time again, I see fans saying these exact things, that we should love and support they Osaka Team and give them credit for working their butts off and we shouldn't judge them too harshly for the mistakes they CONSISTENTLY make in each of their games (and this includes the ports 1.5 and 2.5 by the way).


The only thing I have to say in response to this is... really? Look I want KH3 to be good as much as everybody else, but just being wide-eyed and saying "KH3 will be good" when clearly Osaka Team has not done a great job is in fact the worst thing you can do as a fan. Yeah, acknowledging that BBS/DDD has flaws is great, but then to go back and say "it's no biggie, I'm sure KH3 will be great." Like there is no evidence to back up that Osaka Team will do a good job besides blind faith in them, and do you honestly think blind faith will do that? If you just sit on your hands and say nothing, Osaka Team will just go back to making KH3 with proven flawed gameplay mechanics, and nobody wants that in KH3. I'll never understand fans who think that blindly supporting a game developer whom has made games with incredibly obvious flaws is going to actually make KH3 into a good game.


Also, to the person who labeled me a "speedrunner" as if it's some kind of insult. Speedrunners do not just "hate" video games and love using game breaking glitches and "cheating" the game. We're just like you, we're fans of video games and want to see them do well. The only difference between you and me is that we get really in depth with video games and we see these game mechanics up close and personal. I love KH1 and KH2, I hate BBS/DDD, but I do NOT want KH3 to just be a clone of KH1/KH2, I want it to try new things and incorporate new ideas. Heck I like Re:Coded's system a lot and would like to see something like that implemented. I even like DDD's idea of flow motion, even if it was implemented poorly in 3D. The point here is, your conception of how a speedrunner thinks and what he/she feels I feel is very skewed and I hope you think about that differently from now on.

Now with this, I'm able to see where people have their worries. I am just as worried, honestly. I like some of the mechanics conceived throughout the series, but when it comes to balancing moves and actually producing realistic knockback to your finishers, or just hits at all, Osaka Team has failed at doing this. In fact, there is no enemy flinch, or the rewarding system of the Revenge Values. Enemies should feel your hits and show it and looking back at the trailers, they feel it, but they show no realistic knockback from the finishers at all. In any game, not just Kingdom Hearts, when you hit an enemy, especially with a finishing move, they flinch and/or get knocked back. None of that happens in Osaka's KH titles nor in the gameplay they've given us. With some of the Tokyo staff on board, they should be improving that and making sure we can feel the solid hit a Keyblade should be making against a Heartless, Nobody, or whatever else they decide to work with.

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Yeah, I agree, the video was pretty enlightening!  He was just stating his honest worries about the game, and that's cool! :3  Haha, don't worry, when I mean hype, I mean excitement for more news about the game and new trailers and info and such, not hype as in over-expecting something, ya know? :3  Gahhh, I know!!!  Imagine if that attack we saw in the trailer is just one of many different Shotlock-esque attacks!?  That's no doubt gonna be badass!  But yeah, it's gonna be interesting to see how Sora fights this time around with all the different combat options available to him! ^_^  Yeah, I get what you're saying here, and you have a good point!  Osaka definitely has flaws, and it's apparent in the gameplay of both BBS and KH3D, but I personally believe that with all the time they've had making Kingdom Hearts III, they've been honing their talents to make sure the game is polished, ya know?  And given that the Tokyo team is coming to aid Osaka soon, then that's all the better, since the gameplay will probably be even more polished! It's not that we recognize flaws but just ignore them.  No, not at all.  I know the problems BBS and KH3D have, but even so, I deeply enjoy these games! Do I want KHIII to have the same type of combat flow as in BBS and KH3D?  No, I do not.  I know I can't just blindly say that Osaka will make KHIII into a masterpiece in terms of gameplay, but I truly believe that after working on BBS, KH3D and the HD ReMixes, Osaka should definitely be more polished in terms of gameplay, ya know?  Only time will tell if this is the case, but honestly, I'm gonna think positively about the game's development, and when we get more substantial trailers of how the final product will look like, you can bet I'll be more hyped! And 0.2: A Fragmentary Passage will be a testing ground for KHIII, so there's that too, so playing that will give us a feel for KHIII's gameplay pacing, ya know? But yeah, I see your point, man.  If you dislike the way BBS and KH3D are made gameplay-wise, then that's perfectly fine, and I can understand your gripes with the Osaka team.  All I aimed to do with this topic is show my support for the Osaka team! ^_^

If only that term were used that way. I have seen too many times "fails to live up to hype" because the expectations were stupid and unrealistic. That and people rant for weeks because of that. If the term were used the way you use it, I would have no problem, but alas, it isn't.

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Now with this, I'm able to see where people have their worries. I am just as worried, honestly. I like some of the mechanics conceived throughout the series, but when it comes to balancing moves and actually producing realistic knockback to your finishers, or just hits at all, Osaka Team has failed at doing this. In fact, there is no enemy flinch, or the rewarding system of the Revenge Values. Enemies should feel your hits and show it and looking back at the trailers, they feel it, but they show no realistic knockback from the finishers at all. In any game, not just Kingdom Hearts, when you hit an enemy, especially with a finishing move, they flinch and/or get knocked back. None of that happens in Osaka's KH titles nor in the gameplay they've given us. With some of the Tokyo staff on board, they should be improving that and making sure we can feel the solid hit a Keyblade should be making against a Heartless, Nobody, or whatever else they decide to work with.


Well, the only way we'll know if there's been any progress or not is by waiting for this year's E3!  I'm pretty sure that Kingdom Hearts III will have a presence, and if that's the case, a new gameplay trailer should put us up to speed and show us how far Osaka is in terms of their polishing and balancing!  After last year, it could be they've improved, ya know?  We'll just have to wait until E3 to see, ya know? :3


If only that term were used that way. I have seen too many times "fails to live up to hype" because the expectations were stupid and unrealistic. That and people rant for weeks because of that. If the term were used the way you use it, I would have no problem, but alas, it isn't.


Oh well, not everyone uses the terms the same way I do, ya know?  Hehe, but yeah, I'm excited for the game, and I'm excited for it to be the best KH game to date! :D

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