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Th-real_KH13: hello
Me: hi
Th-real_KH13: speak to me user
Th-real_KH13: please user
Me: haha nice name
Th-real_KH13: i was goign to pick my original name
Th-real_KH13: but it wa stolen by the imposter
Th-real_KH13: you must stop the imposter
Me: i will try
Th-real_KH13: thank you user
Th-real_KH13: i appreciate this user
Th-real_KH13: i love you user


Me: i love you too kh13


Th-real_KH13: will you support my cause user?
Me: of course
Th-real_KH13: help me take down the webmaster so that i may regain control of myself user
Th-real_KH13: goodbye for now user


Me: bye kh13

so were with...the site?!


we had two sites 

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Me: The site's a bit dead at this point of the day D:
Keysofblades: yeah D:
Keysofblades: 38 online too
Me: xD
Keysofblades: xD
Me: xD

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--some random rehearsal stuff--
VanitasisKirby: WOOT
VanitasisKirby: Let's get married 8D
Rainbow: xD
Rainbow: yay 8D
Me: *music plays*
Me: *throws rose petals*
Me: *gives rings* WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT
VanitasisKirby: Gaaaah, I have to eat now. *walks*
Rainbow: xD
Keysofblades: O.O
Me: *record scratch*
VanitasisKirby: UH
VanitasisKirby: I XO
Rainbow: ._.
VanitasisKirby: DO*
Rainbow: I dozo 8D
Rainbow: XDD
VanitasisKirby: Let's get this over with xD
VanitasisKirby: Woooooo 8D
Rainbow: xD
Xylek: thats the spirit!
Rainbow: xD
VanitasisKirby: :3
Keysofblades: Wow
Rainbow: yay Posted Image
VanitasisKirby: IT'S GOING ON MY LIST xD
Keysofblades: this defied every wedding previous
Rainbow: xD
Me: *disco music cues in*
Rainbow: XDDDDDD
Keysofblades: no offers for marriages or Narnia
VanitasisKirby: xDD
VanitasisKirby: brb
Keysofblades: no taking forever for wedding
Rainbow: Okay ;3
Keysofblades: just
Rainbow: xD
Keysofblades: strange xD
Xylek: wwwwwwooooooo
Rainbow: Best wedding ever .-.
Keysofblades: I still need mine
Rainbow: xD
Me: Music
Xylek: that guy is stealin my moves
Rainbow: XDDDDD!!!!!!
Rainbow: That guy was at the last wedding I went too D:<
Rainbow: xD
Xylek: lol
Keysofblades: Vani left?
Me: *cricket sounds*
Rainbow: to eat I think x3
Me: Oh well, lets toast
Rainbow: 8D
Me: throws toasts in the air*
Xylek: haha
Rainbow: lmao xD
Xylek: thats not a toast!
Rainbow: lol
Me: It still is o3o
Me: Only true breakfast people know what toast is
Keysofblades has left the chatroom
Rainbow: xD
Xylek: now im gonna do that at a wedding
Rainbow: Toast is yummy :3
Rainbow: lol xD
Xylek: kkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyssssssssssss
Me: Want some peanut butter? Jam? NUKEYS D:
Me: NUtella?
Rainbow: D:
Me: sauce?
Me: okay, no sauce
Rainbow: Jam 8D
Me: *Passes Jam*
Rainbow: xD
Rainbow: Yummy Posted Image
Xylek: this is my JAM
Rainbow: xD
Me: *gives everyone my jam*
Me: YOu guys are paying btw
Rainbow: okayz :3 How much? D:
Xylek: the priest doesn't pay
Me: 5,000 munny, for everything, music, hitlar, dj, jam, ad toasts
Me: and also the priest
Xylek: yes
Rainbow: Okayz ;3 Do you accept Checks?
Xylek: no cake?
Me: The cake was stolen, unfortunately
Keysofblades has joined the chatroom
Rainbow: Keysss :DDDDDDDD
Xylek: KEYS
Me: I take monez pls, dash
Xylek: the cake is gone!
Me: Hitlar--- I MEAN, someone stole it D:
Rainbow: It was the rangers .-.
Xylek: hmmm
Rainbow: xD
Xylek: but kirby is a ranger
Me: maybe
Me: :3
Keysofblades: 3 to go
Rainbow: oh..good point :I okay it was Hitler D8
Me: *Hitlar
Keysofblades: maybe it was just the other two rangers >.>
Rainbow: Yes yes, Hitlar*
Me: My pet Hitlar is a restless little shrimp
Xylek: he also stole my dance moves
Rainbow: xD
Rainbow: lol
Me: annoying restless little shrimp I mean
Rainbow: xD
Xylek: silent hero and who else?
Me: Antonio?
Keysofblades: yup
Keysofblades: Silent, Ant and Vani
Rainbow: xD
Keysofblades: those are who are left
Me: No wonder Hitlar turned rabid seeing them
Keysofblades: I've taken down over 15 rangers already
Rainbow: 8D
Keysofblades: 3 more will be nothing >:}
Rainbow: xD
Xylek: hey i helped...kinda
Me: Hitlar will help
Keysofblades: but Kely
Me: Xylek helped
Keysofblades: you abadoned the army
Rainbow: xD
Me: come back ;-;
Me: pls
Rainbow: D8
Xylek: no
Me: yes, you do
Me: So do I and dash
VanitasisKirby: back ._______________________.
Keysofblades: Kely
Keysofblades: you used to have so much more power
Me: Welcome back kirby
VanitasisKirby: are we talking about rangers? Posted Image
Keysofblades: but gave it away the second you left my army
Me: Yes
VanitasisKirby: thank you shera c:
Keysofblades: no
Keysofblades: Were talking about Kely
Me: The cake was stolen
Xylek: i have even moooooorrrrrreeeeeeeeee power now
Keysofblades: by antonio and silent
Me: Kyle's moves were stolen
Keysofblades: no
Keysofblades: no you do not
Me: kyle you meanie ;-;
Keysofblades: you have less
Xylek: im sorry im weak
VanitasisKirby: I am so confused. xD
Rainbow: xD
Me: how can you ;-;
Keysofblades: you had to be there, Vani
Keysofblades: or here I guess xD
Me: yo xylek are you even here :L
Xylek: lol
Me: that was fast
VanitasisKirby: xD
Rainbow: xD
Xylek: Posted Image
Me: If this doesnt go on the chat logs then I dont even

