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Cute Baby Topic

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That random accented 'E' is amazing.


And to respond to the actual topic, babies are always cute~! Actually, my aunt recently gave birth to twins, so now I have two new cousins. They're both cute, though the photo we got of them was amazing. One looked like they were in a state of awe at the world, and the other looked like they were heavily questioning something at that moment. Either way, I can't wait to actually meet them.

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Awww, I just love babies!! <3 Have always had a dream of having at least twins or (if I'm lucky) triplets!!! X3 Boys, of course. They're awesome!! :D


Where I work, it instantly makes my day when a baby or toddler waves at me or smiles when I say hi. On a couple of occasions, they even blew little kisses!! Sooo sweet! :3<3

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And to reply to the real topic, infants are continually cute~! Actually, my aunt currently gave start to twins, so now I actually have two new cousins. They're both lovable, although the picture we got of them was tremendous. One appeared like they were in a country of awe at the arena, and the opposite gave the impression of they were heavily questioning something at that second. Either manner, I can not wait to simply meet them.


And to reply to the real topic, infants are continually cute~! Actually, my aunt currently gave start to twins, so now I actually have two new cousins. They're both lovable, although the picture we got of them was tremendous. One appeared like they were in a country of awe at the arena, and the opposite gave the babywalksguide at impression of they were heavily questioning something at that second. Either manner, I can not wait to simply meet them.

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