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Sadly, this is true.

Politics annoy, disgust, and drive me crazy.

For instance, when Obama got elected, I went out of my mind getting scared he'd pass some SERIOUS gun bans. I mean, I was twelve when he did, not technically old enough to shoot IDPA, so I could be forced out of the competitions, and other stuff that'd tick me off. We were in Disney World when he got elected. That ruined my stay >.<

And George Bush's standpoint on wars I disliked. I don't think he could make very good judgement, considering he hadn't been in the military and had daughters who weren't in it, so he didn't seem to care as much as he should have. :/

Then this health care plan's bust.

I could go on and on about the fails and annoyance of politics xD

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Gayer than Geroge Clooney's twin brother.


Yes, I went there.


Discuss :D




I like politics, it's an intereting subject to be discussed


however it... really sucks lol

curruption and stuff like that

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I guess you must have seen how the elections this year are going to be, haven't you Phill? It looks like a joke around here. And I know many people are treating it like a joke. It really makes me sad, such an important thing and people are messing around. -.-

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I guess you must have seen how the elections this year are going to be, haven't you Phill? It looks like a joke around here. And I know many people are treating it like a joke. It really makes me sad, such an important thing and people are messing around. -.-


I know right? "vote no tiririca pq pior n

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Well, Dilma was once something like a murderer, killing inocent people to call the government's attention. But I guess we've got off topic here already. I can't believe people can do that with something so serious.

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Because as annoying as politics is, it's easy to make fun of, and people do. I REALLY don't like Obama, but people freaked out when he killed a fly, and when his wife wore shorts. Seriously, people? xD Don't like them much, but I'm not THAT nit-picky.

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Well, Dilma was once something like a murderer, killing inocent people to call the government's attention. But I guess we've got off topic here already. I can't believe people can do that with something so serious.


yeah, she was an ex-guerrilla



Because as annoying as politics is, it's easy to make fun of, and people do. I REALLY don't like Obama, but people freaked out when he killed a fly, and when his wife wore shorts. Seriously, people? xD Don't like them much, but I'm not THAT nit-picky.


why not? he looks like such a good president

or at least better than Bush, Lula and Collor ~.~


I envy Argentina

I don't much about politics there, but they seem much more smart than Brazillians xD

They passed through a serious crysis, are more desenvolved than brazil and legalized gay marriege o/

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@Phill Devil

It's just my personnal opinion. (Who are Lula and Collor? xD) I don't like him because

1) Possible gun bans. Nuh uhh. I will not be kicked out of my shooting competitions for being too young.

2) Fake. An absolute fake.

3) Healthcare bill = fail.

No one else in seventh grade gives a crap xD it's just me xD

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@Phill Devil

It's just my personnal opinion. (Who are Lula and Collor? xD) I don't like him because

1) Possible gun bans. Nuh uhh. I will not be kicked out of my shooting competitions for being too young.

2) Fake. An absolute fake.

3) Healthcare bill = fail.

No one else in seventh grade gives a crap xD it's just me xD


fake? why fake? xD


Lula is the actual brazil's president

and Collor was our president in 93 (or something around this year)


idk much about american politics either xD

butr there is one thing that I don't like about obama



*obama and lula in a confference*

*obama points to lula and says*

He's da man!




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@Phill Devil

OMG, he did? xD

Wooooooow xD

And he's a fake in my opinion, because during the campaign run he's going all, "Oh, yeah, I can fix America up!" So everyone voted for him. He's failing miserably. For a long time, not sure about now, the percentage of people who voted for him who still liked him was only 40%.

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@Phill Devil

OMG, he did? xD

Wooooooow xD

And he's a fake in my opinion, because during the campaign run he's going all, "Oh, yeah, I can fix America up!" So everyone voted for him. He's failing miserably. For a long time, not sure about now, the percentage of people who voted for him who still liked him was only 40%.


I didn't know that



Gayer than Geroge Clooney's twin brother.


Yes, I went there.


Discuss :D


i agree. and that's pretty damn gay too.


again, what do you mean by that? u.

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Obama is a commie and doesn't listen to the constitution.


Democrats are commies that don't listen to the constitution.


Liberals are commies that don't listen to the constitution.


The country has been crap since Clinton got elected.


People who say we need to leave iraq don't know why we are there and that we will just go to another country anyway.


Global warming isn't a problem, its just the regular changing of the earths climate. Humans have very little impact on it. A volcano eruption spews more greenhouse gasses into the air then all the vehicles on earth for about 10 years. We don't cause global warming and even if we did we couldn't fix it.


Pollution on the other hand is an issue as we shouldn't be turning the place we live into a junkyard. We cause most pollution and we can easily solve it.


Most people who vote are extremely gullible as they actually believe everything that the party promises will happen. This of course is a lie as all party's don't keep all their promises if any.


Socialism and Communism fail terribly, sure they work but the people of these countries aren't has happy as they could be and their potential is being held back by the government. Capitalism allows people to own what they want and live how they want. Success or failure is up to the individual. The US was founded so people can be as free as possible. If the founding fathers were still alive, I'm sure they would be facepalming at our government's failures over time.

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I agree with all of your points, fredfredbug. You phrased it much better than me. xD


Communism is an epic fail because it only works small scale. I mean, everyone wants to be rich, for instance, right? But you're not allowed to be any more special than anyone else. So if you're working a super hard job that gives you enough money for a bigger house, for instance, why couldn't you have it? People would get jealous and fight and all of that. It's just a stupid idea. Communism was actually a Biblical policy, though. From Jesus and the twelve disciples sharing the bread and fish. It ended up not working the way they thought it would.


And why is everyone freaking about global warming so much? I mean, the Earth goes through phases. For instance, the ice age. If another ice age came on now, just as part of the natural cycle, everyone would be blaming that on us, even though it's got nothing to do wiht us.

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Communism is a nice idea on paper like in the Bible. The thought of everyone's social status being equal and the fact that you share everything with others. However it goes against human nature. Humans want to have their own things and progress in society. This is why communism has failed and will always fail. It's a nice idea but is impossible. Something I read on Encyclopedia Dramatica says that Jesus was the first hippie. I agree with this even though I'm a Catholic lol.


The reason that people are making a big deal about it is because they found a way to control people. Make everyone believe they are going to die and you can get people to do what you want, say what you want, and act how you want.


Another thing that was found out is that the scientist that spoke against the theory of global warning were actually censored by scientist that did believe in global warming! They received multiple threats if they said global warming was a myth.


People are more united by hate than love. If you can unite people against something they don't like they will work obsessively to obliterate it. About half of histories dictators were able to take power this way. Once they have people united to destroy something they can take complete control. This is seen in a smaller example with global warming.

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I like arguing about discussing politics with people (though, unfortunately, a lot of the time, when I'm talking to an adult, they dismiss my opinion, because apparently I'm too young to understand politics. Bah....) though, I agree, they are really really firetrucking annoying sometimes. -.-


I remember in sixth grade, during school the teachers set up this huge projector in the lunchroom so that we could all watch Obama's inauguration live, and I was just sitting there like, "Somebody, please shoot me now." Though, the thing I hate most about politics is that people (*cough*especiallymyparentsandotherrelatives*cough*) try and force their ideas on me. Because, apparently, since I'm only 13, that means I cannot form an opinion of my own and must rely on others to make one for me. /sarcasm

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Ughh no! Someone started a politics thread in a kingdom hearts group. I love politics and I love kingdom hearts, but please can we keep them as far away as possible. It causes fights, and as much as I am able to be friends with someone of an opposite political view and not take it personally, many people are not. Well, my love of politics is forcing me to comment now, it's too late.... I can't control it, okay I controlled it. I wrote a big rant and then I erased it all.xD

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The same thing happened in my school only it was the in the auditorium and EVERYONE had to see his inauguration. Not just the Inauguration but the crap that happened before and even after it! We took a whole day off for this and your right DLC its like they are trying to force opinions onto kids. Brainwashing much?


At Aubrey


I love a good political or religious debate. There's nothing wrong with it as long as it doesn't degrade to personal insults.

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Its not like Obama can fix anything in one term of service. Stop using him as a scapegoat for your anger. Bush ran the U.S. for 8 years, and firetrucked it up. How can you expect someone to fix what someone else firetrucked in 4 years? It's not possible.

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What? What is this? Politics is the most awesome thing on Earth! It seperates and close our minds to one and another so we can hate each other guts for having different opinions! Liberals are communists who will ruin America and Conservatives are soulless people who hate this environment.




It really is awesome if you ask me.

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obama is not a magician

he can not magically make perfection


He's at least TRYING. Something George W. Douchebag didn't do. Bush angered Russia during his term, and Obama has managed to fix it to a point where we are inevitably going to become allies with Russia pretty soon. US-Russia relations have been WONDERFUL since Obama took office. At least in comparison to say, 22 years ago.


He's also ended the War in Iraq, which is further progress.


He also saved us from getting a Second Great Depression. Sure, the economy is not splendid, it's still not too good, but as I said, he's not a damn magician. The man is trying.



Would you rather have John McCain in office, meaning SARAH PALIN, one of the biggest douches in the country, would be very close to being president?

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No,no president can make things perfect, but some Presidents do better than others. Obama is not one of these presidents.


So what if we aren't best friends with the Russians? Our interest are completely different from theirs and don't even conflict with each other. We are no where near close to allies. There are still a lot of people in Russia that wish they were back to the old Soviet days and despise America. Just because Obama is visiting the Russians more doesn't mean that relations have been approved. And the way in which Obama is failing to improve relations is disarming lots of nukes. Now this may sound like a good thing but this shows a sign of weakness to the Russians as we are letting them have more missiles.


He didn't end the War in Iraq. He left Iraq. The Iraqi army still isn't well trained and well supplied, they are going to have a rough time in the years a head and if they get unlucky a new dictator will take power. Plus, you can't end a war on terrorism. The war in Iraq was over for about six years buddy. We are fighting a global war, a war on terrorism. And you cant end that until all it's members are destroyed. Iraq was just a small theater in a greater war. The soldiers that were pulled out of there will just be redeployed into Afghanistan.


Second Great Depression? Where in the world are you getting this information? There has never been an economic collapse in this country as bad as the Great Depression. If this was the second, none of us would be posting on this site right now. And economies always fix themselves. Obama did nothing really, all he did was increase our already large debt by sending out stimulus dollars that haven't done anything. I'm dead serious with all the traveling around the country I've been doing lately I've only seen one project that was funded by the government. Of course Obama is praised because he was the president when the economy went back up and just because was president at the time.


Yeah I would rather have John McCain as president. He has more experience with war, with politics, and with diplomacy than Obama will ever hope to have. And I get a kick when people think Palin can become president cause John will die. Of course four years and he's still alive.




There is a reason they decided to make a four year term. It allows the President to do his work without staying in office too long. Theodore Roosevelt served one term and has done more than many presidents in just four years. Bush really didn't screw anything up and Obama is no better. There was not a lot that Obama could fix (the economic depression started when FHFA took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) and if he could fix it he could do it in 4 years. That is why we have four year terms. If it wasn't possible to do anything in four years we would have extended the terms a LONG time ago.

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