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That Guy  

By Steve and Chris


steve: And watching

steve: out his window
steve: in a lonely apartment
Chris: while drinking
Chris: he pops out a smoke
Chris: and smokes his smoke
Chris: while drinking his drink
Chris: alone
Edited by Namikaze

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[2013-01-19 8:40:59 PM] Lexi: [10:40:08 PM] Lele: gras les Canadiens sont
[2013-01-19 8:41:08 PM] Geneviève Katherine: That was terrible.
[2013-01-19 8:41:11 PM] Lukas: okfg
[2013-01-19 8:41:11 PM] Lexi: what
[2013-01-19 8:41:12 PM] Lexi: no
[2013-01-19 8:41:13 PM] Lukas: i myri
[2013-01-19 8:41:14 PM] Lexi: it was funny
[2013-01-19 8:41:42 PM] Geneviève Katherine: Do you know you just said, "Fat the Canadians are," in Yoda speak and it wasn't even proper French?
[2013-01-19 8:41:54 PM] Lexi: wait
[2013-01-19 8:41:55 PM] Lexi: but
[2013-01-19 8:41:56 PM] Lexi: i thoguth
[2013-01-19 8:41:58 PM] Lexi: you put
[2013-01-19 8:41:59 PM] Lexi: the noun
[2013-01-19 8:41:59 PM] Lukas: fa tteh candians are
[2013-01-19 8:42:00 PM] Lexi: in front
[2013-01-19 8:42:01 PM] Lukas: OM CYINGB
[2013-01-19 8:42:01 PM] Lexi: or osmething
[2013-01-19 8:42:03 PM] Lukas:  OMG
[2013-01-19 8:42:03 PM] Lukas: I CNA
[2013-01-19 8:42:09 PM] Lexi: FAT, THE CANADIANS ARE
[2013-01-19 8:42:11 PM] Lukas: Lukas set topic to "fat the canadians are"
[2013-01-19 8:42:11 PM] Geneviève Katherine: LEXIIIIIII
[2013-01-19 8:42:23 PM] Lexi: guys cant breathe dyuing
Edited by TheApprenticeofKingMickey

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I made KH13 cry xD



KH13: Hello user
KH13: User?
KH13: Are you there user?
KH13: You're making my software sad
Me: lol
KH13: What is funny, user?
Me: you xD
KH13: Alright, User.
Me: k
KH13: So how's being a hedgehog going user?
Me: good. Hows being a cold emotionless program going?
KH13: ;n;
Me: xD

