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Is ven 10 in the flash back

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That scene takes place 4 years before Birth By Sleep's main story occurs, and going under the assumption that Ven is a clean cut 10 years older then Sora, then yes he'd be around 10 years old.

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That scene takes place 4 years before Birth By Sleep's main story occurs, and going under the assumption that Ven is a clean cut 10 years older then Sora, then yes he'd be around 10 years old.

did nomura say it in a ultima or interview or something.

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did nomura say it in a ultima or interview or something.

Ah I apologize this might take some time but I'm currently skimming through all the interviews to see where it was confirmed so I can answer your question

I do know it was 4 years before the plot though  :)

EDIT; It can also be assumed because Birth By Sleep took place 10 years prior to Kingdom Hearts 1, and Sora is 14 in Kh1, 4 in Birth By Sleep and a newborn in that particular cutscene. 

Hope that helps!

Edited by Shimmy

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Close, he's 11, so long as we continue to assume he is 15 by the time BBS takes place. I mean, if you think he's 14 I guess that works but since he looks exactly like Roxas I tend to stick with 15...although Roxas looked exactly the same when he was "born" as "14"....gah, I don't know, point is that he was a kid back then. That took place roughly 4 years before the events of BBS, so either way he is 4 years younger than he is in BBS.


The logic behind this is that since Ven lost his Darkness the same time Sora was born, however many years after that scene is how old Sora is (I mean he can't turn from a baby to a toddler in just a few months, that's freakish). Now take into account that BBS takes place exactly 1 year before Radiant Garden got destroyed. After a year Radiant Garden is destroyed and Kairi is then whisked away to Destiny Islands (or just prior to that, either way roughly around the same time) and meets Sora and Riku. Fast forward 9 years later and Sora and Kairi are both confirmed to be 14 years old and Riku is 15. Now we go back 10 years to the main story of BBS, meaning those three are now 10 years younger than their confirmed ages in KH1, so Sora and Kairi are both 4 while Riku is 5. Take into account again that Ven's split from Vanitas happened around the time Sora was born, and since he is 4 years old in BBS's main story that means he is 4 years younger, putting him at age 0, while Ven is also aged down by 4 years, putting him around 10 or 11 years old, depending on how old you want to speculate he is in BBS.

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Close, he's 11, so long as we continue to assume he is 15 by the time BBS takes place. I mean, if you think he's 14 I guess that works but since he looks exactly like Roxas I tend to stick with 15...although Roxas looked exactly the same when he was "born" as "14"....gah, I don't know, point is that he was a kid back then. That took place roughly 4 years before the events of BBS, so either way he is 4 years younger than he is in BBS.


The logic behind this is that since Ven lost his Darkness the same time Sora was born, however many years after that scene is how old Sora is (I mean he can't turn from a baby to a toddler in just a few months, that's freakish). Now take into account that BBS takes place exactly 1 year before Radiant Garden got destroyed. After a year Radiant Garden is destroyed and Kairi is then whisked away to Destiny Islands (or just prior to that, either way roughly around the same time) and meets Sora and Riku. Fast forward 9 years later and Sora and Kairi are both confirmed to be 14 years old and Riku is 15. Now we go back 10 years to the main story of BBS, meaning those three are now 10 years younger than their confirmed ages in KH1, so Sora and Kairi are both 4 while Riku is 5. Take into account again that Ven's split from Vanitas happened around the time Sora was born, and since he is 4 years old in BBS's main story that means he is 4 years younger, putting him at age 0, while Ven is also aged down by 4 years, putting him around 10 or 11 years old, depending on how old you want to speculate he is in BBS.

oh, i always thought sora was 4 when he help ven the first time and ven was 14 or 15 and everything just happen within a year because i didn't think a 10 year old could have one of the strongest weapons in existence, but then again nomura logic. now i want KH4 to have 8 year olds running around with keyblades.

Edited by Keyblade master26

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oh, i always thought sora was 4 when he help ven the first time and ven was 14 or 15 and everything just happen within a year because i didn't think a 10 year old could have one of the strongest weapons in existence, but then again nomura logic. now i want KH4 to have 8 year olds running around with keyblades.

Keyblades don't care about age, they care about the strength of the heart. Ven's heart was strong enough to wield a Keyblade at that point (if there was any difficulty in summoning it I'm sure he was Xehanort's student long enough for him to have learnt how to summon it), even though he was a bit weak-willed in terms of using Darkness or lethal force (but again, a kid is a kid). He had the potential inside him, Xehanort may have just forced it out a bit too soon. In any case the only thing age would have barred him from was necessary experience needed in order to become a Keyblade Master. But there's no age-requirement per-say, just the needed potential and proven strength of the heart, that's all it takes to make a summon happen. Though it certainly helps to have come in contact with a Keyblade beforehand as well. At most you could probably argue that the younger you are the less opportunity there is to really strengthen and prove your heart, but that's pretty circumstantial. I mean, the events of KH1 could have happened as soon as 5 year old Riku saw the door for the first time, if he had opened the door then who knows how similar things would have played out?

