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Green Sparrow

Interview with Reggie

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Interviewer: So Reggie, 2016 is going to be a big year for Nintendo. What games do you have on the docket?Reggie: Well, this year marks the 30th anniversary for The Legend of Zelda series, which we will celebrate with Zelda Wii U, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Twilight Princess HD, and Triforce Heroes DLC.Interviewer: Sounds great! What about Metroid? This is its 30th anniversary as well.Reggie: Meh. Federation Force is on the way.Interviewer: It's the 20th anniversary for Pokemon. Anything there?Reggie: Pokken Tournament. Probably another handheld game of some sort.Interviewer: Anything for the 30th anniversary of Kid Icarus?Reggie: Who?*********************************************8But seriously, this year is just for Zelda. These other series are just going to get their respective treatments, regardless of the anniversaries. Idk, any other opinions?

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We don't know what all we're getting for the other series. Nintendo likes to keep these types of announcements as surprises, so for all we know, they could be getting treatment too. Pokemon has a lot planned, so saying it's being ignored for its anniversary is kind of ignorant. We have R/B/Y coming to the eShop, Pokken Tournament, and all sorts of promotions with other media (mostly in Japan, but imports are easily done these days anyway, and there's plenty of time for more announcements). We'll also obviously get the next main series game, and probably some other spin-off title, too. Sakurai's almost finished with Smash 4, so he won't be working on a sequel to Kid Icarus Uprising any time soon. Metroid's at least getting a game, and while most people are instantly jumping to the conclusion that it's going to be Sonic '06/Superman 64 levels of garbage without even bothering to give the game a proper chance, it actually looks fun. I don't get where you could get the idea that Zelda's the only series they care about this year.



something tells me that we're going to get A LOT of zelda u news this year based on this interview. 

The interview's obviously fake, Reggie wouldn't have those responses for the other series.

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We don't know what all we're getting for the other series. Nintendo likes to keep these types of announcements as surprises, so for all we know, they could be getting treatment too. Pokemon has a lot planned, so saying it's being ignored for its anniversary is kind of ignorant. We have R/B/Y coming to the eShop, Pokken Tournament, and all sorts of promotions with other media (mostly in Japan, but imports are easily done these days anyway, and there's plenty of time for more announcements). We'll also obviously get the next main series game, and probably some other spin-off title, too. Sakurai's almost finished with Smash 4, so he won't be working on a sequel to Kid Icarus Uprising any time soon. Metroid's at least getting a game, and while most people are instantly jumping to the conclusion that it's going to be Sonic '06/Superman 64 levels of garbage without even bothering to give the game a proper chance, it actually looks fun. I don't get where you could get the idea that Zelda's the only series they care about this year.



The interview's obviously fake, Reggie wouldn't have those responses for the other series.

even so it's obvious that we're going to get a lot of zelda u news this year.

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We don't know what all we're getting for the other series. Nintendo likes to keep these types of announcements as surprises, so for all we know, they could be getting treatment too. Pokemon has a lot planned, so saying it's being ignored for its anniversary is kind of ignorant. We have R/B/Y coming to the eShop, Pokken Tournament, and all sorts of promotions with other media (mostly in Japan, but imports are easily done these days anyway, and there's plenty of time for more announcements). We'll also obviously get the next main series game, and probably some other spin-off title, too. Sakurai's almost finished with Smash 4, so he won't be working on a sequel to Kid Icarus Uprising any time soon. Metroid's at least getting a game, and while most people are instantly jumping to the conclusion that it's going to be Sonic '06/Superman 64 levels of garbage without even bothering to give the game a proper chance, it actually looks fun. I don't get where you could get the idea that Zelda's the only series they care about this year.

I don't think I got my point across correctly, so I shall concede that you are the winner of this argument! But let me clarify:


This year is a significant Zelda anniversary, and I feel like Nintendo is going to make sure we don't forget it. This year will FEEL like a Zelda celebration.


While there are various levels of activity in the other series, it seems inconsequential to their respective anniversaries. You're right, we'll most likely get a new Pokemon game, but we would've gotten it anyway I feel. Federation Force was coming no matter what. And Nintendo feels about as much motivation to poop out a Kid Icarus game this year about as much as they do any other year.


So, to rephrase my statement: Nintendo does care about their  various series, but I think they couldn't care less about their anniversaries and feel the need to "celebrate" them.

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