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Things you never thought you'd ever hear/say

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As the title says. Quote things that you never thought you'd ever hear, but you have, or that you'd ever say, but you have. Example:


Things I never thought I'd ever say:


"Would you two stop drugging me dammit?!"




"Lady, they drugged me, stripped me naked and threw me into a fighting arena to DIE."


Things I never thought I'd ever hear:


"Protect me while I tweet Snoop Dog."




Your turn. I'll add more when I remember. Have fun.






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Things I never thought I'd ever say:


"No I don't want to eat McDonalds."


Things I never thought I'd ever hear:


"Donald Trump wants to build a wall between America and the USA."


"Cloud is coming to Smash"

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Things I never thought I'd ever say:


"I'm gonna marry my Violin, and we'll have a daughter named Viola"


Things I never thought I'd ever hear:


"You'd make a great gynecologist"

Edited by catmaster0116

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