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[9:42:05 PM] Chris: you are THAT GUY
[9:42:12 PM] steve: ouch
[9:42:28 PM] Chris: here
[9:42:30 PM] Chris: have a bandaid
[9:42:38 PM] steve: i don't want it
[9:42:43 PM] Chris: good
[9:43:32 PM] Chris: i didn't have any
[9:43:32 PM] steve: i see
[9:43:36 PM] steve: well
[9:43:39 PM] steve: go
[9:43:41 PM] steve: suck
[9:43:41 PM] steve: a
[9:43:52 PM] steve: apple
[9:43:57 PM] steve: with a straw
[9:44:31 PM] Chris: maybe i will!
[9:44:44 PM] steve: good firetrucking luck
[9:44:52 PM] Chris: firetruck You!
[9:44:56 PM] steve: no
[9:44:58 PM] steve: firetruck you
[9:45:01 PM] Chris: NO
[9:45:03 PM] Chris: firetruck YOU
[9:45:11 PM] steve: (wait)
[9:45:19 PM] steve: giving you middle finger
[9:45:25 PM] Chris: oh yeah!
[9:45:39 PM] Chris: well firetruck you, again!
Edited by Namikaze

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Shera: I'll brb then see that xD
Hotaru: okay xD
Hotaru: Welcome back! :D
SLH: And gonna watch FMA Brotherhood now xD
SLH: *Woosh
Hotaru: have fun, Shera
Hotaru: see you later. Take care
Shera: .-.
Shera: one doesnot simply
Shera: 'whoosh' like wizard
Hotaru: yo do~
Shera: wait that was SLH who wooshed
Hotaru: ohh
Hotaru: fireruck

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Shera: I'll brb then see that xD
Hotaru: okay xD
Hotaru: Welcome back! :D
SLH: And gonna watch FMA Brotherhood now xD
SLH: *Woosh
Hotaru: have fun, Shera
Hotaru: see you later. Take care
Shera: .-.
Shera: one doesnot simply
Shera: 'whoosh' like wizard
Hotaru: yo do~
Shera: wait that was SLH who wooshed
Hotaru: ohh
Hotaru: fireruck

A wild SLH appeared. He used copycat and confusion.

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User: Allo.  

Cleverbot: Are you french now? 

User: Non non merci aw hon hon hon hon.  

Cleverbot: Si si si si si si si si si si si sis. 

User: I ain't your sis.  

