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Anyone else have a huge issues with 2.5 and its "issues"?

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So by 2.5 I'm mainly talking about 2FM HD on English, since BBSHD was obviously better than the original PSP version (I think we can all agree on that despite differing opinions about that game). So for simplicity, 2.5=2FMHD and 2FM=original 2FM on the PS2.


But yeah, 2.5 issues bother me so unbelievably much. Maybe its because I was a 2FM nerd back then, and I played 2FM on a JP PS2, so moving from that masterpiece of a game to 2.5 just makes me never want to pick up my PS3 controller ever again :/


Also in case you didn't know what issues I'm talking about (although I'm sure most are painfully aware of them), I'll give a quick list:


-Stupidly long load times (especially in comparison to 2FM on the PS2. Also English 2.5 loads slower than JP 2.5. WHY)

-Drive Form loads take forever (although this can be solved by pausing, still stupid and no point)

-Random freezes at beginning of fights (only in 2.5 English)

-Missing sound effects (minor complaint once again, but still bothersome. Why do Xigbar's lasers sound so...lame? What happened to certain bosses famous lines?)

-Random crashes/softlocks that were not present in original 2FM (for example, first Xemnas fight's building reaction command freeze)

-Final Xemnas fight reaction command glitch (this. sucks. big. donkey. ****)


Keep in mind that there are a lot more, I just listed out some of the more prominent ones.


I mean honestly, it seems like minor complaints, but when you put them all together, it just makes the game seem to have a bunch of tiny issues with it to diminish the playing experience. Well, minor for the most part *cough cough Xemnas RC glitch*


Sooo yeah, I guess part of it is because I was a 2FM kid back in the days, and playing this HD remaster of supposedly my "favorite game ever", I had pretty high expectations. Shame that 2.5 was disappointing, especially in comparison to original 2FM :/


And yes, I do realize it sounds like I'm just crapping all over 2.5, but I just don't want them to be lazy and make the same mistakes for KH3. All these mistakes could have been discovered and fixed with testing, and apparently Square just didn't want to do that. For some reason.


(Keep in mind that I'm not saying 2.5 is a bad game. I'm just saying that 2FM is so much better made, in terms of stability and flow of the game)


Oh yeah, to prevent myself from sounding like a giant douchebag because I "insulted your favorite game" (because I know someone will start nerd raging at me for saying these things), I will admit I love the newly remastered soundtrack from 2.5 :)

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Yeah, 2.5 was a pretty poor port in terms of gameplay. It looks amazing, but it's so glitchy. You know you messed up when the original is actually better than the HD port. And yes, the remastered tracks are definitely awesome. :)



Edited by Yuya Sakaki

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So by 2.5 I'm mainly talking about 2FM HD on English, since BBSHD was obviously better than the original PSP version (I think we can all agree on that despite differing opinions about that game). So for simplicity, 2.5=2FMHD and 2FM=original 2FM on the PS2.


But yeah, 2.5 issues bother me so unbelievably much. Maybe its because I was a 2FM nerd back then, and I played 2FM on a JP PS2, so moving from that masterpiece of a game to 2.5 just makes me never want to pick up my PS3 controller ever again :/


Also in case you didn't know what issues I'm talking about (although I'm sure most are painfully aware of them), I'll give a quick list:


-Stupidly long load times (especially in comparison to 2FM on the PS2. Also English 2.5 loads slower than JP 2.5. WHY)

-Drive Form loads take forever (although this can be solved by pausing, still stupid and no point)

-Random freezes at beginning of fights (only in 2.5 English)

-Missing sound effects (minor complaint once again, but still bothersome. Why do Xigbar's lasers sound so...lame? What happened to certain bosses famous lines?)

-Random crashes/softlocks that were not present in original 2FM (for example, first Xemnas fight's building reaction command freeze)

-Final Xemnas fight reaction command glitch (this. sucks. big. donkey. ****)


Keep in mind that there are a lot more, I just listed out some of the more prominent ones.


I mean honestly, it seems like minor complaints, but when you put them all together, it just makes the game seem to have a bunch of tiny issues with it to diminish the playing experience. Well, minor for the most part *cough cough Xemnas RC glitch*


Sooo yeah, I guess part of it is because I was a 2FM kid back in the days, and playing this HD remaster of supposedly my "favorite game ever", I had pretty high expectations. Shame that 2.5 was disappointing, especially in comparison to original 2FM :/


And yes, I do realize it sounds like I'm just crapping all over 2.5, but I just don't want them to be lazy and make the same mistakes for KH3. All these mistakes could have been discovered and fixed with testing, and apparently Square just didn't want to do that. For some reason.


