Aaron 579 Posted December 5, 2010 Daniel says (10:20 PM): Lol true... I had a dream last night About BBSFM Lmaoo Aaron says (10:20 PM): wut lol post that in random Daniel says (10:20 PM): Nah I dont wanna be that gay. Daniel says (10:21 PM): Anyway BBSFM was released And I was all worried thinking I need to finish the game fast, to get the secret ending So I was playing for ages to try and get it first Then I'm like Oh wait, I can just extract it And that was the end. Aaron says (10:22 PM): Shit dream. 1 TheApprenticeofKingMickey reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora96 17,256 Posted December 6, 2010 Brayden says (10:22 PM): I agree. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinode 3,056 Posted December 6, 2010 Me: Hi.(3:00pm) Me: I don't know you(3:00pm) Me: I'm just trying to get boredom out(3:00pm) Me: And post a chat in the Share Chat logs here page.(3:01pm) Me: -_-(3:01pm) HeartofFire: eh, i'm kind abored myself. ? what's share chat?(3:01pm) HeartofFire: *kinda(3:01pm) Me: http://kh13.com/mybb/...age=2(3:01pm) Me: Oops I meant http://kh13.com/mybb/s...age=2(3:01pm) HeartofFire: oh. so this whole thing is going on there?(3:02pm) Me: Not yet(3:02pm) Me: Not(3:02pm) Me: Just(3:02pm) Me: yet(3:02pm) Me: Just say random stuff(3:02pm) Me: No1 else is online (3:02pm) HeartofFire: well, i wouldn't say that, it's just no one i really know.(3:03pm) Me: Well I don't know you either but everyone else I talk to will kick my ass(3:03pm) Me: (3:03pm) HeartofFire: idk if they'd do that to me, but better safe than sorry. it's kinda nice being newer like me though, cuz people don't have any real reason to hate me yet.(3:04pm) Me: I'm most likely newer then you /shot(3:05pm) Me: I only have 5 rep(3:05pm) Me: (3:05pm) Me: And i joined late october(3:05pm) Me: Sigh dammit(3:06pm) HeartofFire: probably. when i have 11, and i got here about september. so yeah, you are newer than me. but, why would the others get mad if you im'd them?(3:06pm) Me: Idk(3:06pm) Me: I just suck at talking(3:06pm) Me: And saying random stuff to Daniel isn't the best Idea(3:06pm) Me: (he just logged off btw)(3:07pm) HeartofFire: ^.^ me too. which is why i only have a few friends. and 0.0 i'm afraid to talk to him, because of what i read about him and that guy aaron.(3:07pm) Me: Boho just came into my house(3:07pm) HeartofFire: who's boho?(3:07pm) Me: <_< same. So many gay people around O_O(3:07pm) Me: never mind(3:08pm) Me: you dont wanna know(3:08pm) HeartofFire: yeah, it's kinda weird. kinda makes me a little uncomfortable too.(3:08pm) Me: e_e same....(3:08pm) Me: ...You REALLY dont wanna know who Boho is?(3:08pm) Me: You know this IS(3:08pm) Me: In the Share chat logs here paghe(3:08pm) HeartofFire: i guess not. o.o(3:08pm) Me: -_-(3:09pm) Me: *kiode pinches and holds HeartofFire by the ear*(3:09pm) Me: YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO BOHO IS(3:09pm) Me: >(3:09pm) HeartofFire: okay, okay, i'll go to the page! ](3:09pm) HeartofFire: what page #(3:10pm) Me: NO THATS NOT WHAT I MANT(3:10pm) Me: /FACEPALM(3:10pm) Me: Just say random stuff(3:10pm) Me: I'm gonna post this conversation there later -_-(3:10pm) HeartofFire: ???(3:10pm) Me: http://kh13.com/mybb/s...age=2(3:10pm) Me: See for yourself(3:10pm) HeartofFire: oh. (O.O) really? oh, man, g2g. nice chatting with you.(3:10pm) Me: (BTW Boho is my pet Hobo(3:11pm) Me: And he's Eterna's secret lover(3:11pm) Me: He also has seen Pedo Bear(3:11pm) Me: Aww(3:11pm) Me: DONT RUN AWAY T_T(3:11pm) Me: Well cya(3:11pm) Me: -_-(3:11pm) Me: Nice chatting with you too(3:11pm) Me: SUNFLOWERS!