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KHBbS BbS mentioned in phillyD show!

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PhillyD is a big youtuber that does a newscast sortof thing.

I might not be big, but its just that his millions of subcribers know that birth by sleep is comming out!!!

K, skip to 2:50 and be happy :3

oh, and why he said "sony is the devil" is cus sony just made the PSP go, and birth by sleep, sonys biggest hit yet, is a disk game.

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PhillyD is a big youtuber that does a newscast sortof thing.

oh, and why he said "sony is the devil" is cus sony just made the PSP go, and birth by sleep, sonys biggest hit yet, is a disk game.


Ya but won't say biggest hit with ghost of sparta coming out and peace walker out.

But stupid americans and european didn't peace walker the greatest game on psp

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PhillyD is a big youtuber that does a newscast sortof thing.

oh, and why he said "sony is the devil" is cus sony just made the PSP go, and birth by sleep, sonys biggest hit yet, is a disk game.


Ya but won't say biggest hit with ghost of sparta coming out and peace walker out.

But stupid americans and european didn't peace walker the greatest game on psp


It was cheap enough I got PW new in Gamestop for like 25 euros. Im hoping that a lot of people bought PW on the PSN cause NDP dont track those stats just disc based sales. Im shocked considering how many bought MPO

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PhillyD is a big youtuber that does a newscast sortof thing.

oh, and why he said "sony is the devil" is cus sony just made the PSP go, and birth by sleep, sonys biggest hit yet, is a disk game.


Ya but won't say biggest hit with ghost of sparta coming out and peace walker out.

But stupid americans and european didn't peace walker the greatest game on psp


It was cheap enough I got PW new in Gamestop for like 25 euros. Im hoping that a lot of people bought PW on the PSN cause NDP dont track those stats just disc based sales. Im shocked considering how many bought MPO


Ya hopefully it should get good sales and I have couple friends that bought it on PSN

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