(Keep in mind that I'm not saying 2.5 is a bad game. I'm just saying that 2FM is so much better made, in terms of stability and flow of the game)


Oh yeah, to prevent myself from sounding like a giant douchebag because I "insulted your favorite game" (because I know someone will start nerd raging at me for saying these things), I will admit I love the newly remastered soundtrack from 2.5 :)


I can concur. Frankly, I think the HD port was more rushed than 1.5 (though that had its issues too). As a result, Osaka had not much time to develop, test and fix the game before it was released in America.

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Those are fair complaints. I guess Square just didn't see the point in putting in heaps of effort into 2.5 with quality control and testing, since 1.5 barely sold 2 million which isn't great for the amount of effort they put into it.

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The Xemnas final form reaction command is what frustrate me the most,this is so unacceptable.When I first played 2.5 I had a lot of trouble with this fight and I didn't understood why because I was able to beat him just fine when I played the original KH2 and that glitch makes the Data rematch against Xemnas really annoying because I kept dying for no reason and I had to refight his first form over and over.


I've also notice that sometimes Saix is missing some of his voice clips when he goes berserk.


I've heard of the longer load times but since I never played the original KH2FM I don't know how much longer they are on the PS3 and they are not terribly long so it doesn't bother me,but it'd be nice to have shorter load times to make it faster for me to refight Terra,I still can't beat him.

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Never had those problems when I play my Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5, only problem I had was the long load times during the Drive Forms. But everything else is fine with me.

Pause freezes are definitely consistent in every single KH2.5 disk; for example, iirc, there's one at the beginning of the Cerberus fight

Of course, that's assuming you're playing English.


Also, Final Xemnas RC glitch definitely exists; not sure if you just got really lucky or something, but half the time, the RC doesn't pop up during the move where he grabs you and you'll end up dying almost immediately, especially on higher difficulties.

I don't really come across half of these in my copy. :/

Yeah once again, loads, drive forms, missing sound, and freezes are definitely all there. Crashes you may or may not have come across, but the point is that there are a lot more crashes in this game than 2FM.

Final Xemnas RC glitch is a persistent problem, and I hate Square for it. It makes the game feel unprofessional; like they didn't even bother testing that fight to realize that the RC doesn't work half the time.

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Funny how people complain of glitches I've never experienced lol. I've spent over 300 hours in it and literally never ran into these issues. I think people just have old PS3's now that glitch the game up due to bad performance.

Edited by soravids

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Pause freezes are definitely consistent in every single KH2.5 disk; for example, iirc, there's one at the beginning of the Cerberus fight

Of course, that's assuming you're playing English.


Also, Final Xemnas RC glitch definitely exists; not sure if you just got really lucky or something, but half the time, the RC doesn't pop up during the move where he grabs you and you'll end up dying almost immediately, especially on higher difficulties.

Yeah once again, loads, drive forms, missing sound, and freezes are definitely all there. Crashes you may or may not have come across, but the point is that there are a lot more crashes in this game than 2FM.

Final Xemnas RC glitch is a persistent problem, and I hate Square for it. It makes the game feel unprofessional; like they didn't even bother testing that fight to realize that the RC doesn't work half the time.

Uh, no they aren't. Not unless you've been to every person's house who's ever had a copy of the game in the whole world. My game never had a "pause freeze" during that fight so I can tell you that's inconsistent with your claim.  >.>

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I don't really come across half of these in my copy. :/


Okay, congrats. Doesn't mean it's not a problem for everyone else.

Funny how people complain of glitches I've never experienced lol. I've spent over 300 hours in it and literally never ran into these issues. I think people just have old PS3's now that glitch the game up due to bad performance.


My PS3 is the slim version and I still have these problems.



Edited by Yuya Sakaki

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Okay, congrats. Doesn't mean it's not a problem for everyone else.

Doesn't mean it IS a problem for a lot of people, either.Personally, never experienced any overt problems. Long loading times (when hasn't that been a thing in KH?) and the Drive Form loads are probably the worst offenders, maybe the occasional audio glitch. But nothing at all to hamper my experience or enjoyment. It's a shame it has for some people.

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Pause freezes are definitely consistent in every single KH2.5 disk; for example, iirc, there's one at the beginning of the Cerberus fight

Of course, that's assuming you're playing English.

Nope never. Yeah I bought the English version of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix on KH: HD 2.5 Remix back in Dec 14, 2016 opening day, but I never had these problems except the long load times when I use the Drive Forms.

