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I just wanted to get the KH13 opinion on this game! I just finished it (I went on a 4 hour binge not moving from my desk and finished it in one sitting, I feel pathetic) and I absolutely loved it. The voice acting was great, the story was great, the characters were great,  the visual style was great- overall, I think it was very well done. At times it was a bit hard to follow, and of course the ending was kind of underwhelming but I don't really find much wrong with the game (at least for me).


I loved the character development between Henry and Delilah- I knew from their first encounter I'd love them both as characters. And don't even get me started on that intro- my god.



I was feeling all of the feels within five minutes of starting the game, oh my god  :( 



For anyone who hasn't played it, I recommend you go pick it up. $20 on all platforms.


For those who have- what did you think of it? Who were your favorite characters, or what were your favorite moments? What do you think the game did really well? Where could it have been better? Other thoughts?

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I thought it was a pretty good story, though not really much of a video game in any real sense. There was no danger really at all, no chance of failure, no actual danger to ever confront. I don't even think it's possible to fail the "puzzles", and believe me, I tried.


That said, I really enjoyed the story for what it was. I liked every character (even though there were really only like four, tops, and only three of them ever spoke), the writing was fantastic, and the voice acting was superb. Every line felt natural, every interaction between Henry and Delilah felt like two real people having real conversations. Incredibly well done.


And I really didn't even mind the ending that much. Most of the game was leading you to think it was going one direction, because the characters themselves seemed to honestly believe that's what was happening. Again, it felt real, like real people making assumptions based on limited facts. I don't want to say too much about it, but I thought the way it ended way really well done, and delightfully bittersweet. It's absolutely worth the price of admission.


Whatever Campo Santo ends up working on in the future, the only real hope I have is for more actual puzzle solving. I want it to feel at least kind of like a video game and not so much an interactive movie.

Edited by HeyMouseSayCheese

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It's funny because I was just watching a Let's Play an hour ago on the game. I just have a quick question though, I am aware of well,


nekkid ladies

and I know that the game is rated M due to such things, but I suffer from axiety for well certain things and since you beat the game I wanted to know if anything well bad happens to them in the story? I'll put the rest in spoilers for those who don't want to be spoiled.


Nothing bad happens to them relating to them being naked right? That's kind of a sensitive thing for me so I am afraid to continue in the let's play due to that. It's okay if they get hurt or something but not relating to well, that. I hope I make sense but I have a habit of not wanting to her certain words and being very cryptic in my speech. Just wanted to know this so I can continue peacefully in the game.

Also, Henry is the best. Period.


Edited by Aqua7KH

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I personally loved it but I will admit that I'm a sucker for any game that's more built around story than gameplay. I've heard some people say that they don't like it due to the lack of said gameplay and I can completely understand that. For me the game was an emotional experience that I could completely immerse myself in rather than a game with goals or obstacles. It's about exploring the world and getting to know the characters, not about, say, going from point A to point B, killing enemies, leveling up or collecting points.


I was a teensy bit disappointed by the ending at first but with time I've come to appreciate it for what it is. The intro really affected me as well as I have 2 family members that are suffering from the same problem.

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It's funny because I was just watching a Let's Play an hour ago on the game. I just have a quick question though, I am aware of well,

nekkid ladies

and I know that the game is rated M due to such things, but I suffer from axiety for well certain things and since you beat the game I wanted to know if anything well bad happens to them in the story? I'll put the rest in spoilers for those who don't want to be spoiled.

Nothing bad happens to them relating to them being naked right? That's kind of a sensitive thing for me so I am afraid to continue in the let's play due to that. It's okay if they get hurt or something but not relating to well, that. I hope I make sense but I have a habit of not wanting to her certain words and being very cryptic in my speech. Just wanted to know this so I can continue peacefully in the game.Also, Henry is the best. Period.



I'd really rather not spoil what happens because a lot of what's fun in experiencing Firewatch is trying to figure out what's going on as it's happening, but if you really need to know...



...nothing happens to the girls. They are perfectly safe by the end of the game, and nothing unseemly happens to them, unless you count their tent being destroyed as unseemly.



Also, it's not a spoiler that Henry is the best. Everyone deserves to know that!

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I'd really rather not spoil what happens because a lot of what's fun in experiencing Firewatch is trying to figure out what's going on as it's happening, but if you really need to know...

...nothing happens to the girls. They are perfectly safe by the end of the game, and nothing unseemly happens to them, unless you count their tent being destroyed as unseemly.

Also, it's not a spoiler that Henry is the best. Everyone deserves to know that!

That's a relief. So I'm a okay. I just wanted to make sure that I can safely continue with the game. xD it's kind of a bummer knowing a spoiler like that but I asked for it. ^_^ it's a relief.

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That's a relief. So I'm a okay. I just wanted to make sure that I can safely continue with the game. xD it's kind of a bummer knowing a spoiler like that but I asked for it. ^_^ it's a relief.


You won't miss out on much just because you know that, trust me. There's so much more, you'll be fine.  :)


Also, Henry is the best. Period.



Delilah is a pretty fantastic character too, I love them at equal levels. I connected with them both in different ways.

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