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14 years old i was when i first played this masterpiece. Im 22 now and my friend and I were having a discussion on wallet chains. He dislikes them while i always thought they were kind of cool, though i wouldn't use one now because people can be very mean. But I tried to back up my argument with saying that Sora had a wallet chain in KH1.Then i realized how ridiculous it made him look lmao.I wonder what happened to that thing and how does he keep ahold of his money now?TBH though I would probably buy a KH wallet chain and totally wear it.

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lol yea forget the wallet chain. have you ever actually taken a good look at his KH1 outfit. he's got a red onesie under that jacket. i couldn't ever tell at a glance because the belt made it look like a red shirt and poofy red pants but nope. it's all one zip up outfit. 

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He's got those big pockets strapped to his trousers in KH2.  

I've seen people use a wallet chain, looks grand.  Though I've I'm someone who would like to wear a pocket watch, which is pretty old fashioned itself.

Edited by Caity

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What the Wallet Chain? It's just an extra detail on Sora's clothing, it doesn't look stupid, it just looks ok. To be honest Sora's KH1's clothes needed more details.

Edited by MarieltheKeybasHGirl

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Hahaha that damn onesie with the crotch to neck zipper. I also thought it was a separate shirt pants combo due to the belt. Then I saw it for what it was. Ha.... I still wish I was in those ignorant times when I thought he looked so bad ass.

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