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Final Fantasy 1 takes place during the 'Hero's fall Time line' where the Hero is defeated....that leads into 'A link to the past...


during that time since there was no Hero in green to take up the blade, the prophecy speaks of calling upon 4 heroes of light to battle against the evil Ganon whom had disguised himself as the fallen Knight Garland....his plan? To wind back time to assume his incarnate form 'Chaos' which is also a form that parallel's Demise from Skyward Sword.....and from there to delete the events of Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword so that his predecessor Demise was never defeated.


Atfer some time the Land in FF1 reclaimed it's former name....'Hyrule' which leads into....."A link to the Past"


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Edited by catmaster0116

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Wow, he is behind a tree and they think he's dead. Not the first time I have seen such a scenario where one is supposedly dead, but secretly faked death and is alive.

Don't know if your serious or going along with the joke, but that's an elf.

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