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This Must Be How KH Fans React When...

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Gamerjoints once again make the KH fanbase look bad.

Not that he needs to cuz they're doing the job themselves


I'm sorry for saying this..........but the KH fanbase is anything but good


They love harassing anyone who dares to disagree or criticize an aspect about their franchise.They always behave so defensively everytime they hear a little criticism about the series as if it's some sort of a personal attack on them and last but not least,they can never and will never attempt to acknowledge the simple fact that the series,just like every franchise out there,is not perfect

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To all the people who says this isn't an accurate representation:


That's kind of the point. It's a video for laughs. He's not trying to make the KH fanbase look bad. He makes it pretty clear it's a joke video.

If you find this video offensive, I honestly think you need to face reality where jokes are made and things are made fun of.


On topic, though, this is kind of any typical KH trailer YouTube commenter's reaction when "Now in Development" is displayed...


I like it.

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