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----------<> Dreams <>----------

Have you ever WANTED to have a certain dream, but never got it?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Have you ever WANTED to have a certain dream, but never got it?

    • Yes, alot
    • Once or twice
    • Nope, never
    • never really thought about it

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I always dream, even if I'm not asleep for long. Usually mine are about something I really want to do, like go parachuting, or of something I read in a book, like once after reading the Last Olympian, I dreamed I was one of the Hunters of Artemis xD Ocassionaly I'll get a scary dream, usually something like from Goosebumps.

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i dream alot and mine have alot of bloodlust, money and women


i can understand that.

but if it's all in the same dream, then thats one M-rated dream


I always dream, even if I'm not asleep for long. Usually mine are about something I really want to do, like go parachuting, or of something I read in a book, like once after reading the Last Olympian, I dreamed I was one of the Hunters of Artemis xD Ocassionaly I'll get a scary dream, usually something like from Goosebumps.


lucky, dream parachuting would be so cool!

i've got alot of dreams i've wanted, which i won't explain to you because it would make me seem like a massive nerd

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Hmm .. I actually have a huge interest in dreams!

I even keep a special notebook next to my bed so that I can write down my dream just when I wake up, So what I won't forget them ^^


@ Liraxus .. Actually, you can control some dreams .. What are they called again ... hmm .. Lucid dreams I think .. but I'm not sure ^^


My dreams are usually creepy .. Both in the good and the bad way, and when they are .. they dream always, ALWAYS feels real. Which is kinda frightening while you're in that dream..

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Last night I had a dream that I was in the comic strip: "Bloom County" (Some of you may now it as "Opus").

I was in a political debate with Steve... about the distrubution between houseflies and elected officials o.o

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