Edited by Hero of Light XIV

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Keyblades don't care about age, they care about the strength of the heart. Ven's heart was strong enough to wield a Keyblade at that point (if there was any difficulty in summoning it I'm sure he was Xehanort's student long enough for him to have learnt how to summon it), even though he was a bit weak-willed in terms of using Darkness or lethal force (but again, a kid is a kid). He had the potential inside him, Xehanort may have just forced it out a bit too soon. In any case the only thing age would have barred him from was necessary experience needed in order to become a Keyblade Master. But there's no age-requirement per-say, just the needed potential and proven strength of the heart, that's all it takes to make a summon happen. Though it certainly helps to have come in contact with a Keyblade beforehand as well. At most you could probably argue that the younger you are the less opportunity there is to really strengthen and prove your heart, but that's pretty circumstantial. I mean, the events of KH1 could have happened as soon as 5 year old Riku saw the door for the first time, if he had opened the door then who knows how similar things would have played out?

yeah like i said, i didn't think a 10 or 5 year old would have the strength of heart required to wield a keyblade. i would have thought that hearts would have need to matured in order to summon them, i would think most 5 to 10 year old's hearts would be more similar to that of an infant but i guess that doesn't apply here. looks like i learned something new, thanks :D


There's no confirmation, but I do believe Terra and Aqua are in their 20's, and if Ven was the same age as Sora, he'd be 10 in that scene, and 14 at the start.

i think aqua is 18 or 19 and terra is 19 or maybe 20, but i'm pretty sure terra is the oldest.

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yeah like i said, i didn't think a 10 or 5 year old would have the strength of heart required to wield a keyblade. i would have thought that hearts would have need to matured in order to summon them, i would think most 5 to 10 year old's hearts would be more similar to that of an infant but i guess that doesn't apply here. looks like i learned something new, thanks :D


i think aqua is 18 or 19 and terra is 19 or maybe 20, but i'm pretty sure terra is the oldest.



Ven was pretty raw, and Xehanort was very frustrated with him so he wasn't great (still wasn't at the start of the game.) 


Terra and Aqua just a pure guess, but I swore remember seeing something about them being 20 something.

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yeah like i said, i didn't think a 10 or 5 year old would have the strength of heart required to wield a keyblade. i would have thought that hearts would have need to matured in order to summon them, i would think most 5 to 10 year old's hearts would be more similar to that of an infant but i guess that doesn't apply here. looks like i learned something new, thanks :D


i think aqua is 18 or 19 and terra is 19 or maybe 20, but i'm pretty sure terra is the oldest.

Like I said, things are circumstantial. If you recall I said that if Riku had opened the door as a 5 year old when he first saw it, the events of KH1 still could have happened in more or less a similar manner, including Sora gaining the Keyblade. My point is that a person's strength of heart isn't determined by how old they are, just by how much they've been through and how they grow from it within. Sora only became as strong as he did because of what he had been through, not because he was physically old and strong enough to take it on. Likewise, whatever events that Ven had gone through prior to or after meeting Xehanort allowed him to wield a Keyblade when he did, not because he was old enough, because he simply had a strong enough heart. There are lots of adults who are strong enough to make a capable Keyblade Master, but they simply lack the stuff that the blade is looking for, such as with Leon or Jack Sparrow. So long as anyone meets the requirements, they can summon and use a Keyblade regardless of their current age.

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Like I said, things are circumstantial. If you recall I said that if Riku had opened the door as a 5 year old when he first saw it, the events of KH1 still could have happened in more or less a similar manner, including Sora gaining the Keyblade. My point is that a person's strength of heart isn't determined by how old they are, just by how much they've been through and how they grow from it within. Sora only became as strong as he did because of what he had been through, not because he was physically old and strong enough to take it on. Likewise, whatever events that Ven had gone through prior to or after meeting Xehanort allowed him to wield a Keyblade when he did, not because he was old enough, because he simply had a strong enough heart. There are lots of adults who are strong enough to make a capable Keyblade Master, but they simply lack the stuff that the blade is looking for, such as with Leon or Jack Sparrow. So long as anyone meets the requirements, they can summon and use a Keyblade regardless of their current age.

i know its fact but its still weird. i wouldn't think they would have that much experience in that area, i mean riku was around for all 5 years. i not sure how much growing can be crammed into 3 years (since most likely he can't remember being 1 or 2) but maybe it was when he met sora he started to grow.

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