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Most Exciting KH Reveal This Year?

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Since 2015 is almost over, I wanted to see what everyone thought:


What was the most exciting Kingdom Hearts related reveal this year? Stuff from Kingdom Hearts 3, 2.8, etc..


This has been the most eventful Kingdom Hearts 3 year yet, and especially 2.8 because it's the first time we've heard of it.. Plus Unchained X.


My top reveal this year was probably Sora's Kingdom Hearts 3 outfit. Oh my god, it was so exciting. My brother and I had been streaming E3 and were ready for Kingdom Hearts at any moment after we saw that clip of Kingdom Hearts in the PS4 presentation, and weren't disappointed. I was already freaking out, but as soon as I saw Sora's new outfit I lost it.

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My favorite is Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue being announced. I, as a reporter, didn't expect any announcement at Sony's pre-TGS conference and thought that 2.9 leak was just nonsense. However I was proven wrong and was definitely surprised.

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My highlight is definitely E3! I was so looking forward for KH3 to appear at E3 because this was literally the first REAL trailer for this game. I don't count the D23 trailers because of the new engine and the length of these trailers. :)

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As surprising as it was to see KH3 at E3 with a new trailer, I'd say the best reveal was HD2.8 FCP at TGS. That and we get a taste of the KH3 graphics, thanks to XBC and 0.2BbSFP, and gameplay, thanks to 0.2BbSFP for the first time ever.

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The most exciting definitely had to be the KHIII E3 trailer revealing Sora in his new outfit in the new Tangled world.


KH 0.2 and KH3D being announced as KH 2.8 is a close second too. I seriously wasn't expecting KH 0.2 to be released and for KH3D to be re-released in HD.

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The KH3 trailer in E3, easily, though I did get pretty excited when BH6 was revealed, too (I was going to add Tangled but that was in the trailer).

Edited by littleTSUBAME

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