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The Fire Nation Game

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Ever see Avatar: The Last Airbender? This is a game that plays off of the opening to that show. 




The rules are very simple, what ever you say, you have to add some variation of "...But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked" at the end.


I'll start:


I was mowing the lawn this morning, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...

Edited by Xadec

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Sora had finally defeated Xehanort and brought light and darkness back in equilibrium and confessed his love to Kairi.  Life was going well for our Keyblade hero, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...

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I was SO close to defeating my brother in a 1-on-1 match in Super Smash Bros., but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked... Edited by Steven Drake (SteVentus)

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