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KH3 could have collector's edition exclusive DLC

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Which is stupid. I wish a 'collector's edition exclusive DLC' wasn't possible for KH3, though considering many people are going to buy KH3 and Square can make more money this way, it certainly is possible.

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Which is stupid. I wish a 'collector's edition exclusive DLC' wasn't possible for KH3, though considering many people are going to buy KH3 and Square can make more money this way, it certainly is possible.


Agreed. I've already spoken to Square Enix about this to make sure it doesn't happen again.

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Agreed. I've already spoken to Square Enix about this to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Good. Hopefully they listen and make it so either it doesn't happen, or if it does, it ends up being a cheap DLC(s) that is available to everyone.

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While this may be the case, I'm sincerely hoping that we don't have to buy DLC.  I mean, don't get me wrong, if that ends up being the route Square will go down, I'll definitely buy any KHIII DLC that they'd dish up!


But honestly, when you think about it, Square should really be careful.  Because with so much time they've spent making the game, a lot of people would be really mad if Square announced DLC.  We'd hear comments like: "Wait, so KHIII isn't a complete game?  Why not just put the DLC as part of the game instead of just having to make us buy it?"  Honestly, with how big KHIII is going to be, it really shouldn't merit the need for DLC at all!  If anything, at most we'd probably see character skin DLC's, like maybe Sora with clothes of a specific Final Fantasy character, or something like that, ya know?


Well, we'll see what the future holds!

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If KH gets DLC stuff I assume it would be aesthetic stuff, like Destiny is doing now. KH 3 has no World Hub (as far as we know) so i doubt they'd give anything that makes anyone have an advantage. But I have a strong feeling that there will be actual multiplayer whether it's co-op or something else remains to be seen. Fallout 4 just came out and did some Collector stuff. They gave you a Pip-Boy. I hope Kingdom Hearts goes this way. Maybe give us a Keyblade or something? Artwork, Soundtrack? There's a lot of possibilities because we don't have enough information about gameplay yet.

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Just... Just no. Atleast try to keep KH away from all this DLC bull D: Its the one series that hasnt done it yet (unless you count final mixes although those are separate versions of the games anyway). Well you get the point. Free updates for the game? Im fine with that. Pay 10 bucks to unlock a new keyblade? Wheres my shotgun? >_>  

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