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Does anyone else ship Vanille and Hope from FFXIII?

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Does anyone else ship Vanille and Hope from FFXIII? I think it's pretty clear that they like each other. Hope saying he likes it when Vanille smiles in the first one is a good example. Vanille got so embarrassed when hope said that which implies that she likes Hope. Vanille also hugs Hope on multiple occasions and tries to stay positive around him. In LR when Lightning said Hope had a "little crush" after he said Vanille had been looking well made Hope embarrassed as well. Clearly it's cannon that they are crushing each other. What do you think?

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I SHIP IT. 8D Canon was pretty ambiguous on pairings aside from Snow/Serah, so I think we're meant to take it as we like. But canon or not, I do think they're very cute. ^^

Agreed! They would really make a romantic couple. However I do think they're heavily implied to be cannon. But anyway, Hope is usually a little pessimistic, while Vanille is very optimistic! They each contribute to the weaknesses of the other so together they are logical thinkers! :3



Yeah, I ship them only in the beginning of FF13. Everything what happens after it they don't seem to have any connection.

Hope later makes the comment that he likes to see Vanille smile, and then there's that gig in LR. :)

Edited by soravids

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Lol. Everyone knows it's Vanille x Fang. Even Vanille's Japanese voice actor kinda confirmed it.

So true, Sora96. So true. At least someone confirmed it as well. xD Even the way Fang and Vanille act towards each other is undeniable proof. Spoilers for those who have yet to play FF13 series:

Of course it had to be Fang and Vanille who would get trapped in an ice crystal, pretty much naked, close to each other. Yep, pretty weird...

It's a sad thing to hear when regarding hope. :( Everybody didn't like him just because he was so wimpy with his small and lowest HP in XIII-1, let alone how mean he was to Snow. Tough crowd.Rock on!

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Too bad they made him look way younger in LR. Even though technically he was 500+ years old.

I that's because many fans wanted him that way. Adult Hope from XIII-2 wasn't as unique IMO.

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If Hope actually shared any chemistry with anybody at any point, maybe I would have. But it takes more than acting somewhat shy around another character to convince me to ship them together. Besides, the chemistry between Vanille and Fang was much stronger, and that was more confirmed than anything else. So sorry to disappoint, but it takes a bit more than that to convince me to ship someone. Shipping can be a risky business because even if you think you see proof of it working, it's ultimately up to the show and it's writers what ends up happening, so it would be wise not to get too attached to an idea and get your hopes up. This is typically why I tend to go for OTPs or obvious pairings that the show wants me to notice, saving things like shipping for when they don't contradict with anything. For me this is safer because I have less chance of my heart and feels getting crushed if nothing comes out of two random characters not even looking at each other. That isn't too say that I don't ship at all, I just don't put TOO much faith in them compared to official pairings, unless I feel that there is something seriously wrong with the official pairing the show is trying to win me over with. But what you do is what you do, just keep in mind that what may feel "obvious" to you might not be as obvious to everyone else. On a slightly unrelated note I just sat through 6 whole seasons of re-marathoning Codename: Kids Next Door. If you haven't watched that show yet, then watch it and THEN come talk to me about obvious shipping, lol. X3"

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I'll forever ship Fang/Vanille.  <3

I think Hope had a small crush on Vanille in FFXIII... but I don't think Vanille has any romantic feelings for Hope. Pairing her with Fang just seems most logical to me, though I have to admit I'm very biased on this matter. xD

Anyway, everyone should just ship whatever they like. ^^

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Hm, I think of Vanille and Hope having more of an older sister and younger brother kind of relationship than a romantic one.  Especially since its obvious that Vanille has a thing for Fang. ;)

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I ship them (especially in FFXIII), but they're sort of a side pairing for me (as I prefer Hope/Lightning and Fang/Vanille). But that doesn't mean that I don't look up pictures, stories, or videos for them, either:D


In just FFXIII, you can somewhat get the impression that they were going that way with them, but I feel like the later games mostly abandoned that arc in favor of the Vanille/Fang pairing.


I still enjoy them together a lot, though, and think that they could've been a great pair.


Who knows? Maybe Vanille's even bi and had some feelings for both of them; I could see that...


@ladydualwieldin: You're forgetting that Caius and all the Yeuls except for one are canon, and that Noel and his Yeul are canon. But every other ship, besides those two and Snow/Searh, are somewhat up in the air; you're right:)

Edited by AnHeiressofaSOLDIER

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I do enjoy shipping Hope and Vanille; I think they would go together rather nicely, especially with the way their friendship developed.  Strangely I have always thought that the strong connection Vanille and Fang shared was sisterly, but perhaps it's one of those things that is in the eyes of the beholder.  Their relationship could be interpreted in so many ways, and there just wasn't any concrete evidence either way.

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Too bad they made him look way younger in LR. Even though technically he was 500+ years old.



I that's because many fans wanted him that way. Adult Hope from XIII-2 wasn't as unique IMO.


No, that's not true at all. Read Final Fantasy XIII: Reminiscence -tracer of memories-.

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No, that's not true at all. Read Final Fantasy XIII: Reminiscence -tracer of memories-.

I know it's part of a plot, but the reason I stated might be why they wrote it that way.

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