Do you think we'll see more worlds, similar to the way Castle of Dreams was shown in Blank Points, in Birth By Sleep 0.2?
VisitJoan, in Poll of the Week
Do you think we'll see more worlds, similar to the way Castle of Dreams was shown in Blank Points, in Birth By Sleep 0.2?
75 members have voted
1. Do you think we'll see more worlds, similar to the way Castle of Dreams was shown in Blank Points, in Birth By Sleep 0.2?
Yes, it's likely that we'll see a couple of these worlds.15
Yes, why wouldn't we?7
We'll see Castle of Dreams at least.26
I could see it going either way.11
I kinda don't think it's going to happen.11
No, we won't see any worlds in the Realm of Darkness.3
Another opinion? Tell us below!1