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Nope never. Yeah I bought the English version of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix on KH: HD 2.5 Remix back in Dec 14, 2016 opening day, but I never had these problems except the long load times when I use the Drive Forms.

Well I'm not gonna argue against you because obviously, I don't own your copy of the disk so I can't see for myself.

However, I do assure you that these things that I talk about exist, and has affected other people. Small lag pauses at the beginning of fights are annoying, and even if you claim to have not experienced any of it, others have.


Also, Final Xemnas RC glitch exists in all disks, that is definitely true. If you don't believe me, try his normal fight/data fight again and just mash triangle during his move where he throws you ("We shall go together"). Unless you're literally the luckiest person in the world, an RC won't show up and you'll end up getting comboed to death.

Uh, no they aren't. Not unless you've been to every person's house who's ever had a copy of the game in the whole world. My game never had a "pause freeze" during that fight so I can tell you that's inconsistent with your claim.  >.>

Alright, I'll take your word for it that you don't have any; however this doesn't mean others don't. There's been people that have experienced these weird lag pauses at the beginning of the fight; that I can say for sure. Sure, it's not a huge problem, but it just makes the game seem unprofessional when a fight just freezes for half a second :|

Oh yeah, and regarding crashes: they aren't insanely common, but they exist more in 2.5 than the original 2FM. For example, going into Limit form in the Xemnas 1 fight before he casts the draining thingy around you will result in the game crashing (which, may I mention, is utterly ridiculous considering an in-game mechanic causes a crash).

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If you're not playing critical mode and are super casual, most of these things won't bother you. But if you're a speedrunner or opposite to the previously mentioned things, these things can heavily hinder your run.


I have yet to run into crashes/glitches, but I've seen them happen multiple times in YouTube videos (Bizkit047's for example). What bothers me most as a non-speedrunner, but crit player, are loading times (especially drives, ugh) and the Final Xemnas fight. I also hate when I'm playing a game and I can't move when I should be able to.


Most people consider all this nitpicking, but that doesn't mean we're wrong.


Oh, and I have a fat PS3. Although people have said it's only a tad faster on a slim.

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The game never crashed for me, and the only issue I had was the long wait for loading. I've got the Spanish version, maybe that makes a difference (?)


And as to sound effects, maybe there are some voices missing at times, but I didn't notice this, probably because the original KH2 had Spanish voices so I'm not used to the English ones (2.5 has English voices in the Spanish version).

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The only issue's I have had are of course the load times for the drives and sometimes it would freeze for a split second when I enter a different area but I have never had any of the other problems you encountered which sucks, it's sad when some people have those kinds of issues with any game and other people don't and it ruins the experience for those that do.


the one thing that I wish they would've done was had Will point the damn gun to his head in Port Royal he did it in the movie and in every version that released in Japan so come on why not do it for the other versions, his threat isn't that threatening when it looks like he won't go through with it.

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Played the game twice.  Once on Standard and once on Critical.


-Stupidly long load times - This never really bothered me much.

-Drive Form loads take forever - Annoying, yes, but I can just pause the game to let it load so it's less bothersome and hasn't really ever hindered my gameplay.

-Random freezes at beginning of fights - I think I've only had this for the Larxene battle.

-Missing sound effects - The only ones I know of are Roxas' added battle lines that are from Ventus, and Xigbar's shots making a different noise.

-Random crashes/softlocks that were not present in original 2FM - Don't think I had any of this.

-Final Xemnas fight reaction command glitch - This IS very bothersome.  Not game breaking though, you just have to work around it with a limit or something.

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Also English 2.5 loads slower than JP 2.5. WHY)


I actually asked this on another forum a while back, and the answer I got was, and I quote, "It is suspected that the game first loads the text in Japanese then loads in English during the various loading screens throughout the game", which baffles me due to the apparent technical incompetence involved on the part of the programmers or localisers or whoever; why keep the unnecessary stuff (in this case, the Japanese audio/text/etc. files) when it's only going to slow down the game?

Edited by Ultima Spark

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The pauses are annoying, especially at the beginning of Larxene's Absent Silhouette, and the extended Drive Form load times are annoying, but not too bad, the load times were slow in the original Kingdom Hearts 2 as well, and I always found them kind of dramatic. I never experienced any other glitches though. Might have something to do with my copy, it's from the 2.5 Collector's Edition. I do miss that familiar "ahh" Roxas would yell during the falling sequence of the Twilight Thorn battle, but I suppose it's just a price to pay if adding additional grunts from 358/2 Days and Ventus connect him to his past experiences and his connection to Ven. 

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