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Shard the Gentleman

Any D&D players here?

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Me and my friends play a sort of free style dnd, and the crap that happens sometimes is amazing.


Probably the first thing that springs to mind is this one time me and my friends were on our way through the outskirts of this town and we were ambushed by bandits, I rolled to sneak up behind one of them and impaled him in the chest with my knife while holding him still, it was all going well, my friend took a swing at the guy I was holding and missed entirely, and then I tried to wound him again while the knife was inside him and somehow missed xD long story short we kept failing for awhile and when the dudes next turn came around he rolled badly and wound up killing himself, like as if to say "YOU GUYS ARENT DOING IT RIGHt" good times xD

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I'm one and I got too many fun stories. It helps that our GM is permissive of all this stuff. Star Wars, Warhammer40k, Assassin's Creed, Dungeon World just to name a few.


From accidentally stepping on a Commissar's datapad, sneaking into a bedroom while our target was going at it and sneezing accidentally, to the hammy paladin being amused by a golden yellow rubber duck while in a bathtub and was so loud that party members deliberately poisoned themselves so they can sleep... good times xD

Edited by Javelin434

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I LOVE D&D!!!! I played it all the time in my one year of college! It's an RPG without the game console!!!! 


One time our party went to a tavern and one of the dwarves wanted to start a fight. She rolled a low number so all she did was yell at some random dude, and fall face first on the floor!  xD Good times!

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