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Film Man Gets Attacked After Spoiling The Force Awakens to a Theater Crowd

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I'm really conflicted about this story, to be honest. On one hand, I am very much the kind of person who DESPISES being spoiled, especially about something I'm excited about. Thus, this side of me is very much saying that the moron had it coming.


On the other hand, beating up a dude for five straight minutes and putting him in emergency care just for spoiling a movie is straight up uncalled for. The punishment just doesn't fit the crime, no matter how many people he disappointed.


I suppose I'll just echo what others are saying: the scumbag deserved some repercussions for being a jerk and basically being a real life internet troll, but he definitely didn't deserve being sent to the hospital or getting beaten by three guys for five minutes. I don't think the dudes who beat the guy up deserved to be arrested as there was some justification, but the extent that they took it to definitely deserved some fines and maybe community service or something. 

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Wow that's disturbing. The guy who spoiled the movie for the others definitely brought it upon himself, he should have known full well his actions have consequences and he'd get what he has coming for him. Hopefully lesson learned though in that sense. However as cliche as it sounds, two wrongs don't make a right, sending a guy to the ICU over a movie and then not getting any repercussions doesn't seem justifiable to me, like someone else said, no assault does. :/

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That assault was not "justifiable", assault is assault. I understand that guy's a major piece of shit for doing that but beating him up for five minutes is not a justifiable punishment. Ban him from the theater, do whatever, but assault him? C'mon, how can violence seriously be the answer?


For the guy that spoiled the movie, let SammyClassicSonicFan talk to you:


Edited by Rocketboy227

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The article didn't say, but I'm pretty sure that if people were this mad, it would be...

Han's death.

Nothing else in the movie was as big of a spoiler as that was.

True. I was thinking he probably spoiled that too. The only other thing I could maybe think of is the whole

Rey being one with the Force and finding Luke Skywalker

but other than that I can't think of anything else.Still, I think the guy deserved to get his ass kicked, but not enough to be get sent to the damn hospital. Those three fans should've just knocked the guy's ass to the ground, give a few punches that he'll feel the next day and throw his dumbass out on the cold hard concrete outside so the police can give him a fine. I really like that those three gave that ass what he deserved but they took it way too far. I think it's cool that the police didn't get mad at them over it, however those three should've not beaten that guy up like that. Five straight minutes is way too far. Yeah, he definitely had it coming but still.

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Hmph, serves him right. Trying to be funny and it all backfires brutally on him. I bet he wishes he didn't spoil the ending now. He probably will be scared of any Star Wars fans should they come across him.


I hope a majority of people did not pay attention to him and not hear what he said.

Edited by KingdomHearts3

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