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Anime worlds in Kingdom Hearts. Can it work?

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Just a thought. What if Kingdom Hearts had worlds from different anime instead of Disney. Do you think it could work? What anime worlds or characters do you think would fit for the series, if any. 


How about for example Dragon Ball Z, Hunter x Hunter, Fate/Zero, Once Piece or Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood? Dragon Ball Z probably won't work for example because the characters are probably too powerful for KH universe. Goku could just end Xehanort in an instant. xD


What do you guys think? 

Edited by AaySquare

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Something as violent as the Fate/ series would never get close to kingdom hearts lol but, yes there is anime that would fit in Kingdom Hearts. There are only two by Square that would fit in KH though which are Full Metal Alchemist, if its toned down, and something much more likely is Heroman with themes of friendship, big battles and it was written by Stan Lee and published by Square so it's chances sky rocket..

Edited by Kalebninja almighty

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Tsubasa Chronicles would be cool as it's also a story about characters travelling to different worlds and making friends along the way. The main character even has the same Japanese voice actor as Sora! And actually now that I think of it his two male travelling companions are a wizard and a ninja who works for a princess whereas Sora travels with a Magician and a Captain of the Royal Knights. Similar set up!

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I would LOVE IT if there could be anime worlds in the KH series, but I think this should be looked at practically. Not every anime could work, of course. What needs to be considered is the subject matter in relation to the overall theme of the KH series, an, of course, does Disney/Square Enix own it? So any one of the Ghibli movies, I think, would be a perfect fit for the KH series because 1, they are distributed under the Disney name in the US, and 2, several of the themes and ideas of a lot of the Ghibli movies are common themes in KH, like family, love, the bonds of friendship and inner strength. The same applies to the anime TV shows as well. Though Disney doesn't own any to my knowledge, Square Enix owns several. FMA and Soul Eater are two that I can think of. Both shows practically scream Kingdom Hearts and I could see a lot of good things coming from those worlds if they were added to the KH universe in terms of gameplay and all the potential neat things you could gain from them. Like for FMA, you might be able to gain some kind of limit ability using a transmutation circle and for Soul Eater, you might gain either a new Keyblade form for Keyblade transformations, or go old school like the previous games and just get a new type of Keyblade based on that world. Now, if you want to stray off the path and into the realm of fan-dreams, then I have LOADS of shows that would look amazing in the KH universe and fit perfectly well with the overall themes. Fairy Tail would be an amazing addition to KH in so many ways! Think of the magic abilities you could gain and maybe even summons? Like a dragon or even Happy, to aid in healing during battle (the same way Tink does in KH1). Bleach is another show that pretty much has KH written all over it as well. I could write a dissertation on why I think Bleach would be good in Kingdom Hearts, but I'll just give you the highlights. :DThemes of friendship/loyaltyHonor/trustFamily/inner strengthfighting back against your darkness and temptationPlus, I can so see Sora's inner darkness (Anti-form) being affected by the darkness of Hollows and the Espada. While we're on Hollows, can you imagine Heartless-like Hollows coming from that world?! I mean, Hollows are pretty much just one step from being Heartless to begin with. And what about the Keyblade transformations again? Like maybe Sora could unlock an inner Keyblade power in a similar way a Soul Reaper releases their Zanpakuto?So that's all I can think of right now. I'll come back if I think of more. 

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The series would have to be a little more mature if that were to happen. Not M-rated levels of mature obviously, but just enough so that it could fit into the necessary levels of maturity for action-type shows, since that's the closest thing that a series like this would implement.


Of course, it would also require Square Enix to work out some legal junk with various studios or mangaka based on their choice of properties, and honestly, there's not really enough intrigue in them pulling out franchises under their Gangan magazine label.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Well it depends on the Anime I would say most would be Shounin Jump.

First I would not include DBZ cause 90% of the characters are op and once Sora beats someone like Frieza, Cell, Buu, or Broly none of the enemies be actual threat plus the only good out of Kingdom Hearts in Dragon Ball is a running Joke of Sora looking like a sayian.

What Kingdom Hearts needs a series that is well compairable. Shows like Fairy Tail, Yu Yu Hakusho, My Hero Acedamia, RWBY, and Sailor Moon, but I say the best Anime for Kingdom Hearts has to have a main Protaganist as the who starts out as the underdog like Sora, who has a best friend who is also his rival who is popular and later fell to darkness out of jealousy of their best friend, and have a situation where the main protaganist is saving his best friend from himself like Riku. And travels with a loud moth who knows everything and has a bad temper like Donald, along with a goofy yet loyal and smart friend you can trust like Goofy. All while an organization is hunting the main protaganist to do to the power he possess.

Well that's an easy Naruto. The show it's self have similarities to Kingdom Hearts, and hey the Actor who voiced Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts also voiced the Nine Tails in Naruto, the actor who voiced Lea/Axel in Kingdom Hearts also voiced Iruka in Naruto. 

Plus unlike Dragon Ball where they would force Z into the game. Naruto has plenty of retold stories and even so they can a story strictly made for Kingdom Hearts.

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