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#PrayForVegeta (SPOILERS)

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Holy crap that move is awesome! Hit is doing this to God Form transormation of Vegeta. How strong is this guy? I doubt Goku will be able to stand up against him either. But then there is also suspicious Monaka who is either stronger than both Goku and Vegeta like Beerus said or maybe not... xs

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Holy crap that move is awesome! Hit is doing this to God Form transformation of Vegeta. How strong is this guy? I doubt Goku will be able to stand up against him either. But then there is also suspicious Monaka who is either stronger than both Goku and Vegeta like Beerus said or maybe not... xs

Hit must be unbelievably strong if even a god like Champa has as much cocky faith in him as he does. He's surely showing that he is a force to be reckoned with.


What I believe will happen is this; Goku gets annihilated by Hit. Goku gets Hit down to a decent level. Goku gets beaten, Monaka goes in, takes the win barely.

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