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Arya Stark

With Hearts of Steel (Sign-Ups and Discussion)

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Pre-approved character. Would advise waiting to read his character sheet until after he introduces himself, for full reveal effect.




Character Sheet:

Name: Jin Nakamura

Agent Name: Draconis

Gender: Male

Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bd/e2/a1/bde2a178560fd789f9720243c0378825.jpg

Wearing black military fatigues

Armor Appearance: http://i.imgur.com/1X0wW6s.png&imgrefurl=https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37089-a-warframe-concept-the-dragon-20-%25E2%2580%2594-final-update-2092015/

Armor Enhancement: Infinity Generator; allows near unlimited power for suit abilities. Offensive; uses a powerful breath weapon that can be used in long range blasts or streams/cones. Can shift between a large array of different energy and elemental types.

Support; Can attach a "scale" to a friendly armor and divert energy to it, cause the armor to "supercharge".

Wings allow for flight.


Energy Axe: http://mqwiki.com/images/mqwiki.com/7/78/Energy_Axe.jpg

Plasma Pistol: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/0/06/SW_Plasma_Pistol.png/revision/latest?cb=20140810210126


Current Position on the Leaderboard: Bottom

Personality: Honorable, responsible, brutal, patient, disgraced, dedicated, and strategic.

Fighting Strengths and Weaknesses: Highly adaptable in both damage type and tactics. Heavier armor allows him to go toe to toe against most opponents. Breath weapon is powerful enough to proved good damage to all but the heavily armored. Good at strategy and coordination. Flight ability not as maneuverable compared to most other armors. Use of his "supercharge" ability requires him to not use his breath weapon. "Supercharge" can only be used for short periods on friendlies, or supercharged systems will overload.

Extra Stuff?: Armor changes color based on what energy he has selected.



Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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I stood up till 5 Am yesterday just playing that and holy shit.My mind is still in pieces right now. It was epic, sad, long. It was awesome.

Hell yeah. The last mission of the quest was just filled with reveals I didn't think we'd see.

I didn't notice till now but warhammer 40K weaponry ... Nice

Thank you. I had to pay homage to the granddaddy of armored space warriors in some way.

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