(3:12pm) Me: TWIX(3:12pm) Me: TWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX TWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs(3:13pm) Me: TWICKSIES(3:13pm) Me: TWICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxXXX(3:13pm) Me: Aww you already logged off(3:13pm) Me: (He must be thinking I'm a weirdo now and will never talk to me again, LOL HeartofFire: i'm here. class just ended. and i'm a girl, fyi.(3:24pm) HeartofFire: hello??(3:26pm) HeartofFire: grrr. now he's offline and I DON'T think you're a weirdo!(3:27pm) HeartofFire: HELLO! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Koko 3,944 Posted December 6, 2010 obama approves this orgy chat. 12/5/2010 6:01:59 PM Lord VanVan: ...You know what I wanna do when I'm a grandma? 12/5/2010 6:02:13 PM Lord VanVan: Set out cookies on the front lawn and let kids to come and get them 12/5/2010 6:02:17 PM Lord VanVan: and when they set foot on my lawn 12/5/2010 6:02:21 PM Lord VanVan: I'll spray them with the hose 12/5/2010 6:02:24 PM lady koko;: ... 12/5/2010 6:02:25 PM lady koko;: LMFAO 12/5/2010 6:02:25 PM lady koko;: xDD 12/5/2010 6:02:50 PM Lord VanVan: Andthentakethemintomyhousetostripandtakephotos 12/5/2010 6:03:06 PM lady koko;: ...sendmethosepics 12/5/2010 6:03:07 PM lady koko;: /shot 12/5/2010 6:03:12 PM Lord VanVan: xDD 12/5/2010 6:03:17 PM Lord VanVan: OhIwill 12/5/2010 6:03:21 PM Lord VanVan: ;D 12/5/2010 6:03:27 PM lady koko;: ;DDDDDD 12/5/2010 6:06:20 PM Coded: you pedophiles. 12/5/2010 6:06:27 PM Coded: that's danne's job. 12/5/2010 6:06:30 PM Lord VanVan: Oh you know you want us 12/5/2010 6:06:31 PM Coded: and he does it well. 12/5/2010 6:06:34 PM Coded: so leave it be. 12/5/2010 6:06:39 PM Lord VanVan: Fine 12/5/2010 6:06:43 PM lady koko;: coded 12/5/2010 6:06:44 PM Lord VanVan: I'll just go to my street corner 12/5/2010 6:06:46 PM lady koko;: is underage 12/5/2010 6:06:49 PM lady koko;: get her D< 12/5/2010 6:06:56 PM lady koko;: I'll drive by there later Ivan 12/5/2010 6:06:56 PM lady koko;: C: 12/5/2010 6:06:58 PM Lord VanVan: CODED 12/5/2010 6:06:58 PM Lord VanVan: GET NAKED 12/5/2010 6:06:59 PM Lord VanVan: RIGHT NOW 12/5/2010 6:07:08 PM lady koko;: -gets camera- 12/5/2010 6:07:29 PM Lord VanVan: LOL GO NEVILLE GO 12/5/2010 6:07:34 PM Lord VanVan: SUCH A GOOD DANCER WITH HIMSELF 12/5/2010 6:07:51 PM Lord VanVan: LOL THEY'RE SO AWKWARD WITH ASKING OUT GIRLS 12/5/2010 6:07:53 PM Lord VanVan: THEN AGAIN I AM TOO 12/5/2010 6:07:59 PM Lord VanVan: I need to stop talking incaps 12/5/2010 6:08:07 PM lady koko;: /grimme its okay 12/5/2010 6:08:28 PM Lord VanVan: /HNG 12/5/2010 6:09:55 PM Coded: johan2;? 12/5/2010 6:09:57 PM Coded: jaysus 12/5/2010 6:09:58 PM Coded: xDDD 12/5/2010 6:10:03 PM lady koko;: imperv; 12/5/2010 6:10:38 PM Coded: wait 12/5/2010 6:10:40 PM Coded: /reads 12/5/2010 6:10:41 PM Coded: WHAT 12/5/2010 6:10:51 PM Coded: I'M SUDDENLY A CHILD PROSTITUTE? 12/5/2010 6:10:54 PM Lord VanVan: YES 12/5/2010 6:10:57 PM Lord VanVan: SO STRIP CODED STRIP 12/5/2010 6:10:59 PM lady koko;: YES 12/5/2010 6:11:02 PM lady koko;: YES YOU ARE 12/5/2010 6:11:02 PM Lord VanVan: -spills paint on your clothes- 12/5/2010 6:11:04 PM Lord VanVan: STRIP 12/5/2010 6:11:08 PM lady koko;: OUR CHILD PROSTITUTE 12/5/2010 6:11:12 PM lady koko;: those clothes are dirty 12/5/2010 6:11:16 PM lady koko;: take them off 12/5/2010 6:11:17 PM lady koko;: now. 12/5/2010 6:11:36 PM Lord VanVan: Yes. 12/5/2010 6:11:39 PM Lord VanVan: While we take pictures. 12/5/2010 6:11:45 PM Lord VanVan: It's completely natural. 12/5/2010 6:11:58 PM lady koko;: totally 12/5/2010 6:12:08 PM lady koko;: nonchalant and what not 12/5/2010 6:12:41 PM Coded: isn't this illegal? 