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What Are YOUR Favorite Games Of All Time?

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Strange, I thought I did reply to this topic, but I guess not.


Kingdom Hearts (1, BBS, 3D)

Chrono Trigger


Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles

The Legend of Zelda (Link to the Past, Ocarina, Twilight Princess)

Star Ocean (The Second Story, 'Til the End of Time)

Tales of (Vesperia, Symphonia)

The Elder Scrolls Series

Age of Empires Series

Ori and the Blind Forest


Pokemon (GS, HGSS, RBY)

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I'm going to limit this to my top 5. I could list all the games I love, but if I were to chose my favorite games they would be as follows:

  • Tales of the Abyss
  • Persona 4
  • Steins;Gate
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening (also my most played game)
  • Stella Glow

These games were all games that sucked me into them and didn't let go. Tales of the Abyss and Persona 4 were games that kept me entranced throughout two summer vacations, and I loved almost every aspect of them. Steins;Gate is different from all the others in that its a visual novel, but my god do the story, characters, and art make up for the lack of "game-like" features.


Fire Emblem Awakening has sucked more time out of me than any other game, netting about 260 hours between 2 play-throughs. It got me interested into both the series and the genre, and is probably one of the few times I've actually been downright addicted to a game.


Stella Glow, while it doesn't have the strongest story, game play, characters, or art direction, is fairly good in all categories. Perhaps a bit standard, tapping into cliches and popular trends, but overall a charming game that feels like more than the sum of its parts. Also, I put more playtime more quickly into this game than any other I've played. I got to nearly 100 hours in about 20 days or so. Lets just say I had a lot of free time over winter break.


Honorable mention goes to the Pokemon series, which has given me tons of games that I like.

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