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KHUX HELP! I think I've restarted my game!

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What should I do??? I accidentally pressed the icon on the top right of the menu screen, then a message appeared and I don't know what it was saying, so I pressed "OK". Now it's reloading the game again! Does this means that I have lost my previous datas? I really need my old account back!! HELP!

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Warning/Pretext statement: I don't play UX and never have. So I could be wrong, so please discredit anything I say, and listen to the people who play UX.


Let's first see if you indeed delete your data. Load up the game as normal and see if you get the "new account" prompts. If you don't get those, it's likely that your old account is still saved on the device. 


If it prompts you to make a new account, did you back up your game? If you did, load the game/create a new account and go to the main menu as normal. Then go to "データ引き継ぎ画面" then "データ引き継ぎ"  (c/p from Kazr's post over on KHI). Follow the instructions and yea, you should have your account back if everything works out.


If you happen to be in a party, if you have outside contact with your party members/leader, have your party members/leader check if you still are in the party or not. I'm not 100% sure if this works or not. 


If you didn't back up your game and it prompts you to make a new account... then I'd say to start anew. A fresh slate isn't a bad thing. 


Like I said, I'm no expert in this, so other people please respond to confirm/deny. 

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Not to worry - if I'm thinking of the same button you pressed, that's not a restart game button, it's for 'downloading resources to repair', whatever that means. I accidentally did the same thing myself last month and nothing happened, so I think you should be fine. Has the download finished?


(And if you haven't done so yet, may I recommend backing up your account? peace of mind is never a bad thing o/) 

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Thanks for the help guys!

I have finished the download and nothing happened. THANK GOD!And yeah, I'll definitely back up my account in case I really do something that freaks me out again. 

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Thanks for the help guys!

I have finished the download and nothing happened. THANK GOD!And yeah, I'll definitely back up my account in case I really do something that freaks me out again. 


That's great to hear! I'm glad things worked out in the end :D

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Hey Guys, 


I had unfortunately uninstalled the game.. and when I reinstalled it my account was gone. I was hoping it got backed up to google play but it does not but instead facebook. I had contacted square-enix support but they require my player ID and since there is no search function in the game, I am not able to locate my previous account. Which is very depressing...

Do any of you guys know any other way to help me? Asking while desperate. 

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