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Your favourite Japanese Square Enix game of last gen


21 members have voted

  1. 1. Your favourite Japanese Square Enix console game of last gen

    • Final Fantasy XIII
    • Thexder Neo
    • Star Ocean: The Last Hope
    • Nier
    • Front Mission Evolved
    • MindJack
    • Moon Diver
    • Final Fantasy XIII-2
    • Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
    • Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
    • Drakengard 3
    • The Last Remnant
    • Gyromancer
    • Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
    • Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon
    • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King
    • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
    • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord
    • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
    • Dragon Quest X

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From these I only played the XIII trilogy, so I'm gonna say XIII-2. I liked the other ones too, but XIII-2 just got things right in my opinion. The first game had a good story, but the gameplay was too repetitive for me. LR on the other hand had interesting gameplay but I found the main story a bit uninteresting and unnecessary (I enjoyed the smaller story arcs though).

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Since Star Ocean the Last Hope was a big disappointment as far as characters and story go, that leaves the XIII saga for me.  I think I have to give XIII-2 the slightest edge above XIII & LR though.  While I prefer the grand scheme of XIII's story and LR's gameplay and flow, character's are what really engross me into a game and the dynamic between Serah & Noel struck the right chord.  Any other game would have likely turned their friendship into a love story at some point, and I was expecting it to happen throughout the entire game (as illogical as that relationship would have been) just to satisfy fan boys/girls who would want the love story to happen; but it never happened , and I was extremely pleased with how their relationship played out.  Caius is also worth an honorable mention as he is one of the best developed villains in the FF series (not to mention the strongest FF villain).

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Final Fantasy XIV.


Though looking at that list, it really doesn't highlight that Square Enix had all that great of a 360/PS3/Wii generation. I enjoyed games like Nier, Drakengard and uh one of the CC games on Wii, but overall nothing to rave home about.


Well except XIV and even then I played it for a year or so on PS3 before upgrading to the PS4 version early this year.

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FFXIII. My favourite videogame saga is The Lightning Saga, so it is actually a draw between FFXIII, FFXIII-2 and FFXIII: LR, but if I had to choose one of them as the best, that would probably be the first one.



Edit: I must say that FFCC: Echoes of Time was also an excellent title.

Edited by Xamtehwt MC (Trece)

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Final Fantasy XIV.


Though looking at that list, it really doesn't highlight that Square Enix had all that great of a 360/PS3/Wii generation. I enjoyed games like Nier, Drakengard and uh one of the CC games on Wii, but overall nothing to rave home about.


Well except XIV and even then I played it for a year or so on PS3 before upgrading to the PS4 version early this year.


Well that's because of a few things.


They originally had a Mana game for Wii but the World of Mana bombed and then Koichi Ishii left. Plus they had more Dragon Quest for Wii in Japan.

This doesn't include ports, emulation or remasters and Square Enix had plenty of good, great, even amazing titles receive one of these treatments.

Crystal Tools delayed many projects.

Nomura couldn't get Versus XIII's direction right.

Hiroyuki Ito had his next game in development (almost certain to have been XV, now XVI) but then XIV had to be rebuilt and his team was needed for it.

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Well that's because of a few things.


They originally had a Mana game for Wii but the World of Mana bombed and then Koichi Ishii left. Plus they had more Dragon Quest for Wii in Japan.

This doesn't include ports, emulation or remasters and Square Enix had plenty of good, great, even amazing titles receive one of these treatments.

Crystal Tools delayed many projects.

Nomura couldn't get Versus XIII's direction right.

Hiroyuki Ito had his next game in development (almost certain to have been XV, now XVI) but then XIV had to be rebuilt and his team was needed for it.

Naturally they had a few stumbles along the way. The ports, remasters and handheld games were where SE were far stronger at delivering. Buying out Eidos wasn't a bad bit of business either from them.


Looking forward into this current PS4/X1 (and even PC) generation, I think SE are in a far better place. Titles like Setsuna, World of FF, KH3, Nier Automata, future updates to FFXIV, Dissidia, and of course FFXV are all titles I can say that I am genuinely excited for.

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