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What disney shows would you like to see in KH3 or in KH in general?

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Nope. Gargoyle even had a chance if it wasn't for the fired people. Be open about it

I am being open. I was open with my opinion. I spoke it loud and clear and I shall say it again. I want only Disney films in there, no TV shows. It has always been films they used and that's how it always will be.

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Notice many people aren't taking seriously putting things like Cory in the House(That meme needs to die)


I'm mostly for films, but I could see few small things.


Searching for the experiments from Lilo and stitch across the other worlds. Some of them we could fight and some we could find in pod form, although not all the numbers are shown in show. Some are shown in the movies, and some in magazines. 


Darkwing Duck would be something interesting, but I'm unsure of a full world.



Might edit later.









phineas and ferb. that would be AMAZING.

That would be creepy 

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Think about it: Sora vs Dofenshmirthz. BEST BOSS FIGHT EVER LOL

Phineas and Ferb just don't work well in CGI, and they even felt weird when they were in Disney infinity to be honest. 

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Phineas and Ferb just don't work well in CGI, and they even felt weird when they were in Disney infinity to be honest.

perry the platypus my boy. No more sayin' LOL.

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perry the platypus my boy. No more sayin' LOL.

Perry works, but the other characters look freaking weird. Also Doof isn't an actual villain he is a comedic villain where many of his plots are just based around minor nuisances,humiliation,his past,or just some random strange thing.


Example:Because of humiliation back in his childhood years, Dr. Doofenshmirtz gathers all the lawn gnomes in the Tri-State Area and plans to destroy them.


            He uses the Ballgown-inator to make all the Tri-State Area more girly so he can be the manliest in comparison.





I enjoyed the show, but what is your reason for wanting it other than liking the show.

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Perry works, but the other characters look freaking weird. Also Doof isn't an actual villain he is a comedic villain where many of his plots are just based around minor nuisances,humiliation,his past,or just some random strange thing.


Example:Because of humiliation back in his childhood years, Dr. Doofenshmirtz gathers all the lawn gnomes in the Tri-State Area and plans to destroy them.[/size]


            He uses the Ballgown-inator to make all the Tri-State Area more girly so he can be the manliest in comparison.[/size]





I enjoyed the show, but what is your reason for wanting it other than liking the show.

it was just a joke man, just chill. No disney tv series apart from kim possible or gravity falls fits the kingdom hearts universe. And i dont think we will ever see them as we've first got plenty of movies to cover. But i would love phineas and ferb or wizards of weaverly place to cameo in it though...

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Kim Possible could be in KH3? I was going to suggest That's So Raven but that's a show not animated if that really matters lol.

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