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Video My Top 5 Kingdom Hearts SUMMONS! (KH Top 5)

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1.) Tinker Bell

2.) Mushu

3.) Genie

4.) Peter Pan

5.) Dumbo

My favorite summons who help me the most.

Yea Tinkerbell is extremely useful in KH1. One of the only ones that are needed through KH1 on harder difficulties. Nice List! :)

My favorites are:

1. Bambi

2. Mushu

3. Peter Pan

2. Simba

1. Genie - I love Genie! He's just so funny!

Yea I love Aladdin the movie and he is one of my favorite characters in the movies (genie), coupled with the fact that he's pretty strong in kh2, makes him an amazing summon.

1. Genie

2. Tinker Bell (aka guardian angel for Unknown boss lol)

3. Bambi

4. Mushu

5. Dumbo

I see you like the KH1 summons. xD Yea Tinkerbell is amazing to have almost in every battle.

It would've been Bahamut had square not taken him out... Jerks

Yea i'm just now playing FFX and when I heard that he was gonna be a summon at one point in KH, I was a little mad because he could of been so powerful! 

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