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Phill Devil


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You are too... random o.o

I am not used to the american randomness xD

rikulover appared from nowhere like this:


rikulover444: *looks up at the sky*(5:15pm)

rikulover444: IT A NUCLEAR PIE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(5:15pm)

rikulover444: RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and when I see your chat threads on this part of the forum I get a little scared with the level of randomness


I guess I'm not ready for the real internetz xD

even though it's fun




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This thread wasn't posted to be spammed, just saying.

You are too... random o.o



I guess I'm not ready for the real internetz xD

even though it's fun





Randomness can be funny at times...but sometimes its stupid.

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Rikulover and I have completely random conversations as well. :D


Our latest involved me trying to bust out of jail and getting mauled by several dozen animals after a roflcopter crash.

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Rikulover and I have completely random conversations as well. :D


Our latest involved me trying to bust out of jail and getting mauled by several dozen animals after a roflcopter crash.


fredfred i did nothing random!! i was just doing this O_O cuz you were the one being attacked!!!!

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