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Dustin Lübbers

Does anyone know where I could find the Pop version of Simpel and clean

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I know that you can buy hikari utada hikaru which is the song playing at the end of kingdomhearts 1 which I already have but I would love it if the much faster version at the beginning would also be out there anyone any Information on this?

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The actual title is "Simple and Clean -PLANITb Remix-". If you search that and add the word "full" you'll get the full version of the song. Alternatively you could just search for Utada's album Colors, which includes PLANITb Remix, the regular version of Simple and Clean, Colors (really good song IMO), and the karaoke version of Colors. Where you go really depends on if you want to download it or if you just really want to just listen to it.

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