GothicSlenderman 173 Posted November 20, 2015 Before I say anything I just want to make it clear. I am a fan of Nintendo's work and this post is not at all meant to generate hate. I grew up on almost all sides of the "console war" I owned an NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, WiiU, DS, Gameboy, GBA, 3DS and while most of you may not believe me I also own a Virtual Boy. I have owned a PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 & PSP. I have played on the Xbox & Xbox 360 and I sometimes dabble with PC Gaming every now and then. So I don't want people to think I'm just a fanboy or a troll attempting to generate a flame war. Just a simple debate or maybe explanation. I love Nintendo but I feel as if they really need to improve. So I've noticed something through out the years of being a gamer and there's something bugging me. It feels like Nintendo gets a free pass. And when I say free pass I don't mean the media, yes the media will always focus on the "more powerful" competitors like the PS4 & Xbox One. But it feels like the fans let Nintendo get away with more than they should. Here are some good examples. 1. Whenever the PS4 or Xbox One is weaker than one or the other people go insane. But they let Nintendo, a company who has been in the business fairly longer than both of them be a generation weaker. -The Gameboy didn't get a back light up until 2003 with the GBA but the SEGA Game gear was built with a back light. There was the Gameboy Light released in 1999...only in Japan. 2. Technically the NES was weaker than the SEGA MAster System but the only reason it sold so well was because Nintendo made it difficult for 3rd Party Developers to release games on other systems but the NES 3. The N64 with cartridges as the PS1 had DVD disc. Need I also have to mention that FFVII was originally going to be a 64 title but was moved over to the PS1 because Square thought the system wasn't powerful enough to capture their vision. And they were right, FFVII became one of the best selling PS1 titles. 4. The Gamecube used mini DVD Disc limiting the system so many companies wanted to focus on the Xbox & PS2 (quick reminder the PS2 became the world's best selling video game console selling over 125 Million Units and it wasn't even the most powerful system of that generation. That tile goes to the Xbox) This is why many story driven games like Silent Hill, Kingdom Hearts & Most Final Fantasy games from FFVII to FVXII were Playstation Exclusive. 5. The Wii was the first time people could visibly see the difference between it and it's competitors. It sold amazingly but even Shigeru Miyamoto ha said that he regrets not making the Wii an HD system. The Wii became home to many great games but also was home to many cash grabs like Licensed games, Pets Cats, ect. 6. I don't realy have to say anything about the Wii U besides that less 3rd Party Developers are developing for while at the same time are making bigger games on on the next generation systems. ZombiU was originally exclusive up until it was ported to other systems recently under the name Zombi You could argue that power doesn't matter and you can still have a powerful system with no games to play and a weak system with better games to play. But here's the thing, more power = bigger games. Remember when I mentioned FFVII and how it became one of the PS1's best selling titles? Remember when I mentioned Silent Hill, Kingdom Hearts & some of the other Final Fantasy games? Then people go on about that the Wii U has more exclusives than the PS4 & Xbox One and they barely have any exclusives. While I feel like both the PS4 & Xbox One need more exclusives at least PS4/Xbox One players can get Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XV, Minecraft, Fallout 4, Grand Theft Auto V & multiple other titles. Also while I'm not going to tell people what they can or cannot buy but I personally the Amiibos are just glorified on disc DLC. And not to say I won't try to get my hands on a Lucina amiibo for she is my Waifu .3. You pay for a game and you should be able to access all of the data on the disc right? So why do I need a Link Amiibo to get the Spinner weapon? Why do I need the Chibi-Robo Amiibo to play as Super Chibi-Robo? Why do I need the Ike, Marth, Robin & Lucina Amiibos to play as them in Project S.T.E.A.M.? Many people have argued that "the content isn't that big" or "is not required" But most normal DLC isn't required unless you look at some Activision or EA Games. And it shouldn't matter if the content is big, small, required or not you still technically purchased the product so why make another purchase to access it? Now you could also argue that maybe you happened to by the amiibo before you new it was compatible with the game you just bought. But none the less you still need that Amiibo to access the content so it is still an extra purchase. Many people also say that you could just collect the amiibos and not use them. And that's fine, (as I already said I'm getting that Lucina Amiibo for that exact reason for she best waifu .3.)but not everyone buys the same product for the same reason. Then there's Nintendo Badge Arcade. A game where you collect badges to put on your 3DS or New 3DS home page. The first 5 plays are free but here's what gets me, you have to pay $1 to get 5 more tries. In other words = Microtransactions. Now you could argue that you could play the Practice part of the game and get more tries from that but then why do they even have the option to buy more tries with real money if you could just practice? So you don't have to wait? Just like EA's Mobile game "Dungeon Keeper" where you continue but something might be blocking your