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Youtube is more broken than we thought ... (UPDATE)

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Great, just f-ing great. First the Copyright controversy all those years ago and now this. How is it that such a simple thing can lead to a massive problem? When will these problems related to copyright laws in youtube end? There must be a way for content creators and companies to work in peace.

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I remember when Youtube first came out (I was in Junior High School then), when I made my first account. I remember that things were much more simpler. Back then google hadn't bought over youtube and the website could be personalised by the account holder. It used to promote the creativity of video makers and musicians. Back then I used to do upload regularly as well (a video a week) of either original or remixed music.


Ever since Google bought youtube, its just been nothing but a money making machine and a copyright detection and termination system. It reached the point that my old channel was deleted for having remixed KH songs lmfao. The layout became much more uglier and their troubleshooting issues became a thousand times worse which is why I cbf'd to upload regularly to youtube anymore unless I really have to.


The Youtube of today is crap, end of story. I hope another video hosting service becomes available in the future and does not wander down the dark path that youtube did. because as Yoda once said..."Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny"

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THIS IS AWFUL, but at the same time Im not surprised since not only this happens to YT it also happens to Twitter where accounts are hacked and forced to follow creepy stalkers at the moment. Im sorry but, WHAT IS GOING ON IN OUR SOCIETY. 


But thank you for making this topic so that I could back up all my content before YT might be coming after me too. I swear if anything else crazy happens on that site I might just delete my channel myself if the consequences goes further. 


The thing that is so incredibly stupid and unacceptable is that today especially in our 2010s period people are so easily offended by every darn thing shown In media and in real life too. I mean just go to Tumblr and any kind of post will be criticized for some kind of offensive stupid and un logical reason, people are delusional. And you wanna know another thing that really pisses me off on YT is that if any kind of hacker can go under the name of a big studio that claims copyright on your video and YT doesn't test them instead believe them to be the real company. So when I tried to report a hacker channel who had stolen my videos and said it was his I tried to report him, and I had every darn right to do so since I sat for hours and worked on a video, but guess what YT did nothing about the situation and the culprit continued his little game behind YT's back. 


I was planning to start fresh on YT this year after my hiatus but now I will probably reconsider, but this really sucks. YT used to be my hobby where I made content that I could share with nice people and it was my only way to communicate with my YT friends I had a blast from 2010-2012 back then YT didn't give so much attention to copyright. The horror really started when Google + got involved I lost many of my subscribers from a Google + glitch and then I had start everything over again. I never and I still don't like Google + it was so much better when it was just on YT's site you could read messages. I have contacts with people from around the world and it's so nice to feel so connected on YT but of course there will always be people that just haft to kill any moment that is filled with peace and joy I mean just look at our world today everyday something bad happens it's almost impossible to stay optimistic and happy these days.


Enough of my rant but if YT delete more accounts Im sure gonna miss all my friends, liked videos and playlists that I used to play everyday. If you make another mistake YT Im out!

Edited by IwasBornAsVentus

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He got hit by a YouTube claim thing? damn that sucks but good thing that he got it all worked out and in that short amount of time, I've been hit by two YouTube strikes in October and am still trying to get them removed.  It is so ridiculous this whole YouTube thing it's really bullshit and it really hurts the content creators the most because they can only make their videos so long and they can't have custom thumbnails either, I don't want to wait until October to get my strikes removed but so far my contacts have not been contacting me and it's getting even more ridiculous.

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This is kind of a reason that I keep YT as a hobby. It' fun to me so I make them and if I can eventually monetize that'd just b a bonus perk but I'd recommend keeping it a hobby because even someone as well known as him can just get completely destroyed


This. Trying to go the e-celeb route is not worth it because you have deal with corporate bullshit and overzealous "fans".

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