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The way I see it, his release date is more of a plan or probably an estimate. As long as nothing interrupts development, we will 100% get KH3 in 2017. As for the announcement, any one of those events is a possibility, but seeing as E3 sounds like the biggest out of them all, that's probably the most likely. Also, considering FFXV, a big game for Square is getting a worldwide release, it would make sense that KH3, another big game for Square would get the same treatment.

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  On 3/28/2016 at 3:40 AM, JustinisMii said:

A release date at E3 would be nice, but in the words of Master Xehanort, "I'm a patient man."


Yeah, even if there's no release date announced, I won't lose my marbles, ya know?  But I just feel like this will be the year we'll get the release date! :D


  On 3/28/2016 at 3:41 AM, MythrilMagician said:

The way I see it, his release date is more of a plan or probably an estimate. As long as nothing interrupts development, we will 100% get KH3 in 2017. As for the announcement, any one of those events is a possibility, but seeing as E3 sounds like the biggest out of them all, that's probably the most likely. Also, considering FFXV, a big game for Square is getting a worldwide release, it would make sense that KH3, another big game for Square would get the same treatment.


Hmm, I see what you're getting at!  That could very well be! :D  Oh, I very much so hope for a 2017 release date!  It just seems like the perfect year to release the game, since it's the series 15th Anniversary next year, after all! :3


Yes, I think E3 would be the spot, since that's where the press is most bountiful, and that way, news spreads like wildfire, ya know?  And I definitely agree, Kingdom Hearts III should definitely get a worldwide release! :D

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  On 3/28/2016 at 4:03 AM, Headphone Jack said:

if it means rushing the game to capitalize on the series' 15th anniversary then no thanks. i feel like Nomura just has a general release window in mind. given what we've seen and heard about the game so far, there's no way he has a concrete date in his mind. 



also i wonder if the "important stage of development" was just ACTUAL development. not conceptual stuff lol


I agree, it's been my guess that he has more of a window in mind than a solid date, and he hasn't said anything to avoid A) disappointing fans if that release date is pushed back and B) backlash from the fans if said window is too far off (I still anticipate a 2018 release myself, but I'd love to be wrong).


He did mention in recent months that the groundwork for the game was laid, which is apparently the hardest part, so that might have also been the "important stage" he was referring to.

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Well, that comment about having a release date set.  He is probably thinking March 2017 but he's keeping secret, due to a potential setback in development and risk of disappointing fans. He is  probably targeting March  2017 in his own head for now until he knows for sure, that the game can release in that time.

Edited by sam15782008

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  On 3/28/2016 at 3:32 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Hey there everyone, how's it going!?  So then, as you all know, it's been a good, long while, about 9 months, give or take, since we were bombarded with Kingdom Hearts III news at every turn!  And well, ever since then, things have been a little quiet, so I decided to bring up this topic from an interview with Nomura from last year!


So, last year, Nomura stated that he had already decided on a release date for Kingdom Hearts III, but that he couldn't announce it yet! And well, ever since then, I've been wondering about it, ya know?  I mean, he probably wouldn't have decided on a release date if the game was still way too far off for us!  So I'm just thinking that he's waiting for the right time to give us said release date, and I think it could be this year!  At the beginning of this year, Nomura mentioned that Kingdom Hearts III is in an important stage of development, and that could very well mean that a lot more is being done this year as we speak!  I think that perhaps this year we'll get the release date for the game, or at the very least, a release window!  E3 sounds like a reasonable place to make the announcement, but I could also see the release date being revealed at the Tokyo Game Show, or perhaps even Jump Festa, ya know?  But hey, this is all just speculation! :3


So what do you think?  Could we get a "Coming 2017" release window this year?  And if so, do you think it'll be at E3, the Tokyo Game Show, or Jump Festa? :O

Hajime Tabata (I think, or one of the FFXV team) said that according to square enix company rules, they are not allowed to reveal a full release date until the game is nearing completion. I think all we'll get this year is a release window, I doubt that the game will be near completion by Jump Festa or TGS :P. But I can definitely see a release window at either of those events.

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  On 3/28/2016 at 5:13 AM, Rocketboy227 said:

Given that they had just finished the foundation for the game after the announcement of Big Hero 6, I think people are getting there hopes up a bit too much if they think the game is even halfway through completion. 20-30% complete would be my guess, or maybe even smaller. I really don't want them to rush this release, as I'd prefer to see an amazing KH console release and not...whatever Osaka decided on for their games.


I need to see a KH3 with non-floaty combos, enemies that actually stagger (DDD's enemies were atrocious in this manner), more character development for characters such as Kairi, normal Sora and not clueless Sora...I know that some of Tokyo Team is helping to create the game, so I'm hoping Osaka isn't entirely the deciding factor.


A March 2017 set-in-stone date would be bad for the game, no matter how nice it would be to have a 15th anniversary release. The problem I see is that people are pressuring Square Enix to release KH3 too soon, which in turn will ultimately screw us over in the end with a rushed, unpolished game. We should be looking for a KH3 that's as perfect as possible, not a KH3 that comes as soon as possible.


While I'm sure everyone's been waiting a considerable time for the game's release, you have to give the development team time. Development only began in 2013, and even then, complications arose with engine switch from Luminous to Unreal. I doubt many worlds have been implemented yet, so anything sooner than late 2017 is practically impossible unless you want the game in a Sonic '06 state.


All we can do for now is do what Square wants us to do: "Please be excited" and "Please be patient".

i agree. i'm hoping that whatever was going on the with the combat in DDD was just a mistake on Osaka teams part and that they'll work to fix it in KH3 because DDD had some weak gameplay. poor enemy AI that didn't stagger, the status ailments that only annoyed the player and the broken flowmotion. and then of course the issues with the story and characters themselves, as you mentioned. 


as far as i'm concerned they can take as much time as they want if it means we get a game that doesn't play out like DDD. 

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Nothing is gonna hinder FFXV for Square at this point. The hype train will start after the launch of FFXV on (at least) PS4 and Xbox One.


I think a "Coming 2017" is very likely near Fall-Wintertime of this year.

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  On 3/28/2016 at 5:02 PM, PrinceNoctis said:

He went somewhere? o.o Sorry, I haven't been really active lately


He quit KH13. 



  On 3/28/2016 at 5:29 PM, DaxovanHearts said:

DEFINITELY a coming 2017. Every day, over 300 people work on KH3. That's 300 people making all the assets and the game's coding. It's not that far off.


Don't say "definitely" unless you know exactly what's happening in the development team. There's no way to make an accurate estimate with the amount of info we have on the game.

Edited by Rocketboy227

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  On 3/28/2016 at 5:32 PM, Rocketboy227 said:

He quit KH13. 




Don't say "definitely" unless you know exactly what's happening in the development team. There's no way to make an accurate estimate with the amount of info we have on the game.

Oh...oops. Guess I'll never know what he thinks.

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