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Help With Final Boss Fight

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Okay so it seems I'm at a stand-still with the final boss for Tales of Zestiria. ANd I know that there are Tales fans on here so I thought I'd ask this question here. Okay so I'm at the final boss of the game, the first phase of the fight is actually easy to my surprise and I have no trouble beating him on his first phase. But than comes his second phase and that's when he becomes impossible to beat. Like...literally impossible. In his second phase he charges up an attack where he shoots a huge lazer at your entire party (and it one-shots everyone too so it's impossible to dodge) and it's like no matter how much damage I do to him he doesn't stagger. Those of you who have gotten to the final boss of the game you know what I'm talking about. So I need some tips/help on how to beat this last boss because I'm stuck on him and I need to beat him to get the ending and beat the game. 

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Are you getting L1 appearing on the screen? When he begins to start charging up for Indignation you have a set time to do a certain amount of damage and then the L1 trigger will appear on screen.

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Are you getting L1 appearing on the screen? When he begins to start charging up for Indignation you have a set time to do a certain amount of damage and then the L1 trigger will appear on screen.

I have for when he charges his lazer up the first two times. But when he does it the third time it doesn't appear at all no matter how much damage I do to him. It really makes this fight impossible and a bit aggrevating to go through

Edited by Tails

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Hmmmm..........Then boost your physical and magical stats as much as possible on Rose, or use fire Kamui nuke spell, or earth Kamui deals good damage with its combo attacks. Not much you can say since its a pure DPS situation and if you're replicating other strats and having no success, your gear setup needs to be looked at.


You could even go into the menu and switch to all offense oriented equipment if necessary just for that part.

And also stack a lot of Minds into your equipments to easily increase the damage output and Spam Rose's needle arte.

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Okay, so to start with, I'm just going to put this out there, this fight is terrible. I actually really enjoyed Zestiria (though the internet seems to hate it for the most part), but I hated this fight.


So when you get to this stage of the fight, you have to deal a specific amount of damage to him to stagger the boss. Basically the only way you're going to get this to work is by attacking him while armatized, and have the "Charge Forward" tactic set on your partners.


Since you will lose access to a seraph each time you do the L1 prompt, it's going to get harder. Don't prioritize this based on who you think the best party members are, do it by how powerful their armatizations are. I recommend using wind the first time, as it is the worst at dealing the damage needed for this fight. Save the armatization that you are most confident in until last (the order I used was Wind - Earth - Water - Fire).


Try to keep your party alive. You'll be taking hits to your grade for using items (and for getting KOed many times) but for the sake of this fight, I'd say its worth it. This is necessary for two reasons, 1) You need the seraphs to armatize and actually complete the fight, and 2) you need all the damage you can get in while the death laser is charging.


Before the fight, eat food that you think will help. I recommend one that boosts your attack. Remember that Inn food and the food you carry can both take effect at the same time. I think I had eaten the Mabo Curry Bun prior to the fight, but there might be something better.


Worst comes to worst, turn down the difficulty. I played through the entire game in Moderate, and was level 66 with Sorey (everyone else slightly lower, with Laila being the worst at 58) by the time I got to this fight. I turned it down to Normal, still couldn't do it, and eventually settled with using Simple to just get it over with. You could level grind or try to get equips with better skills, but that could take more grinding than you're willing to do.



I've also read online that using Rose to spam certain artes can help in this fight. I believe it was the one where she jumps and throws the daggers. I didn't have any luck with it, but might be worth a shot.

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Hmmmm..........Then boost your physical and magical stats as much as possible on Rose, or use fire Kamui nuke spell, or earth Kamui deals good damage with its combo attacks. Not much you can say since its a pure DPS situation and if you're replicating other strats and having no success, your gear setup needs to be looked at.


You could even go into the menu and switch to all offense oriented equipment if necessary just for that part.

And also stack a lot of Minds into your equipments to easily increase the damage output and Spam Rose's needle arte.

Minds? I'm sorry but what are those again? I completely forgot lol.




Okay, so to start with, I'm just going to put this out there, this fight is terrible. I actually really enjoyed Zestiria (though the internet seems to hate it for the most part), but I hated this fight.


So when you get to this stage of the fight, you have to deal a specific amount of damage to him to stagger the boss. Basically the only way you're going to get this to work is by attacking him while armatized, and have the "Charge Forward" tactic set on your partners.


Since you will lose access to a seraph each time you do the L1 prompt, it's going to get harder. Don't prioritize this based on who you think the best party members are, do it by how powerful their armatizations are. I recommend using wind the first time, as it is the worst at dealing the damage needed for this fight. Save the armatization that you are most confident in until last (the order I used was Wind - Earth - Water - Fire).


Try to keep your party alive. You'll be taking hits to your grade for using items (and for getting KOed many times) but for the sake of this fight, I'd say its worth it. This is necessary for two reasons, 1) You need the seraphs to armatize and actually complete the fight, and 2) you need all the damage you can get in while the death laser is charging.


Before the fight, eat food that you think will help. I recommend one that boosts your attack. Remember that Inn food and the food you carry can both take effect at the same time. I think I had eaten the Mabo Curry Bun prior to the fight, but there might be something better.


Worst comes to worst, turn down the difficulty. I played through the entire game in Moderate, and was level 66 with Sorey (everyone else slightly lower, with Laila being the worst at 58) by the time I got to this fight. I turned it down to Normal, still couldn't do it, and eventually settled with using Simple to just get it over with. You could level grind or try to get equips with better skills, but that could take more grinding than you're willing to do.


Exactly. This fight is just horrible. it isn't hard because his normal attacks are almost laughable but it's just horribly designed. Also you mean if I go sleep at an inn and than eat some food it'll double my stats?

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Minds? I'm sorry but what are those again? I completely forgot lol.





Exactly. This fight is just horrible. it isn't hard because his normal attacks are almost laughable but it's just horribly designed. Also you mean if I go sleep at an inn and than eat some food it'll double my stats?

No, I think I worded that badly. I mean that you can have two food bonuses at once, one from the Inn and one from the food that you carry in your inventory. So like you can go to the Inn and eat a Mabo Curry Bun (each character revived once after KO), then eat one of the items you get from snack preparation, like the one that gives +8% attack boost, and then you will have both the KO revive and the attack boost for the fight.

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