path. You can either pay to continue or wait the time for the time to end. Nintendo Badge Arcade - First it's free but then you can either pay $1 for 5 more tries or play the practice round. EA's Dungeon Keeper - First it's free but then you can either pay a certain amount of money to continue or wait for the time to end. I've heard many arguments like "It's barley even a game so what does it matter?" Like the on disc DLC thing the content could be big, small, required or not required it's still microtransactions. "It's not Mario or Zelda so what does it matter?" Following that logic then Dungeon Keepers is fine because it's not Dead Space or Alice Madness Returns. And I'm sure that if Mario or Zelda or Pokemon got microtransactions everyone will just submit to it and find some way to defend it. Square Enix Cancels a FAN 3D remake of Chrono Trigger - "You guys are the worst!" SEGA Cancels a FAN Hd remake of Streets of Rage - "How dare they?!" Nintendo cancels a FAN HD recreation of ONE level of Super Mario 64 - "Nintendo's right to do this!" REALLY? So when it's Nintendo it's fine? That's the logic I'm hearing at least. Now I'm not going to get into copyright laws or fair use because even if I did, you see how fans react when it's Square or SEGA but have to complete opposite reaction when it's Nintendo. Some people have said that it's because Mario 64 was getting released on the Wii U virtual console and they didn't want the remake to shift the sales. But how does that make any sense? 1. It's a remake of one level. 2. Mario 64 has been released multiple times before. So even it if did shift the sales I don't think it would be that much of a loss compared to things like Smash 4, Splatoon or Mario Kart 8. Then we have the "rip off" label. To me Playstation Allstars is the same idea to Smash but it's executed differently with being able to defeat your opponents with an allstar move instead of throughing them outside of the arena. Amiibo is the same idea to Skylanders or Disney Infinity but it's executed differently with the amiibos being used in more than just one game and aren't used for just characters. But can you guess which one is called the rip off and which is called either completely original or just inspired? Sonic & SEGA Allstars Racing & Crash Nitro Kart - RIP OFF OF MARIO KART Mario Kart gets the jumping mechanic from CNK - OMG They were inspired! (Most likely they were but you're getting my point though right?) LittleBigPlanet - MARIO RIPOFF (How? Because they're platformers?) Then we have the stupid argument with "Nintendo did it first" So following that logic Megaman, Pacman, Rayman, Sonic the Hedgehog, Earthworm Jim, LittleBigPlanet, Super Meat Boy, Shovel Knight and even some of Nintendo's other series like Kirby & Donkey Kong are ripping off Mario because they're all 2D platoformers but Mario did it first. That also means that Earthbound & Pokemon are ripping off Final Fantasy because they did the turn based RPG "first" that also means that Splatoon, Halo & Call of Duty were ripping off Wolfenstein 3D because they're all shooters but Wolfenstein 3D did it first. "All you see from PS4 & Xbox Ones are just remasters" There are a couple of remasters/remakes but don't even think that Nintendo isn't guilty of this as well. (And I'm not calling these bad games by all means but I'm bringing them up to prove a point) Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, Ocarina of Time 3D, Majora's Mask 3D and the only original Zelda game coming in this generation is the unnamed Wii U title. Starfox 64 3D, Mario 64 DS, Pikmin released on the Wii, ect. All 3 of the big 1st Party developers are guilty of the remastered thing. "Nintendo should buy Banjo-Kazooie, Sonic & Megaman. They would make better games" 1. Sonic & Megaman have been multiplatform for years and there are many PS, Xbox & PC gamers who love these characters just as much as you do so why ruin the fun for them? 2. Nintendo can barley even balance their own IPs with at least 3 Mario games each year and I'm ok with spinoffs but raise of hands. How many people would rather play "Mario Ultra Tennis" on Wii U than a new Metroid or F-Zero game? 3. Nintendo recently made a new IP, Splatoon...14 years after they made their 2nd most recent IP being Pikmin. 14 YEARS! 4. Why haven't we seen Punch-Out! come back after the 2009 game? Where's Star Tropics, Metroid after Metroid the Other M, Earthbound, Balloon Fight, Ice Climbers, Golden Sun, ect. There's Starfox Zero...2 generations after the last Starfox game. And where's F-Zero? From what I recall Nintendo had said they want to continue the series when they think of a way to innovate it but is it really going to take over 2 gaming generations to do this? An Indie game is already bringing back the F-Zero formula being Fast Racing Neo and Nintendo even showed this game off in their most recent Direct. If it's been so long then there might not be a need to add something new sense Fast Racing Neo is already popular by a lot of people. What I'm trying to say is before Nintendo even considers to buy other IPs they need to balance out their own. So idk what to expect in the comments below. I'm either going to get rational responses telling me whether or not the commenter agrees or disagrees. Or a flame war where I'm just referred as a Troll or Fanboy. One again I was not trying to cause any trouble I just wanted to speak my mind and see if anyone else agreed or disagreed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlankShell 638 Posted November 20, 2015 I don't agree with you in that people ALWAYS give Nintendo a free pass... they've gotten a lot of crap for it, especially when the PS4/XBO were released. But also there's the general sense from Nintendo that "haters gonna hate". Even though they say they listen to fan feedback (and they might make that more of a priority going forward) Nintendo will always just do its own thing. Sometimes that will really capture the audience they're going for (Wii, DS) and other times it... won't. Part of it's culture/corporate structure, part of it's just them. They've never quite listened to what anybody has to say, and people might not be able to tell the difference if they did. So they don't get a free pass (although they sometimes do from some people!) so much as that kind of feedback isn't what they're looking for in the first place. 