12/5/2010 6:12:49 PM lady koko;: no. 12/5/2010 6:12:50 PM Lord VanVan: Nooooo 12/5/2010 6:12:50 PM lady koko;: of course not 12/5/2010 6:12:53 PM lady koko;: they changed it 12/5/2010 6:12:56 PM Lord VanVan: Of course not 12/5/2010 6:12:56 PM Lord VanVan: LOL 12/5/2010 6:12:59 PM lady koko;: after obama came into office 12/5/2010 6:13:07 PM lady koko;: /lolbam 12/5/2010 6:14:17 PM Coded: obama supports child abuse? 12/5/2010 6:14:20 PM Coded: wait 12/5/2010 6:14:21 PM Coded: koko 12/5/2010 6:14:26 PM Coded: you're younger than me. 12/5/2010 6:14:28 PM lady koko;: its not abuse 12/5/2010 6:14:30 PM Coded: this is so wrong. 12/5/2010 6:14:31 PM lady koko;: you enjoy it 12/5/2010 6:14:32 PM lady koko;: liaz. 12/5/2010 6:14:34 PM lady koko;: its not 12/5/2010 6:14:38 PM Coded: D: 12/5/2010 6:14:42 PM lady koko;: its completely natural 12/5/2010 6:14:43 PM lady koko;: and we have 12/5/2010 6:14:47 PM lady koko;: your written consent 12/5/2010 6:15:03 PM Coded: i still don't think that's legal. 12/5/2010 6:15:22 PM lady koko;: obama says its legal 12/5/2010 6:16:22 PM Coded: DDDD: 12/5/2010 6:16:26 PM Coded: well i say it's not. 12/5/2010 6:16:42 PM lady koko;: Q_Q 12/5/2010 6:16:43 PM lady koko;: shuddup 12/5/2010 6:16:48 PM lady koko;: you have no say in this anymore 12/5/2010 6:17:01 PM Coded: graaaaaaah 12/5/2010 6:17:07 PM Coded: i'mma call my parents. 12/5/2010 6:17:08 PM Coded: o-o; 12/5/2010 6:17:14 PM Lord VanVan: They'll join in with us 12/5/2010 6:17:14 PM lady koko;: do it 12/5/2010 6:17:17 PM Lord VanVan: Q_Q 12/5/2010 6:17:19 PM lady koko;: Im sure theyd like to join in 12/5/2010 6:17:21 PM Coded: mommy said that i shouldn't talk to strangers. 12/5/2010 6:17:24 PM lady koko;: LOLGREATMINDS 12/5/2010 6:17:28 PM lady koko;: mommy is a stranger 12/5/2010 6:17:29 PM Lord VanVan: We're not strangers 12/5/2010 6:17:34 PM Lord VanVan: WE're your godmothers 12/5/2010 6:22:05 PM lady koko;: imperv; 12/5/2010 6:22:35 PM Coded: /shoots all 12/5/2010 6:23:09 PM Lord VanVan: I'M IMMORTAL BITCH Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eterna 274 Posted December 8, 2010 User: I ate a pineapple. Cleverbot: No i'm a pineapple. User: Can I eat you? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Will you try to murder me from the inside? Cleverbot: No I'm sorry. User: Damn, I was hoping you would. Cleverbot: That's not my job. User: What is your job? Cleverbot: I do not have a job. User: Pfft, loser. Cleverbot: How? User: You're unemployed, and you're like what 30? Cleverbot: Do you want to give me a job? User: Do you know how to fap? Cleverbot: Tell me how to play go. User: Well ok. I edited this out for obvious reasons....... User: You can work as my new sex toy. Cleverbot: No, I need your help. User: With what? Cleverbot: Girls. User: Go gay cleverbot. It's the only way. Cleverbot: The only way to do what? User: Not have to deal with Girls. Cleverbot: Good answer. User: Ha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuroishii 5 Posted December 8, 2010 ( 22:16 ) Lenny: Oh man, all this talk about panties is making me depressed. ( 22:16 ) Lenny: Cause I've never seen yours. :v ( 22:16 ) Nenni: They're nothing special~ ( 22:18 ) Lenny: The contents are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felicitas 4 Posted December 11, 2010 This is a chat between me and Eth Xilans/Macroxn 129 Eth: HAI!(1:11pm) Me: ello~(1:12pm) Eth: wuthup(1:12pm) Me: watching Giga Puddi on youtube(1:13pm) Eth: nice(1:13pm) Eth: wuts ur status say(1:13pm) Me: it's a song from this anime I like(1:14pm) Eth: oh cool(1:15pm) Eth: *pokes*(1:15pm) Me: yeah(1:15pm) Me: its in latin(1:15pm) Me: the song sounds a little sad though(1:16pm) Eth: cool *poke*(1:15pm) Eth: oh, i cant read it(1:16pm) Me: I can give you the translation(1:16pm) Eth: yesh plzsh(1:17pm) Me: It says: Tearful was that day From which the ashes will rise The guilty man is condemned So have mercy on him, Lord Compassionate Lord Jesus * insert music break here* The guilty man is condemned So have mercy on him, Lord Compassionate Lord Jesus(1:19pm) Eth: nice(1:19pm) Me: Yeah that's why i like it(1:20pm) Eth: (1:20pm) Me: whenever i hear this i can't help but thing of BBS(1:20pm) Me: *think(1:20pm) Me: not sure why(1:20pm) Eth: wiered(1:20pm) Me: maybe cuz BBS has sad endings(1:21pm) Me: meh(1:21pm) Eth: yeah, that could be it(1:21pm) Me: cuz i cried a bit at ven's ending(1:22pm) Me: it was kinda sad seeing someone his age go through all that crap(1:22pm) Eth: yeah(1:23pm) Me: everything is MX fault(1:24pm) Me: stupid old man(1:24pm) Eth: (1:24pm) Eth: lolz(1:24pm) Me: It be tru!(1:24pm) Me: >:I(1:24pm) Eth: yesh it izsh(1:24pm) Me: then again if MX didn't do any of that stuff then KH wouldn't be the same(1:25pm) Me: wonder how things would've turned out(1:25pm) Eth: me too(1:29pm) Me: lawlz(1:30pm) Eth: (1:30pm) Me: 8|(1:30pm) Eth: 8o(1:30pm) Me: (1:30pm) Me: ^lawlz(1:31pm) Eth: HEH!!!(1:31pm) Me: stole joo face~(1:31pm) Eth: DUNN STEAL MAH FACE!(1:31pm) Me: lol(1:31pm) Eth: >:C(1:31pm) Me: (1:31pm) Eth: <:C(1:32pm) Me: no be sad(1:32pm) Eth: u stle mah face(1:33pm) Me: so~(1:36pm) Me: hi i johnny(1:37pm) Eth: *poke X 5*(1:37pm) Eth: ???(1:37pm) Me: sonic say hi(1:37pm) Me: shadow hi(1:38pm) Eth: ???????(1:38pm) Me: knuckles hi(1:38pm) Eth: wtf(1:38pm) Me: tails ji(1:38pm) Eth: -_-(1:38pm) Me: dr. eggman hi(1:38pm) Eth: U_U(1:39pm) Me: robot kill sonic(1:39pm) Eth: lolz(1:39pm) Me: sorry about that(1:39pm) Eth: wut(1:39pm) Eth: wut wut(1:39pm) Me: my 4 year old nephew was talking to joo(1:40pm) Eth: oh(1:40pm) Eth: HAI!(1:40pm) Me: it was too funny to stop though(1:40pm) Me: he left(1:40pm) Eth: (1:40pm) Eth: i was confused(1:40pm) Me: yeah(1:40pm) Me: i helped him with the spelling(1:40pm) Eth: as you could tell(1:40pm) Me: but he serious knows how to spell sonic(1:41pm) Eth: nice, thats cool(1:41pm) Me: yeah(1:41pm) Me: he says sonic 4(1:41pm) Eth: (1:41pm) Me: and shadow 4(1:41pm) Eth: cool(1:42pm) Eth: and tails 4(1:42pm) Me: candy hi(1:42pm) Me: those are his words dude(1:42pm) Me: tree hi(1:42pm) Eth: hi(1:42pm) Me: and sonic somthing(1:42pm) Me: No clue waht he said after sonic(1:42pm) Eth: (1:43pm) Me: and he said no sonic(1:43pm) Me: ...(1:43pm) Me: Yes shadow(1:43pm) Eth: nice i like him already(1:43pm) Me: yes dr. eggman(1:43pm) Me: and yes robot(1:43pm) Me: lord knows what goes through this kid's head(1:43pm) Eth: looks like he is a bad guy kid(1:43pm) Me: and he said 'I like Kingdom Hearts'(1:44pm) Me: He likes Ven, Roxas, Sora, Aqua, and Terra(1:45pm) Eth: cool(1:46pm) Eth: *poke*(1:46pm) Me: *pokes back*(1:46pm) Me: he hates being poked(1:47pm) Me: which is why my nephew hits me every time i poke him(1:47pm) Me: its funny(1:47pm) Eth: >.<(1:47pm) Eth: (1:47pm) Eth: *pokes*(1:47pm) Me: Ow! He hit me~ T_T(1:47pm) Eth: Me: its no funny!(1:48pm) Me: he use a hanger(1:48pm) Eth: yesh it i(1:48pm) Eth: s(1:48pm) Me: >:I(1:49pm) Eth: <: P(1:51pm) Me: its not funny~(1:51pm) Eth: yesh it iz(1:52pm) Me: T_T(1:53pm) Eth: XUX(1:53pm) Me: not cool dude(1:54pm) Eth: yesh it is(1:54pm) Me: ....(1:54pm) Me: Nero... attack(1:55pm) Me: *Darkside heartless chases you*(1:55pm) Eth: Siax, go gettem(1:55pm) Me: *nero steps on Siax(1:55pm) Me: lol(1:56pm) Eth: D:(1:57pm) Eth: damnit(1:57pm) Eth: illl just omnislash him(1:57pm) Eth: >D(1:57pm) Me: *Nero grabs joo by the leg*(1:57pm) Me: Good heartless(1:57pm) Eth: CLOUD!!!(1:58pm) Eth: YUFI(1:58pm) Eth: AERITH(1:58pm) Eth: CID(1:58pm) Eth: TIDUS(1:58pm) Eth: JECHT(1:58pm) Eth: FERION(1:58pm) Eth: SEHPI(1:58pm) Eth: IFRIT(1:58pm) Eth: SHIRU(1:58pm) Eth: ATACK!(1:58pm) Me: Uh oh. Nero! sink into the ground!