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Name for a cat

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I'm no sure how stretchy he is though xD


Takumi seems super adorable. :)


Ikr? Actually to be honest with you, I've asked around on my other social media too and it turns out 'Takumi' is taking the lead.


Alfador! Because, Chrono Trigger!


Ooh! Would work if my name was Janus bwahahaha


Name him Mr. Bigglesworth



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YESSSSSSS! Omg Yuuichi Nakamura as Yuuto Sakurai <3<3! That was why I wanted to name him Yuu-chan so I can be like 'SAKURAI-KUN!!"//*shot*.




If my cat was named Yuu, he'd be like "LET ME SAY THIS TO START....I AM....V.E.R.Y ADORABLE!!" as opposed to Sakurai Yuuto's "Let me to say this to start....I am....v.e.r.y strong!!"



....and then there is Deneb's "Let me to say this to start!....the face on my armour is for decoration only!!" LMFAO


And and and oddly enough this image fits a KH forum because Deneb is voiced by Hochu Otsuka who also voices Xigbar...both Deneb and Xigbar have 'gun motifs'.

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YESSSSSSS! Omg Yuuichi Nakamura as Yuuto Sakurai <3<3! That was why I wanted to name him Yuu-chan so I can be like 'SAKURAI-KUN!!"//*shot*.




If my cat was named Yuu, he'd be like "LET ME SAY THIS TO START....I AM....V.E.R.Y ADORABLE!!" as opposed to Sakurai Yuuto's "Let me to say this to start....I am....v.e.r.y strong!!"



....and then there is Deneb's "Let me to say this to start!....the face on my armour is for decoration only!!" LMFAO

Goood times xD



And and and oddly enough this image fits a KH forum because Deneb is voiced by Hochu Otsuka who also voices Xigbar...both Deneb and Xigbar have 'gun motifs'.

Data Deneb is so mean ;_;

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Before I get to the topic, I got a funny story regarding my cat! xD


You see, last year, from the bushes in the backyard, my parents and I heard meowing!  We searched around and then saw a really tiny baby kitten, who just happened to be in the bushes!  It looked up at me and meowed so adorably, and I instantly loved the little guy to bits!  I kept the kitten, and for a while, I thought it was a female, so I had named it Nightshade!  But my parents and my sister thought the name was weird for a cat, so I changed it to Luna!  Then, I found out the cat was a boy, and then I decided to call him Hiro, and that's the name I've stuck with ever since!  Lol, poor Hiro must have had an identity crisis with all the name changes I was giving him!  Lol, long story short, I just love the little guy, and I just love cats!  They're so badass, and cute as well!  Hiro is very affectionate, and he gets super excited when I'm about to give him food! :D


So then, on topic, congrats for the imminent arrival of your new cat!  Of all the names you listed, I think Takeru sounds the most badass! :D

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Before I get to the topic, I got a funny story regarding my cat! xD


You see, last year, from the bushes in the backyard, my parents and I heard meowing!  We searched around and then saw a really tiny baby kitten, who just happened to be in the bushes!  It looked up at me and meowed so adorably, and I instantly loved the little guy to bits!  I kept the kitten, and for a while, I thought it was a female, so I had named it Nightshade!  But my parents and my sister thought the name was weird for a cat, so I changed it to Luna!  Then, I found out the cat was a boy, and then I decided to call him Hiro, and that's the name I've stuck with ever since!  Lol, poor Hiro must have had an identity crisis with all the name changes I was giving him!  Lol, long story short, I just love the little guy, and I just love cats!  They're so badass, and cute as well!  Hiro is very affectionate, and he gets super excited when I'm about to give him food! :D


So then, on topic, congrats for the imminent arrival of your new cat!  Of all the names you listed, I think Takeru sounds the most badass! :D


Awww Hiro-chan <3

Any photos?

And why Hiro? Named after an actor? celebrity? Anime character? or just a name that popped into mind?

You could say that your meeting was a 'fated encounter' and that 'there are no coincidences in destiny' lol


I wouldn't say its imminent lol, since I still have to convince my family why I should have a cat. With that said, the person who is offering me the kitten is reserving a male kitten for me so all thats left is to get the clearance for him to stay with us...sadly my parents really don't like pets and its more of a personal dislike rather than medical allergy reason. But everyday, I feel like I'm making progress to having a new feline friend.

Edited by catmaster0116

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Awww Hiro-chan <3

Any photos?

And why Hiro? Named after an actor? celebrity? Anime character? or just a name that popped into mind?

You could say that your meeting was a 'fated encounter' and that 'there are no coincidences in destiny' lol


I wouldn't say its imminent lol, since I still have to convince my family why I should have a cat. With that said, the person who is offering me the kitten is reserving a male kitten for me so all thats left is to get the clearance for him to stay with us...sadly my parents really don't like pets and its more of a personal dislike rather than medical allergy reason. But everyday, I feel like I'm making progress to having a new feline friend.


Lol, yep, Hiro-chan! :D  Right now I don't have any recent photos of him, but when I do take a pic, I'll let you know!  As for why I chose Hiro, well, I named him after Hiro from Big Hero 6, ya know? :3


Haha, and don't worry, you'll have your kitten!  My parents aren't big fans of animals either, but since my cat had already appeared in our backyard, Hiro was already a part of our household by default!  So yeah, it wasn't a coincidence, not at all! X3

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