1 PillowHead reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GothicSlenderman 173 Posted November 20, 2015 I don't agree with you in that people ALWAYS give Nintendo a free pass... they've gotten a lot of crap for it, especially when the PS4/XBO were released.But also there's the general sense from Nintendo that "haters gonna hate". Even though they say they listen to fan feedback (and they might make that more of a priority going forward) Nintendo will always just do its own thing. Sometimes that will really capture the audience they're going for (Wii, DS) and other times it... won't. Part of it's culture/corporate structure, part of it's just them.They've never quite listened to what anybody has to say, and people might not be able to tell the difference if they did. So they don't get a free pass (although they sometimes do from some people!) so much as that kind of feedback isn't what they're looking for in the first place. Yeah, I know Nintendo doesn't get a free pass all the time. There are a lot of Nintendo fans including myself that understand that Nintendo isn't perfect. No one really is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philip Ellwell 5,487 Posted November 21, 2015 (edited) The Wii does have a crap load of licensed movie tie in games on it, though: Tangled, Wreck it Ralph, How To Train Your Dragon, Rise of The Guardians, Cars, Toy Story, Spiderwick, Coraline, Disney Princess, and Brave all have games on it, just for starters. The rest I can't really comment on, as I A. Have limtted knowledge on systems and B. Don't want to start anything. Edited November 21, 2015 by Jack Vladimir Frost 1 PillowHead reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KairiKeybasH 851 Posted November 21, 2015 About the Amiibo and the rip off part here's a little piece of history... Skylanders was meant to be a Nintendo exclusive game, but, Nintendo rejected the idea. I think Nintendo just wanted to use the CONCEPT not beacuse of how successful, the other Toys to Life games are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GothicSlenderman 173 Posted November 21, 2015 About the Amiibo and the rip off part here's a little piece of history... Skylanders was meant to be a Nintendo exclusive game, but, Nintendo rejected the idea. I think Nintendo just wanted to use the CONCEPT not beacuse of how successful, the other Toys to Life games are. I didn't know that. But I wasn't trying to call them ripoffs just trying to show that the ripoff label a lot of people have usually isn't something thats not really a ripoff like PSASBR Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdomhe 1,362 Posted November 21, 2015 "Nintendo should buy Banjo-Kazooie, Sonic & Megaman. They would make better games" 1. Sonic & Megaman have been multiplatform for years and there are many PS, Xbox & PC gamers who love these characters just as much as you do so why ruin the fun for them? 2. Nintendo can barley even balance their own IPs with at least 3 Mario games each year and I'm ok with spinoffs but raise of hands. How many people would rather play "Mario Ultra Tennis" on Wii U than a new Metroid or F-Zero game? 3. Nintendo recently made a new IP, Splatoon...14 years after they made their 2nd most recent IP being Pikmin. 14 YEARS! 4. Why haven't we seen Punch-Out! come back after the 2009 game? Where's Star Tropics, Metroid after Metroid the Other M, Earthbound, Balloon Fight, Ice Climbers, Golden Sun, ect. There's Starfox Zero...2 generations after the last Starfox game. And where's F-Zero? From what I recall Nintendo had said they want to continue the series when they think of a way to innovate it but is it really going to take over 2 gaming generations to do this? An Indie game is already bringing back the F-Zero formula being Fast Racing Neo and Nintendo even showed this game off in their most recent Direct. If it's been so long then there might not be a need to add something new sense Fast Racing Neo is already popular by a lot of people. What I'm trying to say is before Nintendo even considers to buy other IPs they need to balance out their own. i agree with you for roughly most of this, but the reason why sonic fans want nintendo to buy him is because sega is drunk and on the path they are going on at the moment will lead to the death of sonic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cyber Shaman 990 Posted November 21, 2015 i agree with you for roughly most of this, but the reason why sonic fans want nintendo to buy him is because sega is drunk and on the path they are going on at the moment will lead to the death of sonic.