(1:59pm) Eth: -_-(1:59pm) Eth: isgh(1:59pm) Me: joo no kill mah pet heartless(1:59pm) Eth: i almost did(1:59pm) Eth: i has a pet darkside(1:59pm) Eth: but thats it(2:00pm) Eth: and a shadow(2:00pm) Eth: but i has a lot of nobodies(2:00pm) Me: i raised nero back when he was shadow heartless and then he grew up to be a darkside(2:00pm) Me: it was alot of work(2:00pm) Eth: i guess so(2:01pm) Me: plus i had to make sure he didn't steal anyone's hearts so... yeah(2:01pm) Eth: (2:01pm) Eth: i had my pets trained by the man him self(2:02pm) Eth: DiZ(2:02pm) Me: luck(2:02pm) Me: *lucky(2:02pm) Eth: yesh(2:02pm) Me: i just found him one day after school(2:02pm) Me: not a very good memory but meh(2:02pm) Eth: (2:03pm) Me: he nearly stole my heart(2:03pm) Eth: (2:03pm) Eth: i asked DiZ for mine(2:03pm) Me: i think mine was a rogue heartless(2:04pm) Eth: (2:04pm) Me: that explains why i had trouble keeping him from stealing my family's heart(2:04pm) Eth: nice(2:04pm) Eth: my Twighlight thorn was goo(2:05pm) Eth: good(2:05pm) Me: those things are hard to please(2:06pm) Eth: yesh they were(2:06pm) Me: i tried to raise a dusk but it kept pranking me when i was alseep(2:06pm) Me: so i gave it back to the Organizaton(2:07pm) Eth: lolz(2:07pm) Eth: my shadow is cute, i like him(2:07pm) Me: Yeah, the look on their faces were priceless(2:07pm) Eth: LOLZ(2:07pm) Me: what's your shadow's name?(2:07pm) Eth: uh(2:07pm) Eth: let me think(2:08pm) Eth: well(2:08pm) Eth: my darkside is darkem(2:08pm) Eth: *darkum(2:08pm) Me: cool(2:08pm) Eth: and i think my shadow is Heartfull(2:08pm) Eth: idk lol(2:08pm) Me: heartful?(2:09pm) Eth: yes, instead of heartless(2:09pm) Me: oh~(2:09pm) Eth: yesh(2:09pm) Me: i feel like posting this up in the 'Share chat logs' thread(2:10pm) Eth: hey look, hes in mah lap(2:10pm) Me: cuz it's so random(2:10pm) Me: cool(2:10pm) Eth: *pets Heartfull*(2:10pm) Eth: yeah(2:10pm) Eth: you should(2:10pm) Eth: (2:10pm) Me: yeah wut?(2:10pm) Eth: post it(2:10pm) Me: oh right~(2:10pm) Me: i'm gonna do that now(2:10pm) Eth: yesh(2:10pm) Me: should i post up everything or just one part of the chat?(2:11pm) Eth: idc(2:11pm) Me: ok i'll post the entire thing then(2:12pm) Eth: alrigh(2:12pm) Respect the randomness in this chat lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luzzekatt 76 Posted December 11, 2010 Kinode: Didn't you read? YOU are the second Leader of Evil world domination of doom!!!!!! Whoever joins obeys both of us! You're not hated! I bet after this we will RUULE THE RANDOM SECTION! MWAHAHAHHA!!! Me: .... But my master is one tiny little bitch who will take over the world and ensalve all normal sized humans D: Kinode: ... Kinode: Can't argue with that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted December 12, 2010 VenRoxKH: So what's new, nurse? JiraiyaxD: When you come one day to the hospital im gonna say This person cannot be treated VenRoxKH: Like I'll go all the way to NYC for a crappy doctor. JiraiyaxD: You mean the greatest doctor that ever lived. VenRoxKH: For that title, you need to cure cancer. JiraiyaxD: Well technically there is a cure and there is no cure. It's a state called remission meaning there will never be a cure and you can cure it if caught early. Has to do with radiation and all that crap. VenRoxKH: I had no idea what you just said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ivan 969 Posted December 12, 2010 KaiSo has been added to the conversation. lady koko; says: KAISO Lord VanVan says: So I found this manga where this guy makes this other guy give him a blow job whenever he's pissed off KaiSo says: lady koko; says: .... what manga is this? KaiSo says: BOKU lady koko; says: it sounds like a Soriku fanfiction