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Useless thought: Munny is like Yen

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If you think of 5000 munny equating to 5000 yen KH2's tutorial where they raise funds makes more sense


5000 yen is 42 US dollars


Watermelon then costs $10


Way better than $1000 for one watermelon lol


Also a more reasonable payment for sum kid


None of it matters because it's a video game but yeah xD

Edited by Yuno Gasai

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Your random thought gave me a random thought: Why in the world do Heartless carry Munny?

So they can take the train to the beach.

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Your random thought gave me a random thought:Why in the world do Heartless carry Munny?

Their original selves had munny? Then again that doesn't explain the purebloods having munny unless they steal some of it beforehand lol.

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