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More then meets the eye(1x1 with AntiSora)

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This is a 1x1 roleplay. It's with AntiSora and I, so no one else can post. It's a KH, yet not a KH roleplay. There's one character from KH and that's Anti-Sora but all the other characters are not from the KH series.



Somehow, AntiSora was able to break free out of Sora's body. Now without anyone to care for him, he is left out all alone on the streets. Everyone is afraid of him until two best friends come along and find him


AntiSora was never aggressive, only fighting and defending himself when he was forced to fight in battle. So, when the two friends approached him, Anti, not seeing the two friends as a threat, reluctantly, yet not at all aggressively, came up to them and sniffed their hand.


The two friends were speechless, not knowing what this creature was or where it came from. All in all, both thought that he was kind of cute and were not afraid.


One of the friends notice that Anti is malnurished and can only assume that Anti had been abandoned. They know that if they didn't take Anti in, he would surely die.So, without an hesitation, they take him in.


Finally realizing that the two friends aren't going to harm him, Anti is less fearful and in turn his true nature shows. As soon as the two friends have brought him home, they find that Anti is rambunctious, playful, and very charismatic. Seeing how friendly Anti is, the two friends are addled as to why someone would not want to care for him


The two friends believed that all of Anti's characteristics were great but it actually should've been a warning sign. The two friends bought Anti toys to play with but that wasn't enough to keep him busy so it doesn't take long before Anti tries to find other ways to distract himself from boredism.


My Character

Name: Vale


Age: 15yrs


Gender: Female

Appearance: Posted Image


Personality: Though she may not look it, she is very easy to get along with. She is all fun and games and can get cocky at times. All in all, when there is work that needs to be done(such as tending to the house chores and getting on stage for her music career) she gets serious and does her job right the first time.


Bio: Both her parents died when she was eight and she has been on her on ever since. While seeming depressed at times, she is usually the life of the party. She is the singer of a rock band and that's how she makes a living.

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Posted Image


Name: Nelson Tethers


Age: 14 years old


Gender Male


Personality: Nelson is a very bright 14 year old boy. He plays bass in Vale's band, and he makes a lot of money this way. He is also a puzzle master. But oddly he thinks a lot better when chewing gum. He may not look it, but he is a very good fighter from all of the Street Fighter he plays. He is a quiet kid but when he speaks it is always intelligent and to the point.


Bio: He is being raised by adopted parents, who are intrigued by his puzzle mastery and musical ability. He doesn't know who his parents are but doesn't mind, he is contempt with his life and family. He is Vale's best friend.

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Vale left her apartment complex and headed down to the 1rst District of Traverse Town. There she met up with Nelson. "Wasn't the band awesome last night?" Nelson asked. Vale smiled. "I think that went pretty well," she confirmed. Then they walked to the second district where they found an icecream man handing out sea salt icecream. "Want some icecream," Vale asked. "Tabs on me." "Sure," Nelson answered. They walked up to the man. "Two please," Vale ordered. "Sure thing," the man replied. When handed the two icecreams, Vale handed one to Nelson and kept the one for herself. They found the alleyway where they usually hung out together and sat down. Usually the allyway seemed abandoned but not this time as the two friends both spotted something coming around the corner and bolting out of the alleyway. "And stay of a my property," they then heard an old lady stay as she came around the corner of the alley with a broomstick in her hand. Vale and Nelson were quite addled by such an obstruction that they couldn't let something like this go undetected. So, they both got up and followed the...thing that ran away. Well, the two friends didn't know what it was but it looked like some sort of a shadow a very dark shadow with glowing eyes.

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