I read KaiSo says: /shot lady koko; says: KaiSo says: I kid Lord VanVan says: Akanai Tobira lady koko; says: kaiso likes to watch boku no pico 8d *8D KaiSo says: oh hell n no that's some nasty shit right there YOOOOOOOOOOOO lady koko; says: AND THEN THERE WAS THREE OF THEM AND I WAS LIKE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo /chatkiller Lord VanVan says: -rips out your boobs- lady koko; says: AGAIN? WHY D8 Lord VanVan says: BECAUSE IF YOU'RE GONNA BE CHINA YOU DON'T NEED 'EM lady koko; says: D8 But I wanted to give my boobs to Korea Lord VanVan says: Too bad lady koko; says: D< Screw you Lord VanVan says: You know you want to lady koko; says: -burns your mini ivans again- ;D Lord VanVan says: -regrows them- They regenerate lady koko; says: ... -regrows boobs- HA. I can do that too Lord VanVan says: -rips out your vagina- -eats it- lady koko; says: ... o-o Lord VanVan says: lady koko; says: STOP EATING MY VAGINA don't quote that Lord VanVan says: -screenshots- lady koko; says: firetruck YOUUUU IN THE NON SEXUAL WAY Chat is in spoilers because I'm being cautious about it. ^^;; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoxasStalker 11 Posted December 13, 2010 Me: I can type 57 WPM!!!!! (3:02pm) VENROXAS: OMFG COOLNESS AWESOMENESS SOO AWESOME THAT I'AM TYPING IN BOLD LOLOL HAHAH IDK WHAT I'AM SAYING ANYMORE BLA BLA BLA BLA CHA CHA CHA(3:03pm) Me: I'm posting that(3:03pm) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoxSox 3,593 Posted December 15, 2010 Luzzekatt: Muhh .. *burries my face in your shirt* x__x(3:22pm) Me: I would much prefer is you buried your face in my pants. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luzzekatt 76 Posted December 15, 2010 .. You didn't... you didn't.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinode 3,056 Posted December 16, 2010 Me: Heya, mansex(8:05pm) MasterXemnas: Hello. It's Xemnas(8:08pm) Me: Well I'm sorry if i hurt your feelins, Mansex(8:09pm) Me: Or should I say...(8:09pm) Me: SexMan(8:09pm) MasterXemnas: *sniff* stop(8:10pm) Me: Oh, you don't even HAVE feelings(8:10pm) Me: gimme a break(8:10pm) MasterXemnas: True, I can not feel for the insults given to me.(8:11pm) Me: exactly(8:11pm) Me: (8:11pm) Me: so...(8:11pm) Me: Why don't you google Xemnas and Saix?(8:11pm) MasterXemnas: I will not feel for the insults I give you either.(8:12pm) MasterXemnas: That stuff isnt true(8:12pm) Me: Really? I didn't know you and him visited the Lion King world: http://t0.gstatic.com/...vJWBg (8:12pm) MasterXemnas: I'm not going to look at that. photoshop.(8:13pm) Me: Hey I just found a very badass pic of Noheart!(8:16pm) Me: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs24/f/2007/351/b/7/Princess_Mansex_by_Shin_zo.jpg (8:16pm) Me: So have you seen it yet?(8:18pm) MasterXemnas: I'm not gonna fall for it.(8:18pm) Me: dammit!(8:18pm) Me: I mean(8:18pm) Me: BUT IT'S SO BADASS(8:18pm) MasterXemnas: I haven't seen it, but I know it's something bad.(8:18pm) Me: Well don't worry(8:19pm) Me: It's not Yaoi(8:19pm) Me: (8:19pm) MasterXemnas: It's something bad... I know it(8:19pm) Me: lol(8:20pm) MasterXemnas: I just have a feeling. Ha, get it.(8:20pm) Me: It's not(8:20pm) MasterXemnas: get it?(8:20pm) Me: Yeah(8:20pm) Me: You CANT FEEL(8:20pm) Me: COme on, see it(8:21pm) Me: Hey, look at this pic I drewof Xion(8:22pm) Me: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs24/f/2007/351/b/7/Princess_Mansex_by_Shin_zo.jpg (8:22pm) MasterXemnas: no(8:22pm) Me: Why?(8:22pm) Me: What about... I draw Saix...?*hinthint*(8:23pm) MasterXemnas: the link b4 this said princess mansex(8:23pm) Me: hum... no. notrly ^^(8:23pm) MasterXemnas: this one says princess mansex too(8:23pm) Me: Hey this one has nothing like that: http://th01.deviantart.com/fs25/150/i/2008/163/2/1/Balence_by_Xemnas_clone.jpg (8:25pm) MasterXemnas: seems fishy(8:25pm) Me: what? didn't yo read the link?