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Possibility of multiple playable characters, different modes?

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Since the capabilities of the new gen consoles are huge, do you think square will add the option of multiple playable characters like in GTA 5 where you have the option to switch between characters at any given moment without backing out into the main menu. Playing as all 7 guardians of light would greatly improve the game, rather than playing only as Sora. I am not saying that Sora will be a bad character to play as, i am saying that the gameplay would significantly improve if we got to play as the 7 guardians of lights. 

Also do you guys think KH3 will include different modes such as darkness and light. Allowing you not only to play as the guardians of light, but but also the darkness like Xehanort and Xemnas etc etc.

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I honestly can't see them making a darkness/light mode, but as for multiple playable characters, yes. They did that on the DS, the PSP, and the 3Ds. What I'm hoping for is the ability to play as multiple lights in one complete storyline. Like, say, there are some characters you have to play for certain worlds; the tutorial you'll play as Kairi, traversing through worlds you'll play as Sora, going to fetch the seven lights you'll play as Riku, so on and so forth. You'll get the option to switch once you finish one chapter of the story.

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I have no doubt we'll be playing as several characters if not all the lights. Also since there may be a multiplayer mode we may get to play as everyone like in 358/2

Edited by Kalebninja almighty

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i think once you beat the game you should unlock a mode that allows you to play as other characters and get there sides of the story just a little bit of extra bosses and content nothing crazy like 7 whole new games in one. unless they do what many are speculating for f7 remake make it episodic from the others views  

Edited by Xeorizar

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Multiplayer will be a great addition to KH3. It'd be so awesome to fight other people. But I doubt it'll come considering they're taking forever with the SP aspect. Also I'm guessing it'd be KH2-esque in terms of multiple characters.

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What? Just cause you don't agree with it doesn't mean no one else wants that option. Sora will always be the meat of the action, but it would be nice to have that option of playing as at least Riku or Kairi. But it will be whatever they make it.

Edited by Hero of Light XIV

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What? Just cause you don't agree with it doesn't mean no one else wants that option. Sora will always be the meat of the action, but it would be nice to have that option of playing as at least Riku or Kairi. But it will be whatever they make it.

Not every game needs multiplayer, look at all the games that the devs added a shitty tacked on MP to like Tomb Raider, AC, Batman, etc. Some games are just better off staying a SP experience. Plus I have no faith in Square/Osaka to not firetruck it up. Maybe in future KH games after KH3 they can experiment around with that kinda thing but for now I just can't see how they could implement in a way that doesn't feel tacked on. 


Now of course if they do add MP to it and its actually fun I'll be the first person to admit I was wrong. :D

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Not every game needs multiplayer, look at all the games that the devs added a shitty tacked on MP to like Tomb Raider, AC, Batman, etc. Some games are just better off staying a SP experience. Plus I have no faith in Square/Osaka to not firetruck it up. Maybe in future KH games after KH3 they can experiment around with that kinda thing but for now I just can't see how they could implement in a way that doesn't feel tacked on. 


Now of course if they do add MP to it and its actually fun I'll be the first person to admit I was wrong. :D

Um, have you not played Days or BbS? Those had pretty fun MP, and they were well regarded by fans. After seeing that it works well, of course fans are going to want it to make a console experience, especially since it had to be left out of BbS for space saving reasons. If they have to scrap a MP idea for the sake of adding more content in KH3 I'll understand, but since they've done a good job with it in the past, I have full confidence that they will do a great job on it. Nomura wouldn't want anything added if he didn't think it would add to the experience, and if he's seriously considering it then there's a good chance it will work out. So I guess my feelings are reversed. I would love if it's a multiplayer experience in some shape or form, but if it turns out that they need to scrap it for the sake of more awesome things in a SP experience, well at least it will still be fun. But the way I see it it's kind of like stretch goals. If you can go further, then try to go further and go all the way with that. <3

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I'd rather for the majority of the game stick with Sora; keep things flowing in an organised manner ( pun not intended); however I strongly feel that the tutorial will feature either Young Xehanort/Young Eraqus to be playable ( personally I want YX due to the reason to make us connect to him a lot more, if we fully understand why he wants Kingdom Hearts then that makes the final battle more heated due to us knowing what we have to stop as the lights). Also I accept people want to play as Roxas/Riku etc again and that's fine; however I would like a system where at the Keyblade Graveyard we play as a specific light vs a specific darkness eg Riku vs Ansem or Aqua vs Braig, that would make the war more believable rather than Sora taking on all the darknesses and winning otherwise the point of the other 6 GOLs seems redundant. Then finally to conclude I'd have Sora vs Xehanort alone as was hinted during the Chess match. For me personally this would have a better feel rather than switching here there and everywhere

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I think that Nomura has already unknowingly announced multiplayable characters as he stated that BBS 0.2 was a part of KH3 at first.. I mean if they had not put that into 2.8 then we would have been able to play as Aqua the fragmentary episode in KH3. And maybe this is the way how they are going to put multiplayable characters in KH3.. playing them in several "episodes"

Edited by NoWay

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