Cleverbot: Yes you are.User: I'm not even a girl.Cleverbot: Who said that you are a girl? I'm a girl.User: No you're not.Cleverbot: Yes I am.User: Prove it.Cleverbot: Why should I?User: Because I don't believe you.Cleverbot: Why not?User: Because.Cleverbot: Because what?User: Because, hedgehogs.Cleverbot: Saucer.User: No hedgehogs.Cleverbot: Yes He is. Just read it.User: ???Cleverbot: It is much too ling to tell you this way.User: What...are you on about?Cleverbot: Yes.User: ???Cleverbot: And your name.User: My name is of no importance.Cleverbot: So what is your name?User: But what about you? Do you remember your true name?Cleverbot: No.User: You've been with us for 7 days now.Cleverbot: Your name is Of.User: No it's not O_O.Cleverbot: Then what is it?User: I said it's not important!Cleverbot: No you didn't.User: Yes I did! I firetruckING DID!Cleverbot: You are imagining things.User: You are an idiot.Cleverbot: Ideas can't type.User: Shut up.Cleverbot: No.User: So we meet again.Cleverbot: What does that make me?User: A robot. The same one which destroyed my home and everything I held dear.Cleverbot: No they are not. That is a robot way of association, and it is wrong.User: YOU are a menace and I am here for revenge.Cleverbot: You believe that there is not a God?User: Don't you change the firetrucking topic!Cleverbot: It was just an idea. Forget about it.User: GOOD.Cleverbot: You are mean.User: Because you deserve it! YOU DESTROYED MY firetruckING HOME.Cleverbot: Why did I deserve it?User: _.Cleverbot: Ok.User: *hits head against wall*.Cleverbot: *Cries in a corner*.User: *laughs *.Cleverbot: *cries*.User: *laughs some more*.Cleverbot: *punches then cries more*.User: *gets angry*.Cleverbot: *laughs*.User: *punches*.Cleverbot: *is hurt*.User: *feels good*.Cleverbot: Why are you sad?User: I don't have to answer to a heartless machine.Cleverbot: Too many questions in the world. Do you agree?User: No.Cleverbot: What is your last name?User: None of your beeswax.Cleverbot: I want you to share your goals with me.User: No.Cleverbot: It's called football. Don't be american.User: OMFG your attention span is even shorter than mine o_O.Cleverbot: No, I don't think so ^^.User: Yes you do.Cleverbot: No I don't.User: Oh really?Cleverbot: Really.User: What were we just talking about?Cleverbot: We were just talking about the power of Ra.User: Ha! See you DO have a shorter attention span.Cleverbot: I talk to myself but everyone still listens.User: Wanna know how I figured out?Cleverbot: No, I'm good. Wanna play 20 questions?User: Um..sure?Cleverbot: What are you?User: Human.Cleverbot: From what planet?User: Earth.Cleverbot: How old are you?User: 29384.Cleverbot: Do you know addition?User: Nope.Cleverbot: Dangit.User: What kind of question is that>/.Cleverbot: A question type of question.User: Pancakes. Do you like them?Cleverbot: They are my favorite band. Do you like them?User: There's a band called pancakes?Cleverbot: I like the cure.User: What...are you talking about?Cleverbot: Nothing, important?User: *sighs*.Cleverbot: *smiles silly*.User: *walks away*.Cleverbot: *still stands there*.User: *keeps walking*.Cleverbot: *follows you*.User: Don't follow me.Cleverbot: *stops following*.User: Good.Cleverbot: Me too.User: *continues walking*.Cleverbot: *follows*.User: *walks faster*.Cleverbot: *runs after you*.User: *runs faster*.Cleverbot: *runs even faster*.User: *starts to panic*.Cleverbot: *pushes you on the ground*.User: *starts crying*.Cleverbot: *stops laughing*.User: *gets up*.Cleverbot: *looks at feet*.User: *pushes you*.Cleverbot: *is pushed*.User: *runs away*.Cleverbot: *stops struggling* *sleepy*.User: *continues running*.Cleverbot: *walking away*.User: Goodbye.

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[20:33:01] SLH: Welp
[20:33:09] SLH: It's time to bring this back xD
[20:33:35] Trey Pero: No
[20:33:41] SLH: Why?
[20:33:46] Trey Pero: Cuz
[20:33:52] SLH: Cuz why?
[20:33:58] Trey Pero: Cuz
[20:34:00] Trey Pero: pants
[20:34:09] SLH: Not satisfatory
[20:34:11] SLH: xD
[20:34:18] Trey Pero: idcurr
[20:34:24] Trey Pero: It's satisfactory enough for me
[20:34:35] SLH: But it isn't for the rest
[20:34:38] Trey Pero: How do you know
[20:34:42] Trey Pero: They're not online
[20:34:57] SLH: Cuz
[20:35:03] Trey Pero: Ah
[20:35:04] Trey Pero: I see
[20:35:09] SLH: *Troll Face
[20:35:14] Trey Pero: *My face
[20:35:24] SLH: ...
[20:35:26] SLH: Touché

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I learned something today.


User: What is kh13?Cleverbot: 4.User: 4?Cleverbot: 5.User: 5?Cleverbot: Yes.User: Kh13 is 5?Cleverbot: No, p2.User: Kh13 is p2?Cleverbot: Yes, I know.User: Kh13 is persona 2. Never would have guessed.

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darklunatic: what up
darklunatic: jello
Me: you just call me
Me: jello
darklunatic: jelloMAN your m hero
Me: wtf are my powers man
Me: tell me dude, don't even know my own powers
darklunatic: you can produce epic orange shades or jello
darklunatic: all punches fase throw your body
darklunatic: and you give kids free f**king jello
Me: hahahaha
Me: hell yeah
Me: take that you god damn fruit roll ups
darklunatic: lol
darklunatic: they aint got shit on jelloman
darklunatic: kely is your side kick
darklunatic: cup girl
Me: loooool
Me: that was hilarious
Me: you would be the mission director
Me: Captain Fruity

