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Pokémon Sun/Moon Discussion Thread!

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If they will reveal it as final generation or hopefully final evolution of the starters.Not sure if htey will say it already it will be the last.

Pokemon will never end, unless this game sells really REALLY bad there will be a generation after this one. It's like Mario it will never end unless Nintendo goes bankrupt

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Pokemon will never end, unless this game sells really REALLY bad there will be a generation after this one. It's like Mario it will never end unless Nintendo goes bankrupt

Sure but on the other hand they are losing creativity.

It would be also great to end with the lucky number 7 :).

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Sure but on the other hand they are losing creativity.

I get so tired of hearing this, they are not losing creativity if anything they are getting more creative. Just look at Gen 1 many Pokemon designs are just lazy for exemple Voltorb is just a Pokeball with eyes and its evolution is just Voltrob UP SIDEDOWN, then look at Dugtrio it's just three Diglets stuck together same with Magneton even the starters of Gen 1 are very un creative (at least the first forms) when compared to other Generations, I can mention many more un creative Pokemon but then we are going to be here all day and just look at Gen 5 and 6 it has the most creative Pokemon of all the Generations.Sorry if I sound rude am not trying to be rude I just get annoyed when the people say that Game Freak is losing creativity when they are clearly getting more creative Edited by FlyingEggplant

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I get so tired of hearing this, they are not losing creativity if anything they are getting more creative. Just look at Gen 1 were many are just lazy for exemple Voltorb is just a Pokeball with eyes and its evolution is just Voltrob UP SIDEDOWN, then look at Dugtrio it's just three Diglets stuck together same with Magneton even the starts of Gen 1 are very un creative (at least the first forms) when compared to other Generations, I can mention many more un creative Pokemon but then we are going to be here all day and just look at Gen 5 and 6 it has the most creative Pokemon of all the Generations.Sorry if I sound rude am not trying to be rude I just annoyed when the people say that Game Freak is creativity when they are clearly getting more creative

I personally wouldn't say that they weren't as creative at first, but I would agree that the idea that Game Freak's gotten less creative over the years is ridiculous. We've always had Pokemon designs that were great and others that weren't so special. I don't get why people act like Gen V was the first one to have bad Pokemon, and even then, only a couple were weird (Adding to that, I'm a huge fan of the Vanillite line so I don't care that people say it's dumb, sentient ice cream cones are amazing). If a couple unoriginal designs were a sign that the series was going to end, it would've ended a long time ago. Every generation has had a ton of great new Pokemon.


Of course, people will always say that the next generation will be the last just because they can. It's an idea I don't get since it's never been hinted at that Pokemon will end any time soon (And ending the series off on the 20th anniversary games would be kind of dumb. "Let's celebrate this fantastic, long-living franchise by ending it here!"). It's the type of series that can keep expanding, and there's still a lot more that can be done.

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And there many rip-offs too.

Now that Sun and Moon appeared looks they are done with finding generations.

There is now the Galaxy left but we know that's owned by Arceus, Dialga and Palkia.

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And there many rip-offs too.

Now that Sun and Moon appeared looks they are done with finding generations.

There is now the Galaxy left but we know that's owned by Arceus, Dialga and Palkia.

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Klefki is based off of Japanese mythology, if I remember correctly. Something about spirits that possess inanimate objects. I believe Rotom had similar origins,

What do you mean by "rip-offs?"

Also, I don't get what you mean by your other points, either. Game Freak doesn't "find" generations. They make them, and they obviously won't be working on the next one since S/M are still in developments. There isn't a single sign that this is the last Pokemon generation.

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Klefki is based off of Japanese mythology, if I remember correctly. Something about spirits that possess inanimate objects. I believe Rotom had similar origins,

What do you mean by "rip-offs?"

Also, I don't get what you mean by your other points, either. Game Freak doesn't "find" generations. They make them, and they obviously won't be working on the next one since S/M are still in developments. There isn't a single sign that this is the last Pokemon generation.

Yeah with find I know they make it. I know the history of X and Y.

Well yeh it is true that the first gen couldn't be also that creative.

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I'm looking forward to exploring a new region and capturing all new Pokemon!  I wonder how the story will work this time around?  Everyone, do you think it'll be the standard gym leader shtick, with the evil group and Pokemon League put in?  Or do you think there'll be slight differences to the story?  Something I've always wanted from the mainline Pokemon games is for Game Freak to mix things up and take a bigger risk in terms of their storytelling, ya know?  Sure, they've done some things, but I want them to take even more risks by changing things up slightly, I don't know!  It'd be fun to play the game for a different purpose rather than just getting to the Pokemon League, ya know?  But yeah, I don't have any ideas in mind, so I'm one to talk. X3

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Another trailer is here, guys! It reveals the mascot Legendary's type, ability and signature attack! :D Also inb4 this mysterious "Lillie" is the region Champion.


Also, I can foresee the IGN review incoming with "Too much water" again >.>




Edited by Yuya Sakaki

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Solgaleo is disappointing af. It's Metagross without the pseudo legendary status. GF then pulls the same stunt with the gen 5 mascots by giving it Clear Body. Lazy once again. Also weak to what it worships. Oh the irony...



Meanwhile the other legendary... Typing may be terrible, but Multiscale 2.0 though. It's ability is an upgraded multiscale. Not bad.


After reading and watching all this info, I'm going for Moon now.

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Solgaleo is disappointing af. It's Metagross without the pseudo legendary status. GF then pulls the same stunt with the gen 5 mascots by giving it Clear Body. Lazy once again. Also weak to what it worships. Oh the irony...Meanwhile the other legendary... Typing may be terrible, but Multiscale 2.0 though. It's ability is an upgraded multiscale. Not bad.After reading and watching all this info, I'm going for Moon now.


But what sucks is that Lunala has 4x weakness to Dark and Ghost... And yeah ironic that Solgaleo is weak to Fire. xD



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Good news for you Pokemon fans out there. Read this article.


Surprisingly Pokemon sun and moon will be in a treehouse broadcast  at e3 and there'll also be a special pokemon event at e3 too.  For anybody who thought that zelda u isn't going to be the only thing talked about at e3 you ended up being right. :)

Edited by Zeldablade7

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When did the sun involve fire? It's just a gaseous ball of heavy elements like gold, uranium, and components of the iron group which are also used daily on earth to make steel. I don't know why everyone thinks fire when they think sun. Scientifically speaking, the sun has no association with fire and with a metal make-up that includes many of the metals that are used to make steel, Solgaleo better fits the theme of Sun by being Steel rather than fire because the sun isn't a ball of fire, its gas, tons of gas and metals and because of nuclear fusion we have the heat the sun gives off.

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The types are a bit dissapointing. I still don't know wich one I well get tho, maybe I'll just wait until I see the version exclusives and then decide.

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The main thing I took away from this trailer is finally getting to have some level of customization for who your character is, and being able to have someone who isn't white. Hopefully that becomes a trend.

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