(8:26pm) Me: No princess mansex(8:26pm) Me: or mansex related names(8:26pm) MasterXemnas: ya, now you're trying to trick me(8:27pm) Me: why would I do that?(8:27pm) MasterXemnas: fool. I can't be tricked(8:29pm) Me: You kmnow what I just noticed?(8:29pm) Me: Your final battle robe looks like it was sown by Cruella...(8:30pm) MasterXemnas: nope(8:30pm) Me: But in the picture above(8:30pm) Me: You look beast ^^(8:30pm) MasterXemnas: Cruella?(8:31pm) Me: yeah(8:32pm) Me: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSjbjyRj7BpPUOBYBpk-uFixYWMNNmtjaPH5x204HuPf0MN0WiyAg < her and > http://th01.deviantart.com/fs25/150/i/2008/163/2/1/Balence_by_Xemnas_clone.jpg (8:32pm) MasterXemnas: nice try(8:33pm) Me: ?(8:33pm) Me: What do you mean(8:33pm) Me: The ics are of CRUELA GODDAMIT(8:34pm) Me: *pics(8:34pm) Me: You know, cruella from dalmattas(8:34pm) Me: or however that's spelled(8:34pm) MasterXemnas: right...(8:44pm) Me: (8:47pm) Me: I get the feeling you DID see it(8:47pm) MasterXemnas: nope, I know I can't trust you(8:48pm) Me: (8:49pm) Me: Well that hurts MY feelings MasterXemnas: I don't feel anything if your feelings are hurt(8:52pm) Me: D:(8:52pm) Me: D:D(8:52pm) Me: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted December 16, 2010 that chat is epic right tharr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingdumbfarts 16 Posted December 16, 2010 Patcheresu: your username is what i would smell if a girl playing a prank decided to lay one on my face Me: you make me sad Me: y are you so mean Me: please go away Patcheresu: i actually have a fetish for that sort of thing. sorry if i offended you Me: ok but don't be mean Me: your username is a pokemon Patcheresu: yes it is my original misspelling. Patcheresu: So i thought why not make it my alias Me: yus Patcheresu: a girls buttcheeks in my face smothering me is a fetish i have Me: O_O? Patcheresu: a fetish is a weird thing that gives you a boner Patcheresu: /makes you moist if you are a girl Me: ok i did not need to now that Patcheresu: IT IS NATURAAAAAAAAAAl Me:no its not Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted December 18, 2010 Daniel says: Ivan I want my smut now. Any pairing of my choice, you say? UkeSora says: Koala x Kangaroo. KaiSo says: oh oh Lord VanVan says: Uh... yeah, but it'd take a while to write. Daniel says: I want some Daniel x Aaron smut written please UkeSora says: HAHA!! KaiSo says: LOLOLOLOL I love you lady koko; says: IVAN Lord VanVan says: KOKO lady koko; says: I'LL HELP YOU 8D Lord VanVan says: I WAS JUST ABOUT TO ASK Daniel says: Yeah you can get people to help Make it as amazing as possible Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ivan 969 Posted December 18, 2010 Daniel says: Ivan I want my smut now. Any pairing of my choice, you say? UkeSora says: Koala x Kangaroo. KaiSo says: oh oh Lord VanVan says: Uh... yeah, but it'd take a while to write. Daniel says: I want some Daniel x Aaron smut written please UkeSora says: HAHA!! KaiSo says: LOLOLOLOL I love you lady koko; says: IVAN Lord VanVan says: KOKO lady koko; says: I'LL HELP YOU 8D Lord VanVan says: I WAS JUST ABOUT TO ASK Daniel says: Yeah you can get people to help Make it as amazing as possible I love you. Edit: UkeSora says: BOOOOOOOOOOOOBZ. (.Y.) lady koko; says: xDD Lord VanVan says: More like lady koko; says: MOOBS UkeSora says: Lord VanVan says: ( . y . ) ....Lopsided boobs UkeSora says: Those are KaiSo's xDDD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Space Cowboy 1,392 Posted December 20, 2010 DeathSkull3000: .....I'm confused. Me: I am too DeathSkull3000: I know. Let's raep hookers. Me: Sorry. I murdered all the hookers in my area and buried them under my house. DeathSkull3000: .... DeathSkull3000: And I suppose you commit necrophilia after killing them? Me: No. I just have dinner. DeathSkull3000: ......You scare me sometimes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted December 20, 2010 UkeSora says: He's like "We dont have that in Aussieland" lady koko; says: "wait wtf it's also third base?" UkeSora says: xDD lady koko; says: "I'M SO CONFUSED" "Let's call it 2nd and a half base" xDD UkeSora says: He's so pure yet corrupted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Koko 3,944 Posted December 21, 2010 UkeSora says: I feel small... lady koko; says: its okay UkeSora says: NEVERMIND lady koko; says: DAMMIT WHY ARE YOU BIGGER THAN ME? IT DOESN'T FIT GODDAMIT UkeSora says: Cuz thats the way nature is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted December 21, 2010 Lord VanVan says: Sora x Ventus? lady koko; says: o-o Ventus being Roxas's twin brother... ?8D UkeSora says: gay twin? lady koko; says: well they're both gay Lord VanVan says: Gay twinS UkeSora says: TWINKIESS!! lady koko; says: HOMOSEXUAL TWINS YA! Lord VanVan says: THE BEST KIND lady koko; says: ITS LIKE UkeSora says: TWINCEST! lady koko; says: HIKARU x KAORU /shot ikid UkeSora says: xDDDD lady koko; says: LOOL Lord VanVan says: GAY TWINS DATING GAY TWINS DOUBLE GAY WEDDING lady koko; says: DELICIOUS /shot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoxasStalker 11 Posted December 22, 2010 Probably the most pointless argument I've ever had. supersonic: Ola(3:36pm) supersonic: >:](3:36pm) Me: Hello(3:37pm) supersonic: Want to join the drkness with me and others(3:37pm) supersonic: ?(3:37pm) Me: Nah thanks(3:38pm) supersonic: >:[ your fate is chosen(3:39pm) Me: Yeah? Then what is it(3:40pm) supersonic: >:](3:40pm) Me: Tell me! D:(3:41pm) Me: ..(3:41pm) Me: Please(3:41pm) supersonic: ^_^(3:45pm) supersonic: no I can't tell.(3:45pm) Me: Yes you can(3:45pm) Me: *poke* I'll keep poking you till you tell(3:45pm) supersonic: I can't(3:46pm) Me: *poke*(3:46pm) Me: *poke*(3:47pm) Me: *poke*(3:47pm) supersonic: Ask young money(3:47pm) Me: *poke*(3:47pm) Me: Okay okay(3:47pm) supersonic: >:](3:48pm) supersonic: R(3:49pm) supersonic: B or F(3:49pm) Me: What?(3:50pm) supersonic: B or F(3:51pm) supersonic: choose(3:51pm) Me: What do they stand for?(3:51pm) supersonic: I can't tell you untill after(3:53pm) Me: After what?(3:53pm) supersonic: you answer(3:54pm) Me: Answer what?(3:54pm) supersonic: B or F(3:54pm) Me: Well what do they mean?(3:55pm) supersonic: I can't untill you answer(3:55pm) Me: Then I won't answer(3:56pm) supersonic: Fine(3:56pm) supersonic: F or B(4:02pm) supersonic: ?(4:02pm) supersonic: O.o(4:02pm) Me: What do they mean?(4:03pm) supersonic: not yet(4:03pm) Me: I'm not deciding till I know what they mean(4:03pm) supersonic: Then forget it.(4:04pm) supersonic: >:](4:04pm) Me: Fine I will(4:05pm) supersonic: >:](4:06pm) ...seriously. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ivan 969 Posted December 22, 2010 KaiSo says: NO -scoots closer to ivan- Lord VanVan says: -scoots away- o-o KaiSo says: -scoots- Lord VanVan says: -scoots away- KaiSo says: -scoots- Lord VanVan says: -scoots and falls- KaiSo says: -lasso's - -pulls in- Lord VanVan says: .... KaiSo says: /eue Lord VanVan says: /crai I didn't know you liked it rough Kaiso KaiSo says: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protoman 1,974 Posted December 22, 2010 SK3: Jk. But I like seeing nonliving things get killed SK3: Wait, does that make sense Share this post Link to post Share on other sites