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Square Enix's 2016 line-up compared to 2010 for NA & EU

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Square Enix obviously has a massive line-up for 2016, but I'd argue 2010 was even better. Now even if you don't like a game or two it's not worth mentioning here since the 2016 titles could have a few you end up not liking as well.


Square Enix titles released in 2010 for North America & Europe


Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (2010 in Europe)

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Published by Nintendo)

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Front Mission Evolved

Just Cause 2


Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Chaos Rings

Supreme Commander 2

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

Star Ocean: The Last Hope International

The Tales of Bearsworth Manor

Space Invaders Infinity Gene

Chocobo Panic

Thexder Neo (PS3)

Final Fantasy I & II (iPhone)

Final Fantasy I, IV, VI (Wii VC)

Secret of Mana (iPhone)


Now let's take a look at 2016:


Final Fantasy Explorers

Bravely Second: End Layer (Published by Nintendo)

Project Setsuna

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

World of Final Fantasy

Nier: Automata

Final Fantasy XV

Dragon Quest VII & VIII (Nintendo 3DS, published by Nintendo)

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue

Final Fantasy Adventure (Unconfirmed)

Final Fantasy Type-0 Online (Under consideration)

Mobius Final Fantasy (Under consideration)

Final Fantasy XI Mobile

Kingdom Hearts: Unchained χ

Hitman GO (PS4 & PS Vita)

Final Fantasy IX (Windows PC, iOS & Android)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4)
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (Windows PC) (Unconfirmed)
Edited by Sora96

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Personally I think 2016 looks better, because after counting: 2010 only had 5 titles that I really cared about when they were announced, while 2016 has 14 titles that I am excited about (not including the unconfirmed/in consideration titles).

Edited by Ven983

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Square Enix obviously has a massive line-up for 2016, but I'd argue 2010 was even better. Now even if you don't like a game or two it's not worth mentioning here since the 2015 titles could have a few you end up not liking as well.


Square Enix titles released in 2010 for North America & Europe


Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (2010 in Europe)

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Published by Nintendo)

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Front Mission Evolved

Just Cause 2


Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Chaos Rings

Supreme Commander 2

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

Star Ocean: The Last Hope International

The Tales of Bearsworth Manor

Space Invaders Infinity Gene

Chocobo Panic

Thexder Neo (PS3)

Final Fantasy I & II (iPhone)

Final Fantasy I, IV, VI (Wii VC)

Secret of Mana (iPhone)


Now let's take a look at 2016:


Final Fantasy Explorers

Bravely Second: End Layer (Published by Nintendo)

Project Setsuna

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

World of Final Fantasy

Nier: Automata

Final Fantasy XV

Dragon Quest VII & VIII (Nintendo 3DS, published by Nintendo)

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue

Final Fantasy Adventure (Unconfirmed)

Final Fantasy Type-0 Online (Under consideration)

Mobius Final Fantasy (Under consideration)

Final Fantasy XI Mobile

Kingdom Hearts: Unchained χ

Hitman GO (PS4 & PS Vita)

Final Fantasy IX (Windows PC, iOS & Android)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4)
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (Windows PC) (Unconfirmed)


I'd say it's about even... 2016's might be just a tad better, but not by much.

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It's much the same. 2010 is probably a tiny bit better since it is had a new KH game instead of just a remaster. But I also love the Bravely series so that kinda counters BBS.



The 4 Heroes of Light gave birth to Bravely.

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We aren't talking if you enjoyed it though since you obviously can't say you've enjoyed a 2016 title.

I'm basing my opinion off Bravely Default. BD>4HOL so to me a sequel to BD is better than 4HOL. If we are comparing two lists of games then we need to estimate the quality of each title.Either way, we don't know all the games Square is publishing this year so it is hard to make a call... If I was doing this comparison I would remove straight ports with no new content as well as mobile games. They aren't very relevant imo.And also unconfirmed games of course.

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To me the 2016 line up looks much better,the only I care about of the 2010 line up is Birth by Sleep.I guess I was excited for Final Fantasy XIII as well back than,but still.

Edited by Isaix

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