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Dennis Lieu

KHUX Migrate from NA to EU in the future

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Hey guys,


I know this one is hard to answer. But does anyone have an idea if it might be possible that NA players will be able to migrate to EU in the future when it is released. Maybe someone knows how SquareEnix tends to do these kind of things.

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Unfortunately, no. During Unchained X initial announcement, it was merely announced for a United States release. If you cannot transfer content from Japanese Unchained X to United States Unchained X then I highly doubt it's possible from United States to Europe.

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Oh.. really, they only announce it for United States? I thought that they annouced a "Western" release. When I read Western, I usually assume that there will also be also an European release.


What a pity, thanks for the fast reply.

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Yeah, I sync it with Facebook already. Hope it'll work and that there will be an announcement soon.


At the moment I just looked at Final Fantasy Record Keeper as a reference. As far as I know there is only a Japanese and a Global server. I know it was developed by DeNA, but I hope they do the same for KHx.

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Any particular reason for wanting an exclusive server?


I don't think he wants exclusive servers, just to have a version in the European/Australian app stores. It would make everything easier if you could download it directly. There are some things such as weekend events which would be good if it matched the actual time of the country it is being played in.

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I don't think he wants exclusive servers, just to have a version in the European/Australian app stores. It would make everything easier if you could download it directly. There are some things such as weekend events which would be good if it matched the actual time of the country it is being played in.


Thanks for clarifying. That's exactly it.



I found out on youtube that they have might said to Japan and US. That video was back in June.

So don't think so.


Not that I don't believe you, but do you have a link?

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It is sad but seems true yeh:


Ok.. this guy did his research. However, it's from June last year. I hope there are going to be more news soon. As he says, having the game localized in English without releasing it in Europe would really feel like as if they are showing us the middle finger. A lot of people in Europe are used to English content. :(

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boys at the time of Nomura (or others I can not remember, comunnque someone very important square) announced that unchained X will arrive in Europe. So I do not think they have deleted this release (hopefully)

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