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Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You Quiz

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I got Hercules.  Hm, I'm really surprised.  Normally I get Riku on these types of quizzes.  Plus, except for liking weapons, I don't think I'm anything like Hercules.  Although, I do question my worth at times.  But does Hercules ever do that?


Heh, I just took the Smash Brothers Character quiz and the Amiibo Character quiz for the heck of it, and both times I got Sheik.  "Your appearance has the tendency to hide who you really are" and "You're willing to go to great lengths to conceal your true identity."  That... actually sounds a lot like me! xD

Edited by mag77

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Okay, I filled this out, and based on the questions I answered, apparently I'm...Kairi! xD


Posted Image[/url]


Javelin, please don't come chasing after me!  I'm straight, I tell you, straight! X3 


Edit: Finally got the image to appear! :D

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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