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Nomura revealing that certain Enemies will reveal who has been to specific worlds and the potential implications

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In a recent interview with Nomura; he revealed what I believe to be two major and one minor things very Interesting and odd. Firstly when questioned about the new nobody in the new trailer ( which is alluding towards Marluxia) he responded with the first of the Major details- that the character will be revealed in promotional material in the near future; so does that suggest we'll see Marluxia in a trailer soon?


Secondly and the main theme of this discussion is that it looks like certain enemies eg the Marluxia nobody will reveal what characters have been to that specific world, now going back to KH2; this isn't exactly new eg Dragoon nobodies were present in Beast's Castle were Xaldin was; however this time around could the enemies we face foreshadow the I'll dub it ' external enemy' we'll encounter at each world? If not abused or too obvious; then this could actually be very well used; I mean just because we might not see the ' external threat' firsthand; the fact they'll have been there makes it obvious to us both as Sora and as players the individual threat we'll face in each world and in terms of gameplay how to prepare ourselves for an encounter with the ' external threat' or even as I wouldn't actually mind have the ' external threat alluded to throughout the world and making us paranoid of the encounter only to reveal at the end the threat has moved on and thus making us move on too almost a cat and mouse game until the fated final clash. It could be another way of building uo the Keyblade war and revealing what is at stake


Finally; the minor detail is other enemy types such as Unversed ( dream eaters too though I doubt they'll return) are being considered so linking back to the original theme could unversed in specific worlds reveal the workings of Vanitas yet again?


Thanks for reading; it's good to be back here again after being gone for ages

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It's certainly very interesting to see what Nomura had to say regarding what you just spoke of!  If Marluxia is indeed a Seeker Of Darkness, then you don't know how happy that'll make me, cuz Marluxia is one of my favorite villains in the series!  And I'm pretty sure that Vanitas is a Seeker as well, so the Unversed will most probably return, and if that's the case, that'd be great, since Vanitas is another favorite villain of mine!  I don't know about Dream Eaters though.  If we're to go to the Realm Of Sleep for some worlds, then I guess I could see them appearing again, but other than that, I really don't know.


And I like your idea about the Nobody underlings possibly foreshadowing who the Seekers are!  If we aren't introduced to them early on, these Nobodies will probably serve as visual cues hinting towards who the Seekers really are!  I think of it as an interesting concept!  Who knows how this'll work out!  Gahhh, I need to know more!!! X_X

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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No  dream eaters? I'll never see Me Me Bunny, Hebby Repp, or Toxicmander again ;A;?

AHHH THIS COULD BE SO GREAT THOUGH. Correct me if I interpreted this wrong, but from what I understood is that they'll likely be little enemies for our big bad enemies to warn us of them. Even new enemies, so likely these little mini enemies (like the nobodies in khii) might have a slightly similar play style to their respective character which can help us prepare for the boss! I enjoy this idea very much oohhh.  

As for Marluxia: who knows? Honestly I consider Marluxia a bit of a wild card because it is quite possible he could be one of the Seekers of Darkness, it'd be a teeny bit odd considering his pride. That being said, unlike Saïx who was motivated purely from his lack of heart, Marluxia's primary intent was power. Seeing as how Xehanort seemingly promised Xigbar a keyblade (ie. power) in return for his following, this marks Marluxia a prime candidate for a willing nort. That being said Marluxia could possibly be on his own terms or trying to gather a following of his own (considering his established narcissistic ways it's kind of hard to see him willingly submit to someone else but I digress) 

Real talk though the best part of Marluxia's assumed return is that Sora won't even remember him. Pinky's gonna be so offended B)

Edited by Shimmy

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This would explain why the flower themed heartless do appear in Rapunzel's world! I mean think of it: the flower themed nobodies and the dandelion Heartless.. They are implying that Marluxia could appear in the Tangled world :D

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  On 12/30/2015 at 1:47 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

It's certainly very interesting to see what Nomura had to say regarding what you just spoke of!  If Marluxia is indeed a Seeker Of Darkness, then you don't know how happy that'll make me, cuz Marluxia is one of my favorite villains in the series!  And I'm pretty sure that Vanitas is a Seeker as well, so the Unversed will most probably return, and if that's the case, that'd be great, since Vanitas is another favorite villain of mine!  I don't know about Dream Eaters though.  If we're to go to the Realm Of Sleep for some worlds, then I guess I could see them appearing again, but other than that, I really don't know. And I like your idea about the Nobody underlings possibly foreshadowing who the Seekers are!  If we aren't introduced to them early on, these Nobodies will probably serve as visual cues hinting towards who the Seekers really are!  I think of it as an interesting concept!  Who knows how this'll work out!  Gahhh, I need to know more!!! X_X

It just seemed weird at the time; because In the interview he was his usual answer by not answering method; however he was happy to expand on this fact; I suppose it does add something more subtle to look for in any new trailers in new worlds; I'm interested to see if say we see the Gambler nobodies etc would that elude to Luxord currently or the last form; they could easily add a few red herrings to tease us
  On 12/30/2015 at 7:12 AM, NoWay said:

This would explain why the flower themed heartless do appear in Rapunzel's world! I mean think of it: the flower themed nobodies and the dandelion Heartless.. They are implying that Marluxia could appear in the Tangled world :D

It's literally without being too cheesy flower power in that world; all we need is Sora to obtain an Hawaiian shirt drive form in that world to go with the flow and back to your point I agree with you 100%
  On 12/30/2015 at 2:12 AM, Shimmy said:

No  dream eaters? I'll never see Me Me Bunny, Hebby Repp, or Toxicmander again ;A;?AHHH THIS COULD BE SO GREAT THOUGH. Correct me if I interpreted this wrong, but from what I understood is that they'll likely be little enemies for our big bad enemies to warn us of them. Even new enemies, so likely these little mini enemies (like the nobodies in khii) might have a slightly similar play style to their respective character which can help us prepare for the boss! I enjoy this idea very much oohhh.  As for Marluxia: who knows? Honestly I consider Marluxia a bit of a wild card because it is quite possible he could be one of the Seekers of Darkness, it'd be a teeny bit odd considering his pride. That being said, unlike Saïx who was motivated purely from his lack of heart, Marluxia's primary intent was power. Seeing as how Xehanort seemingly promised Xigbar a keyblade (ie. power) in return for his following, this marks Marluxia a prime candidate for a willing nort. That being said Marluxia could possibly be on his own terms or trying to gather a following of his own (considering his established narcissistic ways it's kind of hard to see him willingly submit to someone else but I digress) Real talk though the best part of Marluxia's assumed return is that Sora won't even remember him. Pinky's gonna be so offended B)

From what I gather you are correct; it does look like the smaller enemies will reveal bigger enemies; come every trailer we'll be looking at what enemies we see and trying to work out some connection haha

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  On 12/30/2015 at 10:54 PM, Seyin95 said:

It just seemed weird at the time; because In the interview he was his usual answer by not answering method; however he was happy to expand on this fact; I suppose it does add something more subtle to look for in any new trailers in new worlds; I'm interested to see if say we see the Gambler nobodies etc would that elude to Luxord currently or the last form; they could easily add a few red herrings to tease us.

Gahhh, Nomura is such a sly fox!  He always finds a way to secretly add things right under our noses to make us hype even more!  Now I'm really hoping Marluxia is a Seeker Of Darkness! D:

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