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Anime | Manga Official Press Release On "FLCL" 2nd/3rd Season

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Yeah, there was a Facebook announcement on this already, and I even commented on it, but screw it, this is straight from the people who basically own Adult Swim so it takes precedence and dammit, I'M the one who loves Toonami on this site, I wanna be the first to talk about crap like this. xD Although to be fair, this is more about Toonami in general than FLCL but please, read on.


The Turner Broadcasting System, the conglomerate that owns Adult Swim, has published an official press release on their website with the already confirmed news that Toonami will be co-producing two more seasons, a total of 12 episodes, for "Fooly Cooly", also known as "FLCL", an short OVA anime series original premiered and aired between the year 2000 and 2001, before eventually airing many times on the Toonami block in the year 2003 and becoming a staple show for the brand's name as well as a popular and memorable anime for its viewers.


It is confirmed that the original creator of the series Kazuya Tsurumaki will be on board as supervisor alongside director Katsuyuki Motohiro, known for his work on the anime Pyscho-Pass, as well as character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto and writer Hideto Iwai.


Included is also a short synopsis of the plot of the two seasons as well as when they will begin airing:



In the new season of FLCL, many years have passed since Naota and Haruhara Haruko shared their adventure together. Meanwhile, the war between the two entities known as Medical Mechanica and Fraternity rages across the galaxy. Enter Hidomi, a young teenaged girl who believes there is nothing amazing to expect from her average life, until one day when a new teacher named Haruko arrives at her school. Soon enough, Medical Mechanica is attacking her town and Hidomi discovers a secret within her that could save everyone, a secret that only Haruko can unlock.

But why did Haruko return to Earth?
What happened to her Rickenbacker 4001 she left with Naota?
And where did the human-type robot ‘Canti’ go?
All of these questions and more will be answered in the new season of the series, which is set to premiere in late 2017/early 2018 on Adult Swim.


This is the second animated series that has been confirmed for a revival on the Toonami block, the first being the western cartoon Samurai Jack. Even before its revival, the Toonami brand has shown enough staying power and influence to produce other new content for their acquired shows, such as The Big O.


So does this mean that more properties that share a close connection with Toonami are eligible for this kind of treatment? It's certainly possible. And with the combined efforts of not only revitalizing old classics but also providing access to newer properties, the Toonami block is picking up steam with each new acquisition.

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