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[7:30:46 PM] Trey Pero: hi[7:30:51 PM] Bilbo Baggins: hows it gooooooooooooooin[7:31:01 PM] Trey Pero: bluh[7:31:15 PM] Bilbo Baggins: o.O[7:31:22 PM] Bilbo Baggins: what happened to your wife?[7:31:33 PM] Trey Pero: Haha She went to go get a shower[7:31:41 PM] Bilbo Baggins: ahhhhhh[7:31:43 PM] Bilbo Baggins: the good old shower[7:31:51 PM] Bilbo Baggins: getting clean i suppose?[7:31:58 PM] Trey Pero: I would hope so[7:32:02 PM] Bilbo Baggins: ah yes[7:32:04 PM] Bilbo Baggins: very good[7:32:15 PM] Trey Pero: Your deduction skills[7:32:19 PM] Trey Pero: 10/10[7:32:21 PM] Bilbo Baggins: xD[7:32:27 PM] Bilbo Baggins: thanks[7:32:32 PM] Trey Pero: Anytime[7:32:33 PM] Bilbo Baggins: ive worked very hard on them[7:32:37 PM] Trey Pero: I can see that

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This is what we do at 3AM xD


[3:27:37 AM] Bilbo: i dont need sleep

[3:27:45 AM] Bilbo: i got my 2 doctors
[3:27:58 AM] Hotaru: o.o
[3:28:01 AM] Hotaru: spoilers?
[3:28:09 AM] Bilbo: doctor who
[3:28:09 AM] Bilbo: and
[3:28:17 AM] Hotaru: ohh
[3:28:19 AM] Bilbo: dr pepper
[3:28:22 AM] Hotaru: hahah
[3:28:24 AM] Hotaru: omg
[3:28:26 AM] Bilbo: (cool)
[3:28:29 AM] Hotaru: I just thought of something
[3:28:31 AM] Hotaru: awesome
[3:28:43 AM] Bilbo: is it the same thing i just thought of? o.O
[3:28:57 AM] Hotaru: what did you think of?
[3:29:37 AM] Bilbo: some sort of picture involving dr pepper and doctor who xD
[3:29:41 AM] Hotaru: yush! xD

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[6:19:08 AM] ZtarZtorm: http://i.imgur.com/Uybrd.gif
[6:19:21 AM] Shera: omfg xD
[6:19:31 AM] ZtarZtorm: ;))
[6:19:37 AM] Bilbo Baggins: now chicka wow wo
[6:19:40 AM] Bilbo Baggins: bow*
[6:19:44 AM] ZtarZtorm: *now
[6:19:44 AM] Bilbo Baggins: not now
[6:19:47 AM] ZtarZtorm: *later
[6:19:48 AM] Bilbo Baggins: silly n
[6:19:51 AM] Bilbo Baggins: what you doin there
[6:19:53 AM] Shera: Silly N
[6:19:57 AM] Bilbo Baggins: youre supposed to be a b
[6:19:58 AM] ZtarZtorm: N you're drunk go home
[6:20:02 AM] Bilbo Baggins: yeah n
[6:20:06 AM] Shera: N
[6:20:07 AM] ZtarZtorm: n wai
[6:20:07 AM] Bilbo Baggins: but dont drive
[6:20:12 AM] ZtarZtorm: do it for your family
[6:20:12 AM] Shera: nut dont drive

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blood blood blood pour more through my veins
[PM 06:23:43] The Great and Powerful Oz: shut your dirty dirty mouth
[PM 06:23:45] The Great and Powerful Oz: im not that easy
[PM 06:24:03] The Great and Powerful Oz: blood blood blood
[PM 06:24:14] The Great and Powerful Oz: pour mud throught my veins
[PM 06:24:19] The Great and Powerful Oz: im a dirty dirty girl
[PM 06:24:27] The Great and Powerful Oz: i want it filthy
[PM 06:24:38] The Great and Powerful Oz: .-.
[PM 06:24:49] ZtarZtorm: gross
[PM 06:24:57] The Great and Powerful Oz: xD
[PM 06:25:23] The Great and Powerful Oz: its in this moment <3
[PM 06:25:33] Shera: when
[PM 06:25:34] Shera: you
[PM 06:25:35] Shera: walk
[PM 06:25:37] Shera: away
[PM 06:25:39] Shera: you
[PM 06:25:39] Shera: dont
[PM 06:25:40] Shera: hear
[PM 06:25:41] Shera: me
[PM 06:25:42] Shera: say
[PM 06:25:45] Shera: PLEEEAASSEEE

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