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How much do you care about Cartoony graphics in a video game?


28 members have voted

  1. 1. How much do you care about Cartoony graphics in a video game?

    • I think it's awesome!
    • it's okay
    • meh, I don't really care about it much. I tend to focus on other things in the game like the story, gameplay, ect

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Zelda Windwaker has a cartoony style and in my opinion it has one of the best atmospheres I've ever experienced in a video game.

I love tales of vesperia's graphics because it is VERY similar to The Wind Waker's graphics. It comes very close to the wind waker's atmosphere :)

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I really like it when they make games with a cartoonish style, like just about every Nintendo Franchise, minus Metroid. And personally, I'd like to see some more 2D art style main Nintendo games. You know how much I loved Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story because of the Style? A lot. That game looked incredible, and the graphic design of the series has been synchronised with the mood of the games, the intensity never vanished when fighting any of the bosses for the first time even with that kind of graphics. You know why? Because it worked! If it was any different, its appeal might be different. I think that might be why TWEWY didn't sell as much as SE was hoping for: TWEWY's art style was kind of jumbled up at a few parts. I won't spoil any of the game, but yeah, the cutscenes and the gameplay graphics were a little different from each other, unlike M&L.


Basically, I'm saying, I think Cartoons graphics are awesome. :)



Rock on!

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Ultimately, it depends on the game. Design style IS important, because it captures the tone/atmosphere/spirit of the game or story in an immediate visual way. If a game works best with a cartoon style (I presume that means a game which has notably exaggerated designs like you'd expect in a kids' animated movie or comic strip), then go with it. If a game works best with a more realistic design style, like Call of Duty, then go with that.


Kingdom Hearts kinda needs a cartoony style due to the fact it features Disney characters and animesque Square Enix characters all over the place.


Though I will admit it would be interesting to see a game that's very cartoony in spirit but has realistic-looking settings and characters, and vice versa.

Edited by HeartlessAqua

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I don't care about graphics in any game.A game can have a realistic artstyle,cartoony artstyle or a unique one like the Yoshi Island series,I won't mind,as long as its fun to play that's all that matters to me.I'm currently playing Mega Man Legends for the first time and the game is ugly as hell,but I still like it,its fun to play.


The only time I can think where I didn't like a game because of the graphics is the IOS port of Final Fantasy VI because the sprites don't look as good as the original so it feels like a step backward.

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well i guess it depends on what kind of tone the game wants to have. i mean more often than not, games with a less realistic and more cartoon style are going to age very well, in terms of graphics. so they at least have that going for them. i don't mind them if they're in a game, and if it adds color and makes the game more vibrant and eye catching there's no harm.

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Just by reading the name of the topic I knew it was you who made it xD





Anyway, I don't mind, just like rikunobodyxiii said, the graphics must suit the game; he gave you the example of KH, but I'll give you an even more drastic one, Crash Bandicoot, can you imagine that without cartoon graphics? It depends on the game a lot.

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Anyway, I don't mind, just like rikunobodyxiii said, the graphics must suit the game; he gave you the example of KH, but I'll give you an even more drastic one, Crash Bandicoot, can you imagine that without cartoon graphics? It depends on the game a lot.

Man, either it would be ridiculously gory or very awkward, seeing a realistic bandicoot or bandicoot-human hybrid exploding and leaving behind his eyeballs.

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I don't really care about the graphics, since the gameplay is the main thing I tend to judge a game from. However, when it comes to artistic styles, I do prefer more light-hearted, colorful, and cartoony styles over dark and drab ones. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are good games to contrast in that regard. Wind Waker looks absolutely amazing thanks to its art style, but Twilight Princess just looks boring and edgy. I guess it fit since the whole game was going for the dark, edgy act, but that didn't make it more fun to look at.

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I don't really care about the graphics, since the gameplay is the main thing I tend to judge a game from. However, when it comes to artistic styles, I do prefer more light-hearted, colorful, and cartoony styles over dark and drab ones. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are good games to contrast in that regard. Wind Waker looks absolutely amazing thanks to its art style, but Twilight Princess just looks boring and edgy. I guess it fit since the whole game was going for the dark, edgy act, but that didn't make it more fun to look at.

I prefer the more cartoony styles too, but the only exception is Twilight Princess. 

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