*Sanic* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MythrilMagician 6,963 Posted November 21, 2015 I believe that FFVII was moved from N64 to PS due to storage problems, not power. That's what I heard, but that's besides the point. The thing is, unfortunately, that not many people pay attention to Nintendo anymore. And like you said, many of those that do, praise them, though I haven't seen or heard if any of these people. Nintendo is a great company and deserves better. Power does mean bigger games, but that also means more costs (an apparent reason why the Vita failed). Nintendo does have a number of repetitive franchises, but unlike other companies, they try to be innovative. I do believe that you do have a Virtual Boy and despite its failure, I believe its living proof of Nintendo's efforts. They tried something new. Same goes for the Wii. The U might have stretched it, but nonetheless, it's something different. Marketing is what makes a company. And while Nintendo has it well, they have become the Apple of video gaming in regards to operations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdomhe 1,362 Posted November 21, 2015 *Sanic* yes my misstate. *sanic fans want nindendo to buy him is because saga is drunk* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GothicSlenderman 173 Posted November 21, 2015 I believe that FFVII was moved from N64 to PS due to storage problems, not power. That's what I heard, but that's besides the point. The thing is, unfortunately, that not many people pay attention to Nintendo anymore. And like you said, many of those that do, praise them, though I haven't seen or heard if any of these people. Nintendo is a great company and deserves better. Power does mean bigger games, but that also means more costs (an apparent reason why the Vita failed). Nintendo does have a number of repetitive franchises, but unlike other companies, they try to be innovative. I do believe that you do have a Virtual Boy and despite its failure, I believe its living proof of Nintendo's efforts. They tried something new. Same goes for the Wii. The U might have stretched it, but nonetheless, it's something different. Marketing is what makes a company. And while Nintendo has it well, they have become the Apple of video gaming in regards to operations. Now that I think about it, I think it was storage but moved the game over to the PS1. But none the less, I personally believe Nintendo does deserve the best just like Microsoft, Sony & the PC gaming Community. I want them to be successful and direct the future of gaming like the PS4 & Xbox One. And that's the one thing I like about Nintendo is their innovation. Even though not all of their ideas worked and sometimes they can come off as gimmicky, but I still love Nintendo for what it is. yes my misstate. *sanic fans want nindendo to buy him is because saga is drunk* Yeah and SEGA needs to focus on their other IPs. I mean when's the last time we've seen a new Comix Zone, Ristar or Nights game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isaix 924 Posted November 21, 2015 You don't need powerful hardware to make great games and bigger games doesn't mean better games.Whether a game is great or not is a matter of personnal opinion anyway,to me Super Mario 64 is the best Mario game and it was on the N64,no Mario games that came out after it ever surpassed it despite being on more powerful hardware.I've also heard that Xenoblade Chronicles X has a much bigger world then other open world games on PS4.Sure the more power the better but its not required to make great,the issue with Nintendo having a weaker console though is the lack of 3rd party support. Amiibo are a problem when they act as physical DLC I agree,I don't like that you need them to unlock stuff like in the Mega Man collection or Hyrule Warriors,but in a other games like Smash bros, Mario Tennis or Yoshi Woolly World I think they work just fine and its cool to have a figurine of your favorite Nintendo characters. I think people are not harsh on Nintendo for their remasters because the don't do them has often and they always have cool extras like more playable characters in Mario 64 DS or the Mirroir Master Quest in Ocarina of Time 3D.And in some cases like Twilight Princess HD(and maybe Majora Mask 3D I'm not sure)it happened because fans asked for it. As for the people who says that Crash Racing and Sonic and Allstar racing transformed are Mario Kart rip off,they are right because they were made to capitalized on Mario Kart's succes,but I'm positive Nintendo take ideas from other companies as well.I'm sure Nintendo take ideas from games like Skyrim or Fallout for Zelda Wii U. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shulk 8,623 Posted November 21, 2015 Couldn't read the rest of this after reading your first point. Don't know where you've been if you haven't seen how much crap the Wii U gets for not having hardware on par with PS4 and Xbox One. Nintendo's gotten a lot of criticism this generation. Not sure how you could have possibly missed that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2 quid is good 2,209 Posted November 21, 2015 (edited) Yeah and SEGA needs to focus on their other IPs. I mean when's the last time we've seen a new Comix Zone, Ristar or Nights game?Sega has many, many, many problems with the way that have handled their IPs and treated their fans, all of which have been discussed to death and none of which can be summarised in this sentence. Although yeah, sega does need to look at other IPs the least they can do is get Sonic down pat before they start firetrucking up all their others. Edited November 21, 2015 by 2 quid is good Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MythrilMagician 6,963 Posted November 21, 2015 *Sanic* yes my misstate. *sanic fans want nindendo to buy him is because saga is drunk*[/size] 2 2 quid is good and Kingdomhe reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2 quid is good 2,209 Posted November 21, 2015 Your member title is oddly fitting for